hans j tobler

Hans J.Tobler Prsident der IG exact seit 1996 Excellence in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Hans J.Tobler Prsident der IG exact seit 1996 Excellence in Applied Electronics & Technologies Geschftsfhrer der Management-Consultants: EMSC Dr.M.Tobler & Partner EOQ Auditor und EFQM-Assessor und -Validator

  1. Hans J.Tobler • Präsident der IG exact seit 1996 Excellence in Applied Electronics & Technologies • Geschäftsführer der Management-Consultants: EMSC Dr.M.Tobler & Partner • EOQ Auditor und EFQM-Assessor und -Validator • Praxis : 30 Jahre Forschung & Entwicklung (Siemens-Cerberus) davon 16 Jahre im betrieblichen Qualitäts- und Umwelt- Management • Publikationen : LCA-Studien in Elektronik, Studien für das BUWAL 27th LCA-Forum IG exact / simplified LCA 1

  2. The Interessen- -Gemeinschaft exact Gemeinschaft exact The Interessen • IG exact has been founded in 1967 as an OECD initiative. Today it represents an association as well as a trademark, registered in Switzerland. • IG exact is headed by a management committee • Four working groups deal with specific issues. 27th LCA-Forum IG exact / simplified LCA 2

  3. Members of IG exact Members of IG exact producer research institutes universities authorities services IG exact coaches manufacturer 27th LCA-Forum IG exact / simplified LCA 3

  4. 4 IG exact / simplified LCA 27th LCA-Forum

  5. Organization Organization AG Beschaffung AG Umweltfragen AG Elektronik AG Elektronik Produktion 27th LCA-Forum IG exact / simplified LCA 5

  6. Tasks and activities of IG exact : Tasks and activities of IG exact : Exchange of information about: • Components engineering & -technology AGE • procurement AGB • production processes & -technology ZEP • Environmental questions AGU quarterly meetings with: Presentations by members and external experts at, progress reports on projects (cooperation of companies) Information's on conferences, publications. Discussions about actual problems. News on homepage: www.igexact.org 27th LCA-Forum IG exact / simplified LCA 6

  7. ITG- -exact exact seminar seminar 2 2 „ „Bleifreie Elektronik Bleifreie Elektronik“ “ (29.9.04) (29.9.04) ITG 27th LCA-Forum IG exact / simplified LCA 7

  8. IG exact AG special Workshop RoHS & WEEE RoHS & WEEE (29.10.04) (29.10.04) IG exact AG special Workshop 27th LCA-Forum IG exact / simplified LCA 8

  9. Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) in Electronics in Electronics Simplified LCA for components Simplified LCA for components 27th LCA-Forum IG exact / simplified LCA 9

  10. Simplified LCA in Electronics Simplified LCA in Electronics • Method „simplified – LCA“ for easy and cost saving assessment of substances and processes • Results on different technologies • Conclusions 27th LCA-Forum IG exact / simplified LCA 10

  11. Simplified LCA Simplified LCA • include the whole lifecycle (from cradle to gate) • select Screening-indicators • highlight “hot spots” • Best suited for industrial application 27th LCA-Forum IG exact / simplified LCA 11

  12. Screening- -Indicators Indicators Screening • Energy consumption (input indicator) e .g. Production of Integratet Circuits (IC) (global warming, acidification) • Resource depletion (input indicator) • Human-/ecotoxicity (output indicators) toxic heavy metals (v.a. lead, chromium-6 cadmium, mercury) and halogenated hydrocarbons (flame retardants) 27th LCA-Forum IG exact / simplified LCA 12

  13. Advantages of sf- -LCA LCA Advantages of sf • scale and scope smaller (data collection) • time less time consuming (method) • costs less expensive (time) • results ca. 80% of impacts 27th LCA-Forum IG exact / simplified LCA 13

  14. Application Application What ? chemical content How much ? How dangerous? Weighting factor Environmental Value Environmental impact 27th LCA-Forum IG exact / simplified LCA 14

  15. Example: Table Chemical Content Example: Table Chemical Content exac exact In Intern rnat ation ional l Ex Exchange of E of Electroni onic c Compon mponent ent T Tech chnol nology ogy an and T d Test Data Arbeitsg Arbeitsgrupp ruppe Um Umweltf weltfragen en Material Deklaration Hersteller: X Werksanschrift: -Strasse, X-1000 Cosmodorf Tel.: 0041 9000 0001 Datum: 20.Nov. ‘96 Marke: Y Bearbeiter: M.O. Bean Fax: 0041 9000 0002 Visum: ∅ 8 x 12mm Komponente: (Fabrikat, Typ, Charakteristik) Konda , GP , 85°/2000h, General Purpose, radial, Teil: Komponente: Kurzbezeichnung: Gewicht (gr): Gewicht (%): R-/S-Sätze (GStoV), ergänzende Hinweise: Kondensatorwickel / 44.54 0.396 Al Aluminium / Papier 0.043 4.84 Becher: Verschlussstopfen : Äthylen Propylen Terephtalat EPT 0.207 23.28 Polyvinylchlorid Isolierumhüllung: PVC 0.049 5.51 S23, 35 3 Elektrolyt: Methylformamid (NMF) HCONHCH 0.120 13.50 R36.61 / S36, 37, 53 Eisen / Kupfer (>1000:1) Fe/Cu 0.021 Lötanschlüsse: 2.36 R20 Sn/Pb Zinn / Blei (60/40) 0.0002 0.023 Uebrige: UP/PP Polyester / Plypropylen 0.0528 5.939 R20 Total: 0.889 100.0 Sammelstelle: exact Schweiz c/o Hans J.Tobler, Cerberus AG, Postfach 600, CH-8603 Schwerzenbach, Schweiz Muster / 24.01.97 27th LCA-Forum IG exact / simplified LCA 15

