halloween is a patchwork holiday click to edit master

Halloween is a patchwork holiday Click to edit Master title style by - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Halloween is a patchwork holiday Click to edit Master title style by Gwen Nicodemus Celts Were here for a Halloween party. Click to edit Master title style Romans Mexicans Catholicism Halloween Celts Click to edit Master title style But

  1. Halloween is a patchwork holiday Click to edit Master title style by Gwen Nicodemus

  2. Celts We’re here for a Halloween party. Click to edit Master title style Romans Mexicans Catholicism Halloween

  3. Celts Click to edit Master title style But to get to the party, we have Romans Mexicans to learn about WHY we celebrate Catholicism Halloween Halloween.

  4. Celts Click to edit Master title style So, let’s learn about this Romans Mexicans patchwork holiday. Catholicism Halloween

  5. Celts The Celts contributed a lot to Click to edit Master title style Romans Mexicans Halloween. Catholicism Halloween

  6. The Celts believed that the Celts Click to edit Master title style Romans Mexicans veil between the living and Catholicism Halloween the dead was the thinnest on October 31.

  7. Celts The Celts believed that Click to edit Master title style Romans Mexicans ghosts could make them sick Catholicism Halloween and ruin their crops.

  8. Celts Young men “copied” the Click to edit Master title style Romans Mexicans ghosts and dressed scary to Catholicism Halloween make the ghosts happy.

  9. Celts The Celts had bonfires on the Click to edit Master title style Romans Mexicans edge of town to attract the Catholicism Halloween ghosts.

  10. Celts The Celts carved turnips to Click to edit Master title style Romans Mexicans make Jack ‐ o ‐ Lanterns. Catholicism Halloween

  11. Celts The Romans contributed to Click to edit Master title style Romans Mexicans Halloween. Catholicism Halloween

  12. Celts The Romans gave offerings to Click to edit Master title style Romans Mexicans the dead so they would not Catholicism Halloween haunt them.

  13. Celts The Latin population in Mexico Click to edit Master title style Romans Mexicans contributed to Halloween. Catholicism Halloween

  14. Celts Family and friends gather Click to edit Master title style Romans Mexicans and remember those who Catholicism Halloween have died.

  15. Celts They build altars honoring Click to edit Master title style Romans Mexicans the dead. Catholicism Halloween

  16. Celts The skull is a common Click to edit Master title style Romans Mexicans symbol. Catholicism Halloween

  17. Celts The Catholics introduced Click to edit Master title style Romans Mexicans Halloween to Christians. Catholicism Halloween

  18. Celts The Catholics moved All Click to edit Master title style Romans Mexicans Saints Day to combine it with Catholicism Halloween the Celtic Samhain.

  19. Celts The Celts, Romans, native Click to edit Master title style Romans Mexicans Mexicans, and Catholics all Catholicism Halloween contributed to Halloween.


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