heterogeneous robot assisted measurement in data sparse


HETEROGENEOUS ROBOT-ASSISTED MEASUREMENT IN DATA SPARSE REGIONS OF SOUTHERN INDIA Joshua Peschel a , Sierra Young a , Sally Thompson b , Gopal Penny b , Veena Srinivasan c a Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at

  1. HETEROGENEOUS ROBOT-ASSISTED MEASUREMENT IN DATA SPARSE REGIONS OF SOUTHERN INDIA Joshua Peschel a , Sierra Young a , Sally Thompson b , Gopal Penny b , Veena Srinivasan c a Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign b Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley c Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment, Bangalore, India IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 1

  2. LOCATION OF ARKAVATHY BASIN Arkavathy Map prepared by ATREE EcoinforaticsLab. IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 2

  3. HYDROLOGICAL CONTEXT Data source: GSI toposheets, ASTER DEM imagery. IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 3 Map prepared by ATREE EcoinforaticsLab.

  4. HYDROLOGICAL CONTEXT Data source: GSI toposheets, ASTER DEM imagery. IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 4 Map prepared by ATREE EcoinforaticsLab.

  5. DECLINING FLOWS IN THE ARKAVATHY TG Halli Inflows • Late 20 th century, Arkavathy Inflows (ML) River flows began declining • Caused a shift towards, and now a reliance on, the Cauvery River for water TG Halli Baseflows Baseflow months/year supply • Reasons for the drying of the Arkavathy are unknown Srinivasan, V., S. Thompson, K. Madhyastha, G. Penny, K. Jeremiah, and S. Lele. 2015. Why is the Arkavathy River drying? A multiple-hypothesis approach in a data-scarce region. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. , 19, 1905-1917 IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 5

  6. DECLINING FLOWS IN THE ARKAVATHY TG Halli Inflows • Late 20 th century, Arkavathy Inflows (ML) River flows began declining 108,000 ML/yr 49,000 ML/yr • Caused a shift towards, and 25,000 ML/yr now a reliance on, the Cauvery River for water TG Halli Baseflows Baseflow months/year supply • Reasons for the drying of the Arkavathy are unknown Srinivasan, V., S. Thompson, K. Madhyastha, G. Penny, K. Jeremiah, and S. Lele. 2015. Why is the Arkavathy River drying? A multiple-hypothesis approach in a data-scarce region. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. , 19, 1905-1917 IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 6

  7. ARKAVATHY LAND USE Data source: KSRSAC. IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 7 Map prepared by ATREE EcoinforaticsLab.

  8. HYPOTHESES FOR DRYING Changes in precipitation (amount and intensity) 1. Increasing ET due to increase in temperature 2. Declining baseflow due to groundwater extraction 3. Land use changes (specifically increase in Eucalyptus plantations) 4. Fragmentation of the watershed 5. IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 8

  9. HYPOTHESES FOR DRYING Changes in precipitation (amount and intensity) 1. IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 9

  10. HYPOTHESES FOR DRYING Increasing ET due to increase in temperature 2. IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 10

  11. HYPOTHESES FOR DRYING Declining baseflow due to groundwater extraction 3. Srinivasan, V., S. Thompson, K. Madhyastha, G. Penny, K. Jeremiah, and S. Lele. 2015. Why is the Arkavathy River drying? A multiple-hypothesis approach in a data-scarce region. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. , 19, 1905-1917 IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 11

  12. HYPOTHESES FOR DRYING Land use changes (specifically increase in Eucalyptus plantations) 4. Srinivasan, V., S. Thompson, K. Madhyastha, G. Penny, K. Jeremiah, and S. Lele. 2015. Why is the Arkavathy River drying? A multiple-hypothesis approach in a data-scarce region. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. , 19, 1905-1917 IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 12

  13. HYPOTHESES FOR DRYING Fragmentation of the watershed 5. TYPE OF STREAM NUMBER IN TG HALLI OBSTRUCTION CATCHMENT CHECK DAM 277 TANK 617 ROAD 9 BRIDGE 58 Data source: Zoomin Tech Report to Cauvery Neeravari Nigam Limited, 2011 IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 13

  14. HYPOTHESES FOR DRYING Fragmentation of the watershed 5. TYPE OF STREAM NUMBER IN TG HALLI OBSTRUCTION CATCHMENT CHECK DAM 277 TANK 617 ROAD 9 BRIDGE 58 Data source: Zoomin Tech Report to Cauvery Neeravari Nigam Limited, 2011 IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 14

  15. TANK STORAGE IN THE ARKAVATHY • Tanks = reservoirs • Used to serve as a controlled method of irrigation for farmers • Determining the volume stored in these tanks can help us better understand recharge and streamflow IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 15

