Helping Your Freshman Succeed
Administration Brent Kline, Principal Michelle Poirier, Assistant Principal (9th and 11th Grades) Steven Kopald, Assistant Principal (10th and 12th Grades)
Counseling Teresita Diaz (A-F) Jill Hadsell (G-N) Samuel Solis (O-Z)
Campus Supervisors Jesse Trumbull (Varsity Football Coach) Mr A. (Steve Arnold) Erik Redding (Athletic Director)
Clerical Staff Kathy Pruett, Principal Liz Gonzalez, Attendance Lauren Rose, Assistant Susan Stroud, Principals Health Office Janet Manousos, Jeanie Brown, Counseling Finance Leslie Rodriguez, Counseling
Attendance Matters
What The Data Shows (SCHS) Missed 4+ days in September-100% off-track. Missed 2-4 days in September-38% off-track. Missed 18 days/year (chronically absent)-60% off-track. 72 Hours To Clear Absences.
Off-Track (Chicago Public Schools) Less than enough credits to go on to next grade (60 for SCHS). More than 1 semester F grade in a core class. Students who are off-track have a graduation rate of 22% (82% on-track)C.P.S. data.
Grades Matter (Grad Rate by Freshman GPA) C.P.S. Data 0.0 GPA, 1% .5 GPA, 6% 1.0 GPA, 28% 1.5 GPA, 53% 2.0 GPA, 72% 2.5 GPA, 86% 3.0 GPA, 93% 3.5 GPA, 97% 4.0 GPA, 98%
Involvement Matters Sports Marching Band/ Color Guard Leadership Santa Cruz Clubs Singers Mock Trial Link Crew Theater Cheer Applied Arts Visual Arts
Academic Support Infinite Campus (grades, attendance assignments) Teacher Communication (email is best. ex: During school: Office Hours (lunch) After School: Homework Club Attend Academic Planning Workshop
Math Support Online at Minimum Grades To Advance Math Plus/Math Clinic
Social-Emotional Support Counselor: personal and emotional support, in addition to academic. Social Work Intern (Youth Services) Social Worker (Soquel, Mission Hill, Santa Cruz High) Surveys: Social-Emotional Health & California Healthy Kids.
You Matter Cardinal Club Thank you for being here tonight!
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