  16. Example Example • Metalfilm-Resistor wired (¼ Watt) • Flatchip-Resistor 1206, (¼ Watt) • Al-Electrolytic Capacitor (Æ5x12mm) • IC SO-8 (in Epoxy Case, SMD) 27th LCA-Forum IG exact / simplified LCA 16

  17. Sensitivity analysis Sensitivity analysis 90 80 70 60 Eco-Indicator 95 CML 50 BUWAL 133 40 [%] Ecopoints NL 30 BUWAL 132 20 10 0 Chemikalien Energie Lack Rest Kappen Widerstandsmat Anschlüsse Keramikkörper 27th LCA-Forum IG exact / simplified LCA 17

  18. Inventory wired resistor Inventory wired resistor Energy Product: → → Electricity Resistor Fossil fuel Input material → Airborne emissions Ceramic body VOC (volatile organic → Production of wired Connecting poles compounds Resistor material resistors Connecting wires Gases Lack Auxillaries → Effluents Gases Anorganic substances → Water Organic solvents Anorganic substances Waste → Solid waste Anorganic substances Organic solvents Varnish 27th LCA-Forum IG exact / simplified LCA 18

  19. Metalfilm - - Resistor; w ired 0 2 0 7 , Resistor; w ired 0 2 0 7 , ¼ ¼ W att W att Metalfilm 1.6 0 E-0 6 1.4 0 E-0 6 1.20 E-0 6 1.0 0 E-0 6 Varnish Nickel 8 .0 0 E-0 7 Iron Copper 6 .0 0 E-0 7 Ceram ic 4 .0 0 E-0 7 2.0 0 E-0 7 0 .0 0 E+0 0 ecotoxicity hum an toxicity resources 27th LCA-Forum IG exact / simplified LCA 19

  20. Flatchip- - Resistor 1 2 0 6 , Resistor 1 2 0 6 , ¼ ¼ W att ( SMD) W att ( SMD) Flatchip 8 .0 0 E-0 9 7.0 0 E-0 9 6 .0 0 E-0 9 5.0 0 E-0 9 Varnish Glass 4 .0 0 E-0 9 Nickel Silver 3.0 0 E-0 9 Ceram ic 2.0 0 E-0 9 1.0 0 E-0 9 0 .0 0 E+0 0 ecotoxicity hum an toxicity resources 27th LCA-Forum IG exact / simplified LCA 20

  21. METALFI LM - METALFI LM - RESISTOR; WIRED 0207, ¼ Watt RESISTOR; WIRED 0207, ¼ Watt FLATCHIP- FLATCHIP - RESISTOR 1206, ¼ Watt (SMD) RESISTOR 1206, ¼ Watt (SMD) 8 .0 0 E-0 9 1.60 E-0 6 7.0 0 E-0 9 1.40 E-0 6 6.0 0 E-0 9 1.20 E-0 6 5.0 0 E-0 9 1.0 0 E-0 6 Varnish Varnish Glas Nickel 4.0 0 E-0 9 8 .0 0 E-0 7 Iron Nickel Copper 3.0 0 E-0 9 Silver 6.0 0 E-0 7 Ceram ic Ceram ic 4.0 0 E-0 7 2.0 0 E-0 9 2.0 0 E-0 7 1.0 0 E-0 9 0 .0 0 E+0 0 0 .0 0 E+0 0 ecotoxicity hum an toxicity resources eco toxicity hum an to xicity resources Otober 2004 IG exact 24 Otober 2004 IG exact 23 Human toxicity : Human toxicity : - Nickel (Met.Paste) 7,25 x 10 -9 - Copper (connecting wires) 1,5 x 10 -6 - Silver (Met. Paste) 7,65 x 10 -10 Resources : Resources : - Copper (connecting wires) 7,0 x 10 -7 - Ceramic (cylinder) 6,50 x 10 -9 - Nickel (“) 5,00 x 10 -9 3,85 x 10 -9 - Silver (“) Total : 2,2 x 10 -6 2,34 x 10 -8 Weight of component : 225mg / 9,75mg Energy consumption production: 2,0 Wh / 0,9 Wh Calculation : Normalized by Weight and Energy consumption: wired resistor : flat chip-resistor 9 : 1 As functional unit: 94 x !!! (2,2 * 10 -6 : 2,34 * 10 -8 = 94) 27th LCA-Forum IG exact / simplified LCA 21

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