HELPP Lottery Session 2016 HAAO Convention November 8, 2016
About Us • Kathleen Abbruscato, HELPP Customer Service Representative • Jim McLean , Director of Gaming Solutions & Regulatory Affairs • Terry Jarrell , Ontario Sales Manager
Today’s Topics • HELPP Web Page • HELPP BOT Manual • Seasonal Games • Regulatory Update • Use of Proceeds • FAQs • Tips to Increase Sales • Industry Marketing Campaign • Contact Info
HELPP Web Page • Customized web page for auxiliaries • • Program Updates, download forms and publications from AGCO website, contact information
HELPP BOT Manual • Manual addresses all aspects of BOT fundraising • Available for download on HELPP web page • Printed copies are available via our office
Seasonal Games • The holiday season is a great time to add one of our seasonal holiday games to your product mix • We have two BN1 games available for 2016 • Both are in stock and ready for immediate delivery.
Regulatory Update • No changes to BOT Terms & Conditions since last year • Last Revision to Terms & Conditions (June 2015) - Provision for debit cards - Uses updated terminology (Gaming Related Suppliers)
Debit Cards • In August 2013, AGCO announced a pilot project to allow debit cards to be used for break open ticket purchases • Pilot completed and the use of debit cards is now permitted in the T&Cs to purchase tickets
Regulatory Update Continued • Reminders of July 2010 Regulatory Changes - AGCO Information Bulletin 62 - Focussed on 2 key elements that have been the subject of many questions from auxiliaries: #1 Longer licence periods #2 Ability to carry unsold tickets to new licence
Longer Licence Periods • Key feature #1 – A maximum 5 year licence period – Based on licensing authority’s assessment of risk • File reports on time, no issues with use of proceeds, funds balance = longer licence period – Licenses may extended for up to a 5 year period
Licence Periods Continued • If you have complete, unopened deals at the end of your licence and your licence has not exceeded 5 years, request an amendment to the expiry date – Amendments must be requested before expiry date • Licensing officer will generally require a letter requesting an amendment (sample letter in the Manual)
End of Licence Changes • Key feature #2 – Unsold tickets remaining in the container at the end of the licence period can be carried over to new licence – Tickets will need to be counted at end of licence only; no need to open and reconcile – Complete, unopened deals may not be carried over • This only applies if you cannot get your licence extended
How? • Do not open the tickets • Count all remaining unsold tickets at the end of the licence and remove from the container • Record the number of unsold tickets on the Break Open Ticket Lottery Report in Section 3. c) 7. on Page 2:
How Continued • When the new tickets arrive with the new licence number, put an entire deal of tickets with the new licence number in the container • Add the remaining tickets from the previous licence to the top of the container and sell along with the new tickets
How Continued • On the lottery report for the new licence, the additional tickets will be captured as part of the calculation for the gross revenue and any prizes that were included in the remaining tickets will be captured • Full details in the Manual
Provincial Fee Rebate • If you have unsold open (that you are not carrying forward) or complete deals at the end of a licence, you are eligible to apply for a rebate of the Ontario Provincial Fee paid on these tickets • Rebate request form is available from Kathleen or from the HELPP website • Completed forms are submitted to Bazaar & Novelty and then forwarded to the AGCO for approval
REQUEST FOR PROVINCIAL FEE REBATE 1. Name of Claimant: City: Street Address: Province Postal Code Phone License No and/or Registration No. 2. Claimant is applying for rebate from: Gaming Supplier Name: Charity Gaming Supplier Reg.#: Claim Initiated By: 3. Description of Claim # of Units: Type: BN1 X AGCO Fee / Unit: $84 = Rebate Amount Serial Number(s) Product in Possession? Where: 4. Reason for Claim: Product Damaged Defective Imprinting Other Fire Water Insurance Co: Claim # Lost/Damaged by Carrier Carrier Name: Trace/Claim# Product Stolen Police Report: Non-payments Charity BOT Seller Gaming Equipment Supplier 5. Explanation for Rebate (attach additional information if required): License: Charity: 6. Certification: I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I am authorized to submit this claim. Print Name: Signature: Position: Date Submitted: Office Use Only - Recipient Action Taken by Manufacturer and/or Gaming Supplier Date Received: Authorization: Reviewed By: Date Adjusted: Credit No.: Date Forwarded: Processed By:
Use of Proceeds • For what can an auxiliary use BOT proceeds? • Generally, auxiliaries use for two purposes: – Purchase of equipment for health care facility – Training • Full details in the Manual
Training • AGCO’s Lottery Licensing Policy Manual (Section 2) sets the overall policy for use of proceeds • Lottery licensing officer responsible for approving (or not) all uses of proceeds • Common question – can I use HELPP proceeds to attend the HAAO Convention?
From the AGCO’s Policy Manual • Volunteer and/or staff training may be an eligible use of lottery proceeds. • The following types of training or workshops may qualify: – conferences or workshops that train volunteers to fulfill an organization’s charitable mandate, for example: • training volunteers for Big Brothers, halfway houses and to be counselors at rape crisis centres; or • training volunteers for community safety programs. • Does the HAAO Convention meet these requirements?
On Your Application Form • Lottery licensing officer must approve use of proceeds • Be as specific and as detailed as possible on the application form (Section 4., Page 2)
Questions • Consult with the licensing officer in advance if need be • Any questions regarding use of proceeds should be directed to licensing officer • Once the licence is issued with your approved use of proceeds, you cannot change – If you need to change the use of proceeds, request an amendment from the municipality
FAQs Q: What payment forms are acceptable for tickets? A: Cash and debit cards. Credit cards and cheques are not permitted
FAQs Q: Can customers remove the tickets from the container? A: No. Only your employees or volunteers may remove the tickets from the container.
FAQs Q: What happens if a player buys a ticket, leaves and comes back to redeem it? A: AGCO requires that players open all tickets immediately and redeem any winners immediately. This information must be posted on the clear plastic container.
FAQs Q: What do I do with the winning tickets? A: Once you have verified the ticket is a winner, pay the player the amount identified on the ticket in cash or more tickets and retain the winning ticket from the player. Punch a hole through the winning ticket.
Continued • You must retain all winning tickets, with the exception of the $1 winning tickets which may be destroyed by tearing them in half. • Your Auxiliary may choose to hold onto all winning tickets (including $1) for reconciliation purposes. • All winning tickets (except $1 winners) must be held for 90 days after the end of each reporting period.
FAQs Q: How old must customers be to purchase Break Open Tickets? A: Customers must be 18 years of age to purchase tickets.
FAQs Q: Do my staff or volunteers have to be 18 years of age or over to sell the tickets? A: No. Staff or volunteers do not have to be over 18 years to sell the tickets.
FAQs Q: Customers may ask how many of the top prize winners (ie $125, $100, etc.) remain in the container. Am I allowed to reveal this information? A: No. The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario prohibits the sharing of such information.
FAQs Q: Can staff or volunteers purchase the tickets? A: The licensee shall ensure that no person directly involved in or responsible for the conduct of the lottery event or involved in the sale of break open tickets shall purchase any break open tickets or participate in the game which he or she is assisting to conduct
Tips to Increase Sales • Location, location, location! Setup your sales in a high traffic area for both potential players and staff at the health care facility. If your facility has a restaurant or other fast food outlet, these are prime locations. • Ask the health care facility to promote the sales to its staff who will respond positively to the message that the proceeds benefit the facility.
Tips continued • Promote the charity aspect with lines such as “Help support local health care by purchasing our tickets”. • Players feel good about supporting a good cause, even if they don’t win .
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