handling city data deluge

Handling City Data Deluge Challenges and Applications Veli Bicer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

IBM - Dublin Research Lab Handling City Data Deluge Challenges and Applications Veli Bicer IBM Research, Ireland IBM - Dublin Research Lab Outline A Planet of Smarter Cities City Data and Information Challenges Applications

  1. IBM - Dublin Research Lab Handling City Data Deluge Challenges and Applications Veli Bicer IBM Research, Ireland

  2. IBM - Dublin Research Lab Outline • A Planet of Smarter Cities • City Data and Information • Challenges • Applications • Cloudy Cities • Conclusion

  3. IBM - Dublin Research Lab A Planet of Smarter Cities “Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.” Jane Jacobs

  4. IBM - Dublin Research Lab A planet of smarter cities: In 2007, for the first time in history, the majority of the world’s population— 3.3 billion people — lived in cities. By 2050, city dwellers are expected to make up 70% of Earth’s total population, or 6.4 billion people.

  5. IBM - Dublin Research Lab IBM Research Worldwide 12 Labs. 6 Continents.

  6. IBM - Dublin Research Lab IBM Research – Ireland: Mission Smarter Cities Analytics HPC • Transportation • Risk Model Creation • Exascale workload optimized systems • Water • Efficient Decision Model Solvers • Big+fast data and aggregate • Energy cloud workloads • Risk Communication • City Fabric • City Analytics • Mobility • Social Care Expertise Machine Learning Systems Software Data Mining Automated Reasoning Parallel Algorithms Networking Geospatial Visualization Social Semantic Web Workload Optimization Water Management Robust Control Real-time Stream Processing Transportation Science Optimization Distributed Simulation Power Systems

  7. IBM - Dublin Research Lab

  8. IBM - Dublin Research Lab City Data and Information “The country places and the trees don’t teach me anything, but the people in the city do” Socrates

  9. IBM - Dublin Research Lab

  10. IBM - Dublin Research Lab City of Data and Information: Many Areas • Large , open and continuous data environment from heterogeneous domains: Energy Management City Management Transportation Social Media and even more… Water Supply Chain Region Food System HealthCare Management

  11. IBM - Dublin Research Lab Some Traffic-related Data Sets from Dublin  Big data  Not all open yet ,  Heterogeneous data  Not linked yet  Static, Continuous data  Noisy data (inconsistent, imprecise)

  12. IBM - Dublin Research Lab POWERED by www.dublinked.ie Open Innovation Portal

  13. IBM - Dublin Research Lab Dublinked - outcomes • Publish and put into context (100’s datasets, 1000’s of files) • Create innovation ecosystem Commercial valuations Property management and rates Business & Retail Housing Tourism Mapping Events Pool resources Share results Heritage Demographics Environment Crime Waste Collection Health Water Fault Reporting Transport & Access Planning

  14. IBM - Dublin Research Lab Challenges “We cannot afford merely to sit down and deplore the evils of city life as inevitable, when cities are constantly growing, both absolutely and relatively. We must set ourselves vigorously about the task of improving them; and this task is now well begun.” Theodore Roosevelt

  15. IBM - Dublin Research Lab Smarter Cities share data … Open Urban Data is at the center of a new wave of opportunity (*) • More than 150 city agencies and authorities, worldwide, have already made over 1M datasets available through open data portals. • Open data are generating new business: McKinsey & Associates estimate the economic value of big, open health data, at approximately $350B annually. (*) “Driving Innovation with Open Data”, Jeanne Holm, Data.gov, Feb. 9 th , 2012 (Presentation to Ontology 2012)

  16. IBM - Dublin Research Lab Big city data 4 V’s of Big Data Volume Velocity • Lots of relevant • Streams information • Frequent updates • Not linked to authoritative sources Variety Veracity • Different models and file • Diverse sources formats • Difficult to do assess • Open domain - Unknown quality schema

  17. IBM - Dublin Research Lab Research Streams What would you do if you had access to all of the data in a City? Could multiple sources of City data be linked together at scale Linked Data to uncover new behaviours and provide new insights? What technologies will enable contextual query across massive Information Management volumes of heterogeneous data, for applications and people? How could we protect the City – and Citizens – from harm Data Privacy while still enabling insight? How can we use computer reasoning to simplify City City Operations Operations through diagnosis and prediction? Social How can we incorporate human & social data sources to Business interpret and predict emergent behavior?

