Help Shape the Future of Mobility in Delaware
Phase 1 Work – 2016 to 2017 1. Assessment of Current Initiatives and Mobility Management Practices in Delaware 2. Evaluation of National and Delaware-Specific Mobility Management Efforts and Best Practices 3. Facilitation of Stakeholder Engagement and Outreach
2016 County Workshop Outcomes NEW CASTLE COUNTY - Expand Partnerships with DART - Senior Centers as Specialized Transport Hubs - Non-Essential Paratransit Trips in O fg -Peak Hours KENT COUNTY - Advance Telemedicine - Explore Uber Partnerships (e.g., - Explore Public Carrier senior rides) Law Changes - Expand RideShare Delaware - 5310 Fund Purchase of Accessible Vehicles - Expansion of DART Flex Service and Routes SUSSEX COUNTY - Develop Information Portal - Create One-Call, One-Click Center - Use Flex as Backbone for Specialized Transportation - Consider FTA Pilot Programs 3 - Communicate and Coordinate Planning (counties, states) - Consider Future Demand Drivers
2016 Statewide Mobility Forum Select the top three innovative activities that should be prioritized within an updated Delaware statewide action plan. Feeder services to fixed-route transit 161 One-stop call center 126 Intelligent transportation technologies 125 Transportation information portals 103 Regional rideshare 47 Pooling or sharing of vehicles 46 Bus stop accessibility improvements 45 Trip sharing 26 Pilot programs 24 Enhanced travel training 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 4
Phase I Study - Recommendations LONG - TERM GOALS Realign Delaware’s Advance a Mobility Management 5310 Program Framework in Delaware UPDATE DELAWARE’S STATEWIDE ACTION PLAN Develop & Implement a Consider Piloting National Best Ongoing Education & Practice Models Appropriate for Delaware Outreach Strategy Evaluate the Importance of Land-Use & Transit Integration 5
Need for Updated Coordinated Plan ü Provide a framework to distribute formula funding under the FTA’s Elderly and Persons with Disabilities Program (49 USC, §5310). ü Create an action framework to solve transportation barriers ü Inform efforts to coordinate services and/or share resources ü Promote customer-centered mobility strategies ü Support innovative projects/programs 6
KEY ELEMENTS OF A COORDINATED PLAN ASSESSMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LANDSCAPE An assessment of available An assessment of needs of services that identi fj es current [transportation-disadvantaged] transportation providers individuals, including persons (public, private, and nonpro fj t). with disabilities and older adults. PROPOSED STRATEGIES Strategies, activities, and/or projects to address the identi fj ed gaps between current services and needs, as well as opportunities to achieve e ffj ciencies in service delivery. ESTABLISHED PRIORITIES Priorities for implementation based on resources (from multiple program sources), time, and feasibility for implementing speci fj c strategies and/or activities identi fj ed. 7
Mobility in Motion Initiative A participatory planning process designed to: ü Respond to changing mobility landscape ü Understand transportation barriers facing Delaware’s diverse populations ü Engage stakeholders in developing solutions for all, including transportation-disadvantaged ü Consider strategies that align with Delaware’s “ Innovation in Motion ” long-range transportation plan 8
2018 Outreach and Engagement Timeline 9
Methodology • Tabling Events • Site Visits • Presentations • Stakeholder interviews • Snapshot Surveys High- Touch • Social media • Crowdsourcing tools • Email Campaigns High- Tech • Section 5310 Service Provider Survey • General Needs Assessment Survey Research 10
Snapshot (Senior Center) Survey Outcomes Snapshot Survey Demographics 100% 85+ 90% 80% 70% Not a Veteran 60% n = ~ 150 50% 65-84 40% 30% 20% 13 Veteran 10% 50-64 0% Age Veteran Status
Snapshot (Senior Center) Survey Outcomes 14
Section 5310 Survey Respondents Section 5310 Providers, n = 33 100% Other Residential Community 90% Veterans 80% Faith-Based Agency 70% Persons with Low Incomes 60% 50% Senior Center Persons with Disabilities 40% 30% 20% Adults 65+ 10% Other 0% Target Population Agency is a... 15
Section 5310 Survey Q14 – How often do your members communicate difficulties traveling for the following purposes (Select all that apply)? n = 33
Section 5310 Survey Q14 – What are the biggest constraints to coordinating transportation services (Select all that apply)?
