harper avenue

Harper Avenue Focus Area Existing Conditions Existing Development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Harper Avenue Focus Area Existing Conditions Existing Development Existing Development Existing Development Existing Development Existing Development Existing Development Existing Development Existing Development Existing Development

  1. Harper Avenue Focus Area

  2. Existing Conditions

  3. Existing Development

  4. Existing Development

  5. Existing Development

  6. Existing Development

  7. Existing Development

  8. Existing Development

  9. Existing Development

  10. Existing Development

  11. Existing Development

  12. Existing Development

  13. Recent Development

  14. Recent Development

  15. Recent Development

  16. Recent Development

  17. Harper Avenue Ownership 205 Parcels Total 86.50 Acres Owner Occupied 39 Parcels 19% Multi-Parcel Owners/Auburn 67 Parcels 32% Auburn Owners 45 Parcels 21% Out of State Owners Alabama Owners 23 Parcels 11% 36 Parcels 17%

  18. Parcel Ownership 0.51 LEUMAS COMPANY LLC 3 0.60 KAW HOLDINGS LLC 3 1.30 GLENN ROSS PROPERTIES LLC 3 1.76 WILLIAMS 4 1.24 JL VENTURES LLC 4 2.33 LANIER 5 0.94 LIPSCOMB FAMILY 6 1.90 COOK 7 2.04 SPENCER 8 3.76 FUCCI 13 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Area # Parcels

  19. Owner Occupied and Undeveloped 70.0% 61.1% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 33.3% 29.2% 30.0% 20.0% 18.1% 20.0% 14.3% 11.6% 6.9% 10.0% 0.0% 0.0% NC-5 NC-12 RDD % total % Owner Occupied % Undeveloped Parcels and Zoning 250 209 200 132 150 100 63 34 25 40 50 21 15 16 9 3 0 0 Parcels # Owner Occupied # Undeveloped NC-5 NC-12 RDD Totals

  20. RDD Zoned Area RDD Zoned Area 25 1600 1400 20 1284 1432 22 1200 21 1244 1000 15 17 948 1092 1009 1064 1019 1035 800 10 819 600 11 11 400 5 4 2 1 1 2 200 0 0 Number Units Built Aveage Area Sq. ft.

  21. NC Zoned Areas NC Zoned Areas 38 40 1800 1608 1497 1471 1600 35 1400 1186 30 1200 25 1000 18 20 800 15 600 10 400 4 1 5 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Average Area… Number Units Built

  22. Housing Tenancy ( 2017 ) Median Home Value (2017) 100% $230,071 90% $250,000.00 74.8% 80% $130,682 70% $200,000.00 52.8% 60% Study Area $150,000.00 50% 37.9% Auburn 40% $100,000.00 30% 11.9% 20% $50,000.00 9.3% 9.2% 10% $0.00 0% Study Area Auburn Owner Occupied Renter Occupied Vacant Average price per Average price per square foot: $96 square foot: $125 Mode of Transportation (2017) Est. Population: 572 79% 100% Est. Households:267 90% 80% Est. DU’s: 375 70% 60% 49% 50% 40% 25% 5% 8% 7% 30% 16% 2% 20% Auburn 6% 0% 10% Study Area 0% Drove Alone Carpooled Walked Public Transit Biked

  23. Exi Existin ing La Land nd Use Parking, 1 Religious, 1 Multi-Unit, 8 Government, 1 Commercial, 18 Vacant, 25 Triplex, 1 Duplex, 21 Single-Unit , 134

  24. Future Land Use

  25. EXISTING 16 DU/ac 8 DU/ac 8-16 DU/ac 6 DU/ac 8 DU/ac

  26. Name Description Area (ac) Low-Medium Density Average density of six (6) dwelling units per acre. Permitted 38.96 (48.2%) uses/development types include single-family detached, zero Residential lot line, townhouse, duplex, and traditional neighborhood development. Medium-High Average density of eight (8) dwelling units per acre for 14.26 (17.6%) medium-density (75% of area) and sixteen (16) du/ac for high- Density Residential density (25% of area). Permitted uses include single family detached, zero lot line, townhouse, duplex, apartments, and traditional neighborhood development Maximum density of sixteen (16) dwelling units per acre. 1.85 (2.3%) High-Density Permitted uses/development types all residential uses except Residential manufactured homes. Mixed Use – Allows office and residential uses as horizontal or vertical 25.65 (31.7%) mixed-uses. Live-work units are encouraged. The average Office/Residential residential density is eight (8) dwelling units per acre, with an average breakdown of uses at 75% office/25% residential. Hypothetical Max Buildout: 457 DUs

