hidden surface removal visibility of primitives

Hidden surface removal Visibility of primitives Clipping algorithms - PDF document

Hidden surface removal Visibility of primitives Clipping algorithms will discard objects or parts We dont want to waste time rendering primitives which dont contribute to the final image. of objects that are outside of the viewing

  1. Hidden surface removal Visibility of primitives � Clipping algorithms will discard objects or parts � We don’t want to waste time rendering primitives which don’t contribute to the final image. of objects that are outside of the viewing volume � A scene primitive can be invisible for 3 reasons: � But, that does not solve the problem of one objects � Primitive lies outside field of view blocking the view of another object � Primitive is back-facing (under certain conditions) � Hidden surface algorithms deal with this problem � Primitive is occluded by one or more objects nearer the � Some algorithms are more correctly called visible viewer surface algorithms but the two names are used � How do we remove these efficiently? interchangeably. � How do we identify these efficiently? 21/10/2005 Lecture 9 1 21/10/2005 Lecture 9 2 The visibility problem. Visible surface algorithms. Hidden/Visible Surface/Line Elimination/Determination Removal of faces facing away from the viewer. � Requirements Removal of faces obscured by closer objects. � Handle diverse set of geometric primitives � Handle large number of geometric primitives Classification: Sutherland, Sproull, Schumacher (1974): � Object Space � Geometric calculations involving polygons � Floating point precision: Exact � Often process scene in object order � Image Space � Visibility at pixel samples � Integer precision � Often process scene in image order 21/10/2005 Lecture 9 3 21/10/2005 Lecture 9 4 1

  2. Visible surface algorithms. Back face culling. Object based methods � We saw in modelling, that the vertices of polyhedra are oriented in an anticlockwise manner when viewed � Consider objects pairwise at a time, do it iteratively, comparing each from outside – surface normal N points polygon with the rest of polygons: out. � A and B both completely visible – display both � Project a polygon. � A completely obscure B – display only A (vice versa) � Test z component of surface � A and B partially obscure each other – calculate visible parts of each polygon normal. If negative – cull, since normal points away from viewer. � Complexity is O(k 2 ) – regard the determination of which case it is and any � Or if N . V > 0 we are viewing the required calculation of visible parts of each polygon as a single operation back face so polygon is obscured ( A polygon faces away from the viewer if the Image based methods angle between the surface normal (N) and the viewing direction (V) is less than 90 degrees � per pixel, consider a ray that leaves the center of projection and passes V.N > 0 ) through a pixel and decide which object should appear at the pixel and � Only works for convex objects without what colour/light/texture it should be drawn in holes, ie. closed orientable manifolds. 21/10/2005 Lecture 9 5 21/10/2005 Lecture 9 6 Back face culling How de we handle overlapping? � Back face culling can be applied anywhere in the pipeline: world or camera coords, NDC (normalised device co- ordinate), image space. � Where is the best point? What portion of the scene is eliminated, on average? � Depends on application How about drawing the polygons in the “right order” so that we get the correct result ( eg. blue, then green, then peach)? � If we clip our scene to the view frustrum, then remove all back-facing polygons – are we done? Is it just a sorting problem ? Yes it is for 2D, but in 3D we can encounter intersecting polygons or groups of non-intersecting � NO! Most views involve overlapping polygons. polygons which form a cycle where order is impossible (later). 21/10/2005 Lecture 9 7 21/10/2005 Lecture 9 8 2