Needs Assessment Survey Analysis ✓ Methodology ✓ Characteristics of Respondents ✓ Respondents’ Mode of Transportation ✓ Factors Affecting Use of Public Transportation 18
Needs Assessment Survey Respondents Demographics of Needs Assessment Profile of Needs Assessment Survey Survey Respondents Respondents 100% 100% Other Yes Prefer not 65+ Years 90% 90% to Say Old Black or Male African 80% 80% American 70% $100,000+ 70% 60% 45-64 60% Not a Years Old Veteran 50% 50% $50,000- No $99,999 40% 40% White Female 30% 30% $25,000- 20% 25-44 $49,999 20% Years Old 10% $24,999 or Veteran 10% less 19 0% Less than Veteran Household Do you use a 24 0% Income mobility device? Age Gender Race/Ethnicity
Needs Assessment Survey Q3 – If you didn’t have a personal vehicle, how important are these factors in taking the bus? n = 513
Needs Assessment Survey Q5 – How many times have you stayed home in the last 6 months because you did NOT have access to convenient transportation? Nn = 159
Needs Assessment Survey Q6 – Which of the following destinations were you unable to travel to in the last 6 months due to lack of transportation? (Select all that apply) Nn = 311
Needs Assessment Survey Q12 –Please select five (5) reasons why you do not, or hesitate to, use public transportation: n = 638
Needs Assessment Survey Q11 – What changes would you like to see regarding bus services in Delaware? Number Percent* Increased Route Frequency 65 33 New or Expanded Service Suggestions 64 32 None/Not Applicable 22 11 Better Accessibility 13 7 Better Implementation 12 6 Other 10 5 Better Technology 7 3 On-Time Transit 6 3 Total 199 100
Themes – All Three Surveys People face barriers People Get to Places Concerns about Public to… By … Transportation Grocery Route Personal Vehicle Shopping Frequency Non-Emergency Rides from Medical Routes Available Friends/Family Appointments 25 Social Outings Public Transit Accessibility
Demographics - Key Findings People living in poverty are 69,000 veterans live in spread throughout the state, Delaware and account for yet there are high nearly 10% of the state’s concentrations of households population. There is one without vehicles in parts of Veterans Administration (VA) both the cities of Wilmington Hospital located in and Dover. Wilmington and 2 CBOCs in Kent and Sussex County. 2 4 1 3 5 Often, the 65+ The older population is As individuals continue demographic and increasing. By 2020, to retire and move to people with disabilities 20% of Delaware’s total Delaware, public are intertwined. population will be transportation, as an Consequently, as the adults 65 and over. alternative to driving, senior demographic will become continues to increase so increasingly more will people with important. disabilities.
Adults 65+ Trends Demographics Source: Delaware Population Consortium, 2018
People with Disabilities Trends Demographics Source: United States Census Bureau, 2017
Crowdsourcing – Transit Riders 29
Three Crowdsourcing Tools 30
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Timeline ASSEMBLE TAC Send out invitations to Jan ‘19 potential TAC members from 1st TAC MEETING key stakeholder groups . Introductions, purpose of TAC, Feb ‘19 review previous plan, and 2nd TAC MEETING present progress update. April ‘19 Present findings from outreach and needs assessment survey . 3rd TAC MEETING June ‘19 Present findings on 5310 programs. 4th TAC MEETING Aug ‘19 Present summary of identified strategies and priorities . June ‘9
How can Delaware: ü Promote innovative coordinated access and mobility for all? ü Increase partnerships for improved coordination? ü Address mobility barriers for transportation- disadvantaged individuals and all Delawareans? ü Expand multi-modal transportation solutions? ü Increase travel options through the utilization of evolving technical advancements? 32
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