  18. IBM - Dublin Research Lab What do people search for? Top 8 categories according to user scores [Kukka, PUC, 2013] Transport Maps Events Food • Public transportation •Where places are and what’s •What’s happening • Restaurant menus, happy hours schedules, location of near me today/tomorrow/next week etc. transports etc. Info Ads News Traffic • General information related to • Offers from stores, where to • News from national and • Free parking spaces, opening hours, local history, buy etc. international sources construction sites, traffic jams healthcare etc etc.

  19. IBM - Dublin Research Lab Relevance • Need to buy new “furniture”?

  20. IBM - Dublin Research Lab Relevance • Dublin TRIPS data:

  21. IBM - Dublin Research Lab Relevance • Dublin Trips Data: – Journey times throughout the city – Real-time data with updates in every minute – Historical data is available for every day since 9/7/2012 – Mined from SCATS-based (Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System) intelligent transportation system for 500+ sites around Dublin • Accessible from: – http://dublinked.ie/datastore/datasets/dataset-215.php • Visualization – http://www.dublinked.ie/traffic/

  22. IBM - Dublin Research Lab Relevance • More transportation data – Public Transport Route Networks • http://dublinked.ie/datastore/datasets/dataset-258.php – Dublin Bus GPS Data • http://dublinked.com/datastore/datasets/dataset-304.php – Dublin Bus GTFS data • http://dublinked.ie/datastore/datasets/dataset-254.php – Accessible Parking Places • http://dublinked.com/datastore/datasets/dataset-049.php – Roads and Streets in Dublin City • http://dublinked.com/datastore/datasets/dataset-123.php

  23. IBM - Dublin Research Lab Relevance Buying your dream house Finding the houses? Perfect match!! How is the neighborhood? Is the price reasonable?

  24. IBM - Dublin Research Lab Relevance • Property Register Index : ~52000 property sales Available at http://kdeg.cs.tcd.ie/propertyPriceMap/

  25. IBM - Dublin Research Lab Relevance • More city data: – Amenities & Recreation • http://dublinked.ie/datastore/by-category/amenities- recreation.php – Schools • http://dublinked.com/datastore/datasets/dataset-099.php – Key developing areas • http://dublinked.ie/datastore/datasets/dataset-134.php – Air pollution monitoring data • http://dublinked.ie/datastore/datasets/dataset-185.php

  26. IBM - Dublin Research Lab Business case • Why are ambulances late? Sources of information • 100’s of datasets from four municipal authorities in Dublin • Most static, some dynamic • Social Media: twitter, LiveDrive, eventful, eventBright , … • Linked Data: DBpedia, .. • Vocabularies: IPSV, FOAF, VOID, PROV, DCAT, WSG Domain of information • Locations of Health Services • Ambulance call outs and response times • Tweets about traffic congestion • Geo-located tweets about people movement • Road network • Event Web Services • …

  27. IBM - Dublin Research Lab Business case: traffic diagnosis Problem: diagnosis and reasoning How can we provide City decision makers with explanations and diagnoses for events by applying machine reasoning techniques to a fusion of massive, rich, complex and dynamic data? How can we move from explanation to prediction? Challenges • Identifying relevant data and information • Capturing and representing anomalies • Correlating time-evolving knowledge on heterogeneous data sources • Advanced fusion of data Anomaly Detected: Detection to Delayed buses, congested Diagnosis? roads Diagnosis: A music concert next to Canal Road at 3PM

  28. IBM - Dublin Research Lab Applications “True genius resides in the capacity for evaluation of uncertain, hazardous, and conflicting information.” Winston Churchill

  29. IBM - Dublin Research Lab Stream Data example • Context-based CCTV Camera Selection [ Tallevi et al, ISWC’13] • 100’s CCTV cameras in Dublin. • Live and static context: – Traffic – Noise – Pollution – Amenities – … • Continuous SPARQL interpreter, with extensions for heterogeneous data and execution engine on top of Infosphere Streams • Live fusion of information to select top-k most interesting cameras based on context.

  30. IBM - Dublin Research Lab http://www.lia.deis.unibo.it/Research/DubExtensions/index.html Green: Dublin Bike availability Purple dot: Bus in congestion Blue: Noise Purple bar: Pollution Red: Amenities Fusing Data Streams from Dublin City to Select Surveillance Cameras Yellow: Cameras IBM Confidential Simone Tallevi-Diotallevi, Spyros Kotoulas, Freddy Lecue


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