  16. CURRENT DATA GATHERING PRACTICES • LIDAR – Light Detection and Ranging (expensive and infrequent) • Manual bathymetry data gathering (labor intensive and inefficient) • No real improvement towards sparseness of data • Need low cost, high temporal frequency measurements of tanks Retrieved from http://proyectojuanchacon.blogspot.com/ April 10, 2016. IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 16

  17. SMALL UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES Joshua M. Peschel and Robin R. Murphy. (2013) “On the Human-Machine Interaction of Unmanned Aerial System Mission Specialists”. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems , 43(1):53–62. IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 17

  18. SMALL UNMANNED SURFACE VEHICLES Saki Handa. (2015) “Human-Machine Interaction for Unmanned Surface Systems”. Master of Science Thesis, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Saki Handa and Joshua M. Peschel. (2015) “On the Human-Machine Interaction of Unmanned Surface Systems”. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems , in submission. IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 18

  19. ROBOT-ASSISTED DATA OBJECTIVES Hadonahalli • Demonstrate use of low-cost, mobile robotics platforms to collect data accurately and efficiently • Complete topographic/bathymetric SM Gollahalli mapping of several chosen sites Nelamangala • Calculate storage volumes by relating water surface levels to tank topography/bathymetry Bangalore IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 19

  20. WORKFLOW UAV flights geotagged Process images into over dry aerial Digital Elevation Model areas Merge UAV imagery and USV generated surfaces in GIS Interpolate USV Geotagged gridded points deployment in depth into 3D wet areas readings surface Storage/surface area calculations IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 20

  21. UAV FLIGHT IMAGERY IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 21

  22. UAV IMAGE PROCESSING RESULTS IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 22

  23. USV MISSION OPS IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 23

  24. USV DATA CAPTURE IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 24

  25. ROBOT-ASSISTED RESULTS Stage-Storage Relationship for SM GollahalliTank IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 25

  26. ROBOT-ASSISTED RESULTS Stage-Storage Relationship for SM GollahalliTank IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 26

  27. ROBOT-ASSISTED RESULTS Stage-Storage Relationship for Hadonahalli Tank IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 27

  28. ROBOT-ASSISTED RESULTS Stage-Storage Relationship for Hadonahalli Tank IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 28

  29. VALIDATION OF RESULTS • UAV elevation data compared to bathymetry data taken with handheld sonar depth finder (accuracy +/- 1.5 centimeters) Values from GPS-tagged Bathymetry Point-by-Point DEM bathymetry referenced to comparison of extracted for points collected a common elevation 5 to 10 meters each GPS values datum apart data point IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 29

  30. VALIDATION OF RESULTS • UAV elevation data compared to bathymetry data taken with handheld sonar depth finder (accuracy +/-1.5 centimeters) Values from GPS-tagged Bathymetry Point-by-Point DEM bathymetry referenced to comparison of extracted for points collected a common elevation 5 to 10 meters each GPS values datum apart data point • On average, UAV elevation values are within .27m of GPS data for Hadonahalli and .41m for SM Gollahalli IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 30

  31. OPPORTUNITY COSTS Cost of groundwater withdrawal: Cost of surface water Crop ( includes electricity for pumping, amortization, and withdrawal: negative externalities from failed wells) Maize 87 Rs./ha $1.32 /ha 6,000 Rs./ha $90.83 /ha Areca nut 148 Rs./ha $2.24 /ha 8,000 Rs./ha $121.11 /ha Paddy 247 Rs./ha $3.74 /ha 11,500 Rs./ha $174.10 /ha Chandrakanth, M.G. (2009) “Karnataka State Water Sector Reform: Current Status, Emerging Issues and Needed Strategies”. International Water Management Institute (IWMI)-Tata Water Policy Program . IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 31

  32. CHANGE TO INFRASTRUCTURE COSTS TO A FARMER • Average investment cost of borewell: 25,000 – 50,000 INR ($375.00 - $750.00) 1,2 • Frequency of failed wells = 50% 1 • Average life of well ~ 5 years 3 • Average yearly income of agricultural household in Karnataka = $585 - $780.00 2,3 1 Nagaraj, N. and Chandrakanth, M.G. (1997). Intra- and Inter-Generational Equity Effects of Irrigation Well Failures Farmers in Hard Rock Areas of India. Economic and Political Weekly, March 29, 1997 . 2 Varghese, S.K. et al. (2013). Estimating the causal effect of water scarcity on the groundwater use efficiency of rice farming in South India. Ecological Economics, 86: 55-64. 3 Improving the Economic Condition of Farmers. Report of the Official Group of Government of Karnataka, 2007. IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 32

  33. CONTRIBUTIONS • Successfully demonstrated the complete topographic/bathymetric data capture for 3 sites in the Arkavathy using multiple robotics platforms • This surface data of tanks will help us understand the extent of surface capture/diversion and groundwater recharge • Providing information on this spatial scale at a low cost helps inform and manage water resources IEEE AgRA Webinar 6/9/2016 | 33


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