Heads Up! Luke 12:49–13:9
Don’t miss the forest for the trees! What kind of “Kingdom of God” is being proclaimed? What kind of Messiah is doing the proclaiming? What kinds of followers will follow ? What kinds of things are they being called to ?
Crisis Point (Luke 12:49–13:9) Jesus as “ crisis point ” in history (12:49–13:10) Jesus causes division (12:49-59) He tells us why he came… Jesus calls for repentance (13:1-5) He tells us what to do about it… Jesus gives an illustration (13:6-9) He tells us to do it quickly… The
He tells us why he came… (Luke 12:49-59) Princeofpeacewhat? (See Luke 2:34-35) 2 sides to the same coin (or sword , see above) Jesus as “ crisis point ” in history “Hypocrites”? Hey now … Jesus as Judge of History?
He tells us why he came… (Luke 12:49-59) Princeofpeacewhat? (See Luke 2:34-35) “To be placed in that situation of decision is critical, for to turn toward one person or goal or value means turning 2 sides to the same coin (or sword , see above) away from another. According to these sayings, God is so acting toward the world in Jesus of Nazareth Jesus as “ crisis point ” in history that a crisis is created , that is to say, Jesus is ‘making “Hypocrites”? Hey now … a difference,’ even within families.” Jesus as Judge of History? F. B. Craddock , Luke , 166
He tells us why he came… (Luke 12:49-59) “Do you believe in divine judgment? By which I mean, do you believe in a God who acts as our judge? Many, it seems, do Princeofpeacewhat? (See Luke 2:34-35) not. Speak to them of God as a Father, a friend, a helper, one who loves us despite all our weaknesses and folly and sin, and 2 sides to the same coin (or sword , see their faces light up; you are on their wavelength at once. But above) speak to them of God as Judge, and they frown and shake Jesus as “ crisis point ” in history their heads. Their minds recoil from such an idea. They find it repellent and unworthy. But there are few things stressed more “Hypocrites”? Hey now … strongly in the Bible than the reality of God’s work as Judge.” Jesus as Judge of History? J. I. Packer, Knowing God , 125
He tells us why he came… (Luke 12:49-59) Princeofpeacewhat? (See Luke 2:34-35) “Will all people be saved, or will God not get what God 2 sides to the same coin (or sword , see wants? Does this magnificent, mighty, marvelous God above) fail in the end? … Is God our friend, our provider, our protector, our father — or is God the kind of judge Jesus as “ crisis point ” in history who may in the end declare that we deserve to “Hypocrites”? Hey now … spend forever separated from our Father? ” Jesus as Judge of History? R. H. Bell, Love Wins , 98-102
He tells us why he came… (Luke 12:49-59) Princeofpeacewhat? (See Luke 2:34-35) 2 sides to the same coin (or sword , see above) Jesus as “ crisis point ” in history “Hypocrites”? Hey now … Jesus as Judge of History?
Discussion points for small groups…
He tells us what to do about it… (Luke 13:1-5) 2 sides to the same coin (or sword , see above) IMPORTANT & URGENT Key: Repent (this is a *loaded* term ) What does it mean? Repent from what to what ? [flip back to: Luke 3:1-14; 5:27-32] Why repent?
He tells us what to do about it… (Luke 13:1-5) 2 sides to the same coin (or sword , see “Literally, this means ‘turning back’. It is widely used in Old above) IMPORTANT & URGENT Testament and subsequent Jewish literature to indicate both a personal turning away from sin and Israel’s corporate turning Key: Repent (this is a *loaded* term ) away from idolatry and back to YHWH. Through both What does it mean? meanings, it is linked to the idea of ‘return from exile’; if Israel is Repent from what to what ? [flip back to: Luke to ‘return’ in all senses, it must ‘return’ to YHWH. That is at the 3:1-14; 5:27-32] heart of the summons of both John the Baptist and Jesus. Why repent? N. T. Wright, Luke for Everyone , 314
He tells us what to do about it… (Luke 13:1-5) 2 sides to the same coin (or sword , see above) IMPORTANT & URGENT Key: Repent (this is a *loaded* term ) What does it mean? Repent from what to what ? [flip back to: Luke 3:1-14; 5:27-32] Why repent?
Discussion points for small groups…
He tells us to do it quickly… (Luke 13:6-9)
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