hi we re the sales marketing team

HI, WERE THE SALES & MARKETING TEAM Cody Griffith, Sales & - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

HI, WERE THE SALES & MARKETING TEAM Cody Griffith, Sales & Marketing Director Rachel Mills, Sales Manager Rachel Barbieto, Sales Manager Julie Brown, Sales Manager Erin Jonsson, Partner Services Sales Manager 2018 Strategy

  1. HI, WE’RE THE SALES & MARKETING TEAM Cody Griffith, Sales & Marketing Director Rachel Mills, Sales Manager Rachel Barbieto, Sales Manager Julie Brown, Sales Manager Erin Jonsson, Partner Services Sales Manager

  2. 2018 Strategy S.M.A.R.T . - Strateg egic, ic, Mea easureabl eable, e, Achie ievable ble, Rea eacha hable ble, , Tim imel ely - Ide dent ntif ify y Tar arget get au audi dien ence e – not not ju just t hea eads ds in in bed eds - Gues est t acquisi isiti tion on - Gue uest t ret eten ention ion

  3. ACTION ■ Hired Marketing Consultant to identify target audience ■ Marketing Committee Roles evolving ■ Define marketing and advertising requests to meet ROI and strategy ■ Digital vs print and paper focus ■ F&B Outlet promotions ■ In-room collateral ■ Create the right Sales tool kit for easier communication and increased sales ■ Improved web content and pictures ■ Weddings co-marketed by Weddings Across the Sound ■ Increase staff – add depth on the bench

  4. Sales Operations & Strategy The Communication Connection Welcome Repeat Negotiate Contract: Housing, Follow Up Meeting Space Food Implement Communicate


  6. Revolving olving Obje jectiv ctives 1. Improve partner experience and relationships. Partner Ensure seamless execution of  Programming events/programs and establish clearer communication between departments. 2. Implement & streamline processes and procedures. Erin Er in 3. Help drive marketing roadmap for Fort Worden in 2018. Marketing &  Gather, organize, design and build Special Projects Clearer marketing collateral. & Social Media Communications 4. Help define partner classifications. 5. Emphasis on collaboration with Partner organizations.

  7. Initiatives • Start calendaring process 24 months in advance to enable earlier group sales • Partner rates negotiated to support a sustainable PDA • Collaborating with partners for add- ons/teambuilding opportunities with incoming groups • Expand partner portfolio & offerings • Examples of collaboration efforts:  “ Fortopia ”  “Fall Break Program”

  8. They said “I Do” here 160000 • Intentional 140000 community outreach and focus group 120000 (Jefferson County, 100000 Weddings Across the 80000 Sound) 60000 • Referrals & rave 40000 reviews 20000 • Relevant & user 0 2016 2017 2018 friendly website Accomodation Venue Food and Beverage Services

  9. Who said “I Do” here?


  11. January, February & March 2018 Groups Commu muni nity y Healthcare hcare Groups ps Ret etre reat/ t/Con Conf 19% 19% Memor orial al Family/Socia y/Social Service ice 16% 13% 13 Artisti stic/Cr c/Crea eati tive e Ret etreat at Educa cati tion onal al Group 11% 22% 22%

  12. Recent Inquires ■ F1 Consultancy (Seattle, Dallas, UK) ■ Columbia Legal Services (Seattle) ■ WA Association of Medical Staff Services (Seattle) ■ Whole Earth Montessori School (Bothell) ■ Dept of L & I (Seattle) ■ Spindrift Rowing ( PT) ■ Suquamish Tribe Wellness Center ■ WA Dept of Ecology ■ Family Nature Summit (Mercersburg, PA) ■ National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (WA D.C)

  13. Quarterly Totals Tentative Contracted QUARTE ARTERL RLY QUAR ARTERL TERLY Tenta tati tive Tenta tati tive Housing ing Meeting eting Tenta tati tive F&B Tot otal al CONTRA TRACTED CTED TEN ENTATIVE TIVE Housi sing ng Meet eting ng Tot otal al Space e Tot otal al F&B B Tot otals TOTALS ALS Tot otals Space Tot otals TOTALS LS $112,6 ,617 $26,4 ,494 $83,80 ,809 $222,92 ,921 1 $6,40 ,400 $0.00 .00 $0.00 .00 $6,40 ,400 2 $205,7 ,744 $42,2 ,276 $102,83 ,834 $350,85 ,854 $29,62 ,622 $2,02 ,025 $5,6 ,646 $37,29 ,293 3 $242,23 ,231 $37,59 ,593 $119,161 $398,98 ,985 $33,26 ,267 $0.00 .00 $15,168 $48,43 ,435 4 $117,148 $20,0 ,067 $65,59 ,590 $202,80 ,806 $30,32 ,328 $14,2 ,277 $37,49 ,496 $82,102 $174,230 $1, 1,175, 75,566 66

  14. 2017 vs 2018 February Comparison 160000 140000 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 Housing Meeting & AV Food & Bev TOTAL February-17 February-18

  15. Restructuring for Success 1. Stabilized and retained a professional sales team with a broad range of skills. 2. Restructuring our team to increase our efficiencies and effectiveness to better serve our diverse set of guest. 3. YTD 20% over budget


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