habitat mapping in finland

Habitat mapping in Finland Shallow areas with benthic vegetation and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Habitat mapping in Finland Shallow areas with benthic vegetation and sessile invertebrates Ari Laine, Metshallitus / Parks & Wildlife Finland 2nd Meeting of the HELCOM Intersessional Network on Benthic Habitats and Biotopes Warnemnde

  1. Habitat mapping in Finland Shallow areas with benthic vegetation and sessile invertebrates Ari Laine, Metsähallitus / Parks & Wildlife Finland 2nd Meeting of the HELCOM Intersessional Network on Benthic Habitats and Biotopes Warnemünde 26.-27.9.2018

  2. Finnish inventory programme of underwater habitats and species • General mapping in 2004-2015, since 2016 focus on threatened and rare habitats and species, and areas affected by antropogenic pressures • Data consist of > 96 000 video point observations and > 2000 dive transects • Video data analysis: coverage of algae, vascular plants, epibenthic invertebrates and substrate -> habitat classification (HUBs and N2000 habitats) • Dive transect data: species-level diversity in photic zone

  3. VELMU methods • Bottom topography, geology • Vegetation • Invertebrates • Fish spawning areas Scuba diving Algal lines Drop video ROV Parks & Wildlife Finland Geol. Surv. Fin. Benthic sampling / H. Kutvonen Geological Sampling of fish larvae echosounding methods SYKE

  4. Data available in VELMU Map Service

  5. Data shows well large-scale distribution but still gaps in waters closest to mainland Vascular plants HELCOM HUB Macroalgae (community-level) Epibenthic bivalves

  6. Findings published as a book in 2017 • Habitats and species described with fresh pictures and distribution maps • 581 pages • To be translated in English

  7. Recent application of data : Modelling of biotope distribution, analysis of protection level and human pressures https://seagis.org/

  8. Current challenges • Validation of species and habitat models, restricted access to high resolution depth and substrate data • Habitat Directive reporting & status assessment criteria for hard bottom communities • No monitoring program exist (except aphotic soft bottom habitats)


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