helcom ospar ices data flows

HELCOM/OSPAR - ICES data flows CORESET II /BALSAM WP2 meeting, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

HELCOM/OSPAR - ICES data flows CORESET II /BALSAM WP2 meeting, Helsinki 2-4 February 2015 Agenda item 3 on Long term data-arrangements for the core indicators Hans Mose Jensen (ICES) Present situation of the HELCOM/OSPAR hazardous substances

  1. HELCOM/OSPAR - ICES data flows CORESET II /BALSAM WP2 meeting, Helsinki 2-4 February 2015 Agenda item 3 on Long term data-arrangements for the core indicators Hans Mose Jensen (ICES) Present situation of the HELCOM/OSPAR hazardous substances and bio-effects data flows though ICES Spatial units and monitoring stations Transparency of assessment products Improving reporting infrastructure and data flows, the BALSAM Action Plan

  2. HELCOM/OSPAR - ICES data flow National ICES Assessment -National collection -Registration of data -Assessment processing by submission in the ICES working groups (HELCOM -QC (HELCOM COMBINE/ accession system (DAD) CORESET indicators, OSPAR guidelines and OSPARMIME) manuals) -QC (DATSU) on input -Assessment report products -Data formatting to ICES -Data storage in central and online assessment format database (DOME) application (HELCOM -Connection point to other CORESET indicators, systems (OBIS, SDN, OSPARMIME) EMODNET, EIONET) -Storage of processed -Open online access to data assessment data (OSPAR, (CSV, ODV, web-service, shp, HELCOM) kml) -Predefined dataviews for assessment purposes (assessment input)

  3. QC – DATSU http://dome.ices.dk/datsu/ ICES Data Screening Utility • For hazardous substances the exchange format is Environmental Reporting Format (ERF32) • Data can be read according to ERF32 • Submitted concepts in vocabularies used, e.g. ICES Reference Codes (RECO), taxonomic vocabularies (WoRMS/ITIS/PEG-biovolume) and SeaDataNet platform vocabulary • Data is in line with the requirements as defined for the monitoring programme (HELCOM, OSPAR)

  4. ICES Reference Codes http://vocab.ices.dk/

  5. QC – DATSU

  6. QC – DATSU

  7. QC – DATSU

  8. DATSU checks overview http://dome.ices.dk/datsu/rptChk.aspx

  9. New! Automatic upload of resubmissions • Extension to DATSU – if no critical errors – if accession is identified in DOME • Submitter identification: individual password is required • Comparison to existing DOME submission • Comparison criteria must be met • Submitter replaces the original submission • Accession database (DAD) is updated

  10. Automatic upload of resubmissions Parameter group summary /comparison

  11. Automatic upload of resubmissions Station summary /comparison

  12. Automatic upload of resubmissions Taxonomic summary /comparison

  13. Data output format from DOME for assessment input Species UNCRT Country SpeciesType UNCRT_std RLABO SEXCO METCU MSFD_region NOINP QFLAG OSPAR_region PARAM VFLAG OSPAR_subregion MATRX ALABO OSPAR_shore BASIS SMTYP StationName MUNIT SUBNO SD_StationName Value tblAnalysisID MYEAR Value_std tblParamID DATE DETLI tblBioID Latitude DETLI_std tblSampleID Longitude LMQNT PURPM LMQNT_std FINFL

  14. OSPAR MIME example Standard units: Contaminants in biota: µg/kg Effects in Biota: none Contaminants in sediment: -Metals mg/kg -Everything else µg/kg

  15. OSPAR MIME example Standard basis: W (wet weight), L (lipid weight), D (dry weight) Standard Fish Bivalves / Crustacean basis Gastropods s Metals W D W Organotins W D W All other L D L organics

  16. OSPAR MIME example Uncertainty convertions: METCU Description Convert to SD % percent uncertainty Uncertainty (%) * measured value /100 SD standard deviation (+/-) - U2 expanded uncertainty (U) Uncertainty (U2) / 2 coverage factor 2

  17. OSPAR MIME example Uncertainty convertions: METCU Description Convert to SD % percent uncertainty Uncertainty (%) * measured value /100 SD standard deviation (+/-) - U2 expanded uncertainty (U) Uncertainty (U2) / 2 coverage factor 2

  18. OSPAR MIME station name allocation Critical for the grouping of time series data • Station name in submitted data must match ICES Station Dictionary • Data submitted without a station name will be matched with ICES Station Dictionary – if inside spatial/temporal/thematic window of the defined monitoring station

  19. Fixed station vocabulary ICES lead initiative together with SeaDataNet, EMODnet and EEA (WFD, MSFD and INSPIRE) to develop a model on harmonization of the monitoring station concept • Distributed network • Through ICES vocab system • One station, multiple applications (HELCOM, OSPAR, WFD, MSFD, National, …) • Governance coded as EDMO entries Station name “Monitoring type (HELCOM, OSPAR, WFD, MSFD, national)” Geographic position “Type of data” Governance “Purpose” Date from “HELCOM fields” Date until …

  20. OSPAR MIME “automated” assessment Processing (R- Assessment script) according Input data product to defined application methodology http://dome.ices.dk/osparmime/main.html Dataset availability Coming input/output

  21. New! DOME standard views in test

  22. Spatial assessment units • HELCOM sub- basins/sub-divisions • WFD • MSFD assessment units

  23. New update of ICES Ecoregions

  24. Indicator data flows non-fisheries

  25. WISE SoE – transitional coastal and marine data flows

  26. BALSAM Action Plan Action points to improve reporting infrastructure and data flows • 3.1 - Development of data management guidelines “toolkit”, including inventory of standards and tools available, e.g. unit conversion tables (ICES) • 3.2 -Harmonization of station concepts and practice of labelling of data to regional/national (ICES/CP) -Labelling automatically all data points to HELCOM assessment units when adding to database (ICES) • 3.3 -Accepting data in ODV format to HELCOM database (ICES) -Accepting data via web services from SDN/EMODnet to be incorporated to HELCOM database (ICES/EMODnet?) -Explore opportunities where CP have systems in place to harvest data provided as XML outputs to be imported to HELCOM database (ICES/CP)

  27. BALSAM Action Plan Action points to improve reporting infrastructure and data flows • 3.4 -Definition of data requirements for core indicators and proposals for improvements (CORESET II) -Modification of reporting format(CORESET II, ICES) • 3.5 -Data reported to EIONET would be incorporated in HELCOM assessment products (with possible duplicate removal)(ICES) -Explore funding opportunities to expand the automated submission/resubmission of COMBINE datasets (ICES/HELCOM) • 3.6 -Defining data view for data extraction and processing for core indicator requirements (CORESET II) -Cataloguing the data products used in the indicatiors to the ICES geoportal (ICES/HELCOM secretariat)


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