  3. Z-buffer Algorithm Z-buffer Algorithm � Some polygons will be obscured by others - we only want � We require two buffers: to draw the visible polygons � frame buffer to hold colour of each � Suppose polygons have been passed through the projection pixel � z-buffer to hold depth information for transformation, with the z coordinate retained (ie the depth A each pixel information) - suppose z normalized to range 0 to 1 B � For each pixel (x,y), we want to draw the polygon nearest � Initialize all depth(x,y) to 0 and y to the camera, ie largest z refresh(x,y) to background colour y � For each pixel compare depth value z z 2 x to current depth(x,y) � if z > depth(x,y) then z 1 z � depth(x,y)=z x � Frame buffer (x,y) = I surface (x,y) z camera (gouraud/phong shading) 21/10/2005 Lecture 9 9 21/10/2005 Lecture 9 10 Z-buffer Algorithm Determining depth. Fill each pixel with background and set each z colour to infinity Use plane equation : For each polygon P in the scene Do + + + = For each pixel (x,y) in P's projection Do Ax By Cz D 0 calculate z-coordinate, z p of p at (x,y) If at ( x , y ), z value evaluates to z 1 , IF z p < value in Z-buffer at ( x,y ) + at ( x ∆ x,y ) , now value of z is : THEN replace value in Z-buffer at (x,y) by Zp − − − D Ax By colour pixel (x,y) in colour of p = z A C − ∆ z ( x ) End IF 1 C End For End For -Only one subtraction needed -Depth coherence. 21/10/2005 Lecture 9 11 21/10/2005 Lecture 9 12 3

  4. Z-compositing Z Buffer - Strengths and Weaknesses Colour photograph. Advantage Can use depth other than � Simple to implement in hardware. � Add additional z interpolator for each primitive. from polygons. � Memory for z-buffer is now not expensive Laser range return. � Diversity of primitives – not just polygons. Reflected laser power � Unlimited scene complexity � Don’t need to calculate object-object intersections. Disadvantage � Extra memory and bandwidth � Waste time drawing hidden objects � Limited precision for depth calculations in complex scenes can be a problem Data courtesy of UNC. 21/10/2005 Lecture 9 13 21/10/2005 Lecture 9 14 Ray casting. Computing ray-object intersections. � Sometimes referred to as Ray-tracing . � The heart of ray tracing. � Involves projecting an imaginary ray from the � e.g. sphere ( the easiest ! ). centre of projection (the viewers eye) through the Expand, substitute for x , y & z . centre of each pixel into the scene. Express line in parametric form. Gather terms in t. ⇒ Quadratic equation in t. x = x + t ∆ x ; y = y + t ∆ y ; z = z + t ∆ z 0 Solve for t. Scene Equation for a sphere : -No roots – ray doesn’t intersect. − 2 + − 2 + − 2 = 2 ( x a ) ( y b ) ( z c ) r - 1 root – ray grazes surface. Eyepoint - 2 roots – ray intersects sphere, (entry and exit) Window 21/10/2005 Lecture 9 15 21/10/2005 Lecture 9 16 4

  5. Ray-polygon intersection. Ray casting. � Easy to implement for a variety of primitives – only need a ray-object � Not so easy ! intersection function. 1. Determine whether ray intersects polygon’s plane. � Pixel adopts colour of nearest intersection. 2. Determine whether intersection lies within polygon. � Easiest to determine (2) with an orthographic projection � Can draw curves and surfaces exactly – not just triangles ! onto the nearest axis and the 2D point-in-polygon test. � Can generate new rays inside the scene to correctly handle visibility with reflections, refraction etc – recursive ray-tracing . z � Can be extended to handle global illumination. Ray � Can perform area-sampling using ray super-sampling. x � But… too expensive for real-time applications. y 21/10/2005 Lecture 9 17 21/10/2005 Lecture 9 18 Depth Sort Methods Examples of Ray-traced images. � The Depth Sort Algorithm initially sorts the faces in the object into back to front order. � The faces are then scan converted in this order onto the screen. � Thus a face near the front will obscure a face at the back by overwriting it at any points where their projections overlap. � This accomplishes hidden-surface removal without any complex intersection calculations between the two projected faces. This latter technique of painting the object in back to front order is often called The Painter's Algorithm � The Depth Sort algorithm is a hybrid algorithm in that it sorts in object space and does the final rendering in image space. 21/10/2005 Lecture 9 19 21/10/2005 Lecture 9 20 5


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