high school

HIGH SCHOOL Welcome Faculty 99 Educators 63 Bachelor 21 M. Ed. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PONCHATOULA HIGH SCHOOL Welcome Faculty 99 Educators 63 Bachelor 21 M. Ed. 13 M. Ed. +30 2 Ph.D. 7 National Board Certification AP Courses Advanced Placement (AP) Environmental Science Advanced Placement (AP)


  2. Faculty • 99 Educators • 63 Bachelor • 21 M. Ed. • 13 M. Ed. +30 • 2 Ph.D. • 7 National Board Certification

  3. AP Courses • Advanced Placement (AP) Environmental Science • Advanced Placement (AP) Physics 1 algebra-based • Advanced Placement (AP) Physics 2 algebra-based

  4. Dual Enrollment/Early Start SLU Course SLU Course PHS Class Fall Term Spring Term Adv. Math Pre-Cal* Math 161 Math 162 Adv. Math Statistics * Math 161 Math 241 American History* History 202 World History* History 101 French II Spanish II Span 101 Span 102 Biology II * Biology 151 Chemistry II * Chemistry 101 Fine Arts Survey Music App 151 English IV * English 102 English 101 Psychology PSYC 101

  5. Industry-Based Certifications • Pharmacy Tech • First Responder • Customer Service • ProStart • Welding • Vet Tech Assistant • Microsoft Office Specialist

  6. PHS Stats 2011 2012 2013 2014 College Credit Hours Earned 402 1461 1815 1416 Number of College Classes 134 487 605 472 Scholarship Totals $3,036,609 $3,695,395 $3,045,250 $3,977,131 Scholarship amount $1,036,705 $1,535.883 $993,642 $881,027 Anticipated TOPS amount $1,999,904 $2,159,512 $2,051,608 $3,096,104

  7. How do I enroll my child? Champ Cooper and PJHS Automatically roll-over Other schools Make an appointment with your school counselor. Complete Majority-Minority Application (TPSS website). http://www.tangischools.org/Page/9262 Must reapply each year Available Feb / Deadline June Complete new student enrollment packet (on website). http://www.tangischools.org/Page/541 • Original Full Birth Certificate or a Certified Copy • Current Immunization Record - MCH 14 (White Card) Preferred • Social Security Card • Verification of Residence (Bills w/ a service location – Entergy, Gas, Water, Cable) • Proof of Guardianship (Domiciliary parent) 8 th grade report card • • LEAP scores

  8. Once my child is a PHS student, what is expected of him/her? Our goal is for students to become actively involved in both the academic and extra-curricular programs. Join clubs. Attend sporting events. Attend our drama and musical productions. Perform to the best of their ability academically. Bellwork, Homework, Studying Show exemplary behavior. Hallway movement, courteous, polite

  9. What are the educational options? Louisiana Graduation Requirements

  10. End of Course Test Students must pass three End of Course tests to graduate. English II or English III Algebra I or Geometry Biology I or American History * EOC Test will count as 15% of the final grade.

  11. Louisiana’s Taylor Opportunity Program for Students TOPS • A series of merit-based scholarships that award amounts equal to tuition, some including a stipend, at a state public college, university, community college or technical school, (or the weighted average of public school tuition at certain in-state private colleges).  TOPS Opportunity, Performance, and Honors Awards  8 semesters of college tuition  TOPS Tech Award  2 years of technical college tuition Source: http://www.osfa.la.gov/

  12. http://www.osfa.la.gov/MainSitePDFs/TOPSCoreCurriculum2018.pdf

  13. http://www.osfa.la.gov/MainSitePDFs/TOPST echCoreCurriculum.pdf

  14. TOPS Award Amounts http://www.osfa.la.gov/MainSitePDFs/TOPS_Tuition_Amounts.pdf Average Annual Award $4,648.00

  15. Overview of TOPS Requirements TOPS TOPS TOPS Oppurtunity, Tech Tech Performance, Option 1 Option 2 Honors √ 4 year college √ √ √ 2 year college √ √ √ Technical college TOPS Core Curriculum 19 units 17 units 19 units TOPS GPA 2.5 2.5 2.5 ACT 20 17 17

  16. What is the Ninth Grade Academy?

  17. PHS Map

  18.  Designed for FIRST-time freshmen  Helps students to transition from 8 th grade into high school  Allows students to develop great learning habits  Assists students with making the right choices  Students placed with a team of caring teachers who use the best instructional strategies to teach the curriculum  Teams meet EVERYDAY in order to focus more on students’ individual needs • Zone Program • Attendance Reward Program  Conferences are scheduled during teaming time  Students  Parents  Administrators/Counselors

  19. What will the schedule look like? 9 th grade schedule English I or English II Algebra I or Geometry Environmental Science or Biology American History PE I or ROTC I Intro to BCA Elective

  20. 9 th Grade Electives Agriscience I Allied Health I Art I Basic Wood Technology Intermediate Band Beginning Choir FCS – Family and Consumer Science I French I (teacher recommendation) Principles of Business Spanish I (teacher recommendation) Theatre I

  21. Honors Course Criteria A student must meet three of the five criteria yearly for the subject area requested. 1. Minimum overall GPA of 2.8 2. Minimum subject area average of 3.0 3. Teacher Recommendation 4. Student Self-evaluation 5. Test Scores Mastery or Advanced on LEAP Excellent or Good on EOC test in subject area

  22. When will schedules be completed? PJHS – 3/26 & 3/27 Champ Cooper – 4/2

  23. Individual Graduation Plans According to the Career Options Law, every student must have an Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) on file at the school. The plan is initiated in 8 th grade and will be updated each year. The IGP shall be signed by the student and parent or legal guardian each year. The IGP reflects the curriculum pathway and the recommended sequence of elective courses. The IGP is flexible, yet sufficiently structured, to ensure that a student will meet the high school requirements for admission to a postsecondary education institution or enter the workforce.

  24. http://www.tangischools.org/domain/1796

  25. P onchatoula H igh C ounselors now have a facebook page. and/or “friend us” to receive News feeds on: 1. Important dates/events/meetings 2. Financial aid/scholarship updates 3. Testing information, including ACT dates 4. Information on upcoming scheduling for 2014-2015 5. Updates, announcements from the Counselors https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ponchatoula-High-Counselors/597516756968897?ref=hl

  26. Principal Danny Strickland Ninth Grade Academy Counselors • A-D Melanie Monistere Denise Latour melanie.monistere@tangischools.org denise.Latour@tangischools.org • E-K Orlisa DePhillips orlisa.dephillips@tangischools.org • L-Q Katharine Meadors katharine.meadors@tangischools.org • R-Z Tommie Robertson tommie.robertson@tangischools.org

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