  27. PROPOSED 8-16 DU/ac 6 DU/ac

  28. Name Description Area (ac) Medium-High Average density of eight (8) dwelling units per acre for medium-density 46.11 (57%) (75% of area) and sixteen (16) du/ac for high-density (25% of area). Density Permitted uses include single family detached, zero lot line, townhouse, Residential duplex, apartments, and traditional neighborhood development Mixed Use 2 This category is intended to have more urban feel than the remainder of 21.54 (26.6%) the corridor and appropriately transition downtown to the regional commercial center to the East. Uses are focused on retail and adaptive reuse of existing structures, where possible. Residential uses are permitted in integration with retail uses, albeit at a lower intensity than in the Neighborhood Centers. Mixed uses are permitted both horizontally and vertically, while vertical mixtures will tend to be more appropriate closer to downtown Average density of six (6) dwelling units per acre. Permitted 13.22 (16.3%) Low-Medium uses/development types include single-family detached, zero lot line, Density townhouse, duplex, and traditional neighborhood development. Residential Hypothetical Max Buildout: 756 DU’s (40%↑)

  29. Zoning


  31. ZC Du/ac Residential Commercial Open Tenant Area (ac) Max Space Buildout RDD 16 Single Family permitted by Conditional 30% 5 unrelated 61.5 (76%) 983 DU’s right. All others conditional except Cottage Dev & Private Dorm. NC-5 5,000 sq ft Single Family only None None “Family” 14.65 (18.1%) 62 DU’s lots NC-12 12,000 sq Single Family only None None “Family” 4.73 (5.9%) 15 DU’s ft lots Hypothetical Max Buildout: 1060 DUs


  33. ZC Du/ac Residential Commercial Open Tenant Area (ac) Max Space Buildout 5.5 Single Family permitted by None 30% “Family” 13.22 (16.3%) 73 DU’s DDH right. All others conditional except Cottage Dev & Private Dorm. CDD 9.5 Some performance Most commercial 25% 5 unrelated 6.0 (6.9%) 57 DU’s residential permitted by uses permitted right. Most commercial uses permitted by right. Private dormitory prohibited. MD- 12 All performance residential None 15% 5 unrelated 46 (56.9%) 552 DU’s uses are permitted by right, DDH* except for Multiple Unit Development, which is a conditional use. Private Dormitory prohibited. CRD-E* 10 All residential uses are Limited commercial 15% 5 unrelated 21.22 (26.6%) 216 DU’s permitted by right, except for Multiple Unit Development, which is a conditional use. Private Dormitory prohibited. Hypothetical Max Buildout: 898 DU’s (15%↓)

  34. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment

  35. Article III: Establishment of Zoning Districts 304.08 Medium Density - Development District Housing (MD-DDH). The Medium Density Development – District Housing (MD-DDH) is a District that is designed to promote redevelopment of residential properties to provide more diverse housing types at higher densities than the DDH district. The district is intended to provide a transition between the DDH and the UN and CRD districts. Permitted uses will be limited to performance residential housing types, and limited institutional, special residential, and public service uses. 304.13 304.14 Corridor Redevelopment District (CRD). This District is intended to promote the renewal of the traditional auto- oriented commercial corridors of the City of Auburn. The areas with this designation were developed prior to the current zoning regulations and suffer from poor aesthetics and lack of economic diversity. This District provides regulations that permit redevelopment of a more urban or mixed-use character while protecting the economic viability of the corridor. It provides for intermediate residential densities and necessary commercial and institutional uses. The CRD is designed to target areas where a combination of public investment in capital improvements and public/private actions to renew and redevelop land and structures will stabilize commercial corridors, thereby reducing the cost of growth in Auburn. The CRD is not intended to accommodate a substantially larger population as a result of redevelopment, but the character, stability and vitality of the District are projected to improve. Like the CDD, this District allows many and varied uses while placing emphasis on minimizing or buffering any nuisances between uses. This zone, therefore, imposes standards to alleviate conflicts and eliminate negative impacts. The CRD is divided into three four unique sub-districts: Corridor Redevelopment District - Urban (CRD-U), and Corridor Redevelopment District – Suburban (CRD-S), Corridor Redevelopment District – West (CRD-W), and Corridor Redevelopment District – East (CRD-E). The Urban and East designation promotes more compact growth in those areas closer to the Urban Core. The Suburban and West designations promotes growth with strong aesthetic and increased design guidance. Occupancy in the CRD-U, CRD-E and CRD-S is limited to five (5) unrelated individuals, except as otherwise provided by standards for Institutional and Special Residential Uses Occupancy in the CRD-W, west of North Donahue Drive, is limited to the “Family” as per Section 203. Occupancy in the CRD-W, east of North Donahue Drive, is limited to five (5) unrelated individuals, except as otherwise provided by standards for Institutional and Special Residential Uses.


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