green growth indicators

Green Growth Indicators Session 1a Welfare measurement and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Green Growth Knowledge Platform Green Growth Knowledge Platform Conference Mexico January 2012 Green Growth Indicators Session 1a Welfare measurement and performance p metrics Paul Schreyer (OECD) Paul Schreyer (OECD) Presentation 1.

  1. Green Growth Knowledge Platform Green Growth Knowledge Platform Conference Mexico January 2012 Green Growth Indicators Session 1a Welfare measurement and performance p metrics Paul Schreyer (OECD) Paul Schreyer (OECD)

  2. Presentation 1. Background 2. OECD Green Growth measurement framework -- how it relates to welfare and sustainable development -- criteria for monetary measures of natural assets 3. Measurement agenda

  3. 1. Background 1. Background

  4. Background • Mandate to OECD in 2009 • Report to Ministerial meeting in 2011 – Green Growth Strategy – Green Growth Indicators – Tools for Delivering on Green Growth g – Special reports on • Agriculture • Energy • Follow-up work under way p y

  5. ... indicators report

  6. 1. OECD Green Growth 1. OECD Green Growth measurement framework

  7. start with, a definition of Green Growth Growth Green grow th is about fostering econom ic grow th a nd d ev elop m ent w hile ensuring that the na tura l a ssets continue to provide that the na tura l a ssets continue to provide the resources and environm ental services on w hich our w ell-being relies. To do this it m ust w hich our w ell being relies. To do this it m ust catalyse investm ent and innovation w hich w ill underpin sustained grow th and give rise to new econom ic op p ortunities .

  8. Link to simple welfare model Welfa e cha ge/s stai abilit Welfare change/sustainability =          p K p N p T p H p S                K N T N N produced d d capital it l natural t l capital it l productivi d ti i t ty h human capital it l social i l capital it l / innovation / health = Comprehensive net investments, valued at social shadow prices i l h d i Underlying this simple reduced relation are U d l i hi i l d d l i structural relations describing • Production P d ti • Utility • Interaction production, consumption, natural I i d i i l assets

  9. Sustainability and Green Growth • Sustainability provides context to OECD work on Green growth g • GG more narrowly focused (human, health and social capital are picked up by OECD work p p p y on societal progress) • Strong policy component • Measurement: – Emphasis on structural relations p – Emphasis on natural and produced capital – In particular, 4 types of indicators p , 4 yp

  10. OECD GG indicators focus on: 1. Production processes: Ind ica tors of P d ti I d i t f env ironm enta l a nd resource p rod uctiv ity d ti it 2. Na tura l a sset ba se ( Δ N) 3. Environmental assets in the utility function: Ind ica tors of f env ironm enta l q ua lity of life 4. Indicators of econom ic 4. Indicators of econom ic op p ortunities : innovation, investment competition and overall productivity competition and overall productivity change ( Δ T)

  11. Indicator groups and topics • Carbon and energy productivity The environmental and resource 1 • Resource productivity: materials, nutrients, water productivity of the economy productivity of the economy • Multi factor productivity • Multi-factor productivity • Renewable stocks: water, forest, fish resources The natural asset base 2 • Non-renewable stocks: mineral resources • Biodiversity and ecosystems Biodiversity and ecosystems The environmental dimension of 3 • Environmental health and risks quality of life • Environmental services and amenities • Technology and innovation • Environmental goods & services Economic opportunities and • International financial flows 4 policy responses policy responses • Prices and transfers Prices and transfers • Skills and training • Regulations and management approaches • Economic growth and structure Socio-economic context and Socio economic context and • Productivity and trade Productivity and trade characteristics of growth • Labour markets, education and income • Socio-demographic patterns

  12. Monetary valuation of natural assets • From perspective of NSOs, 3 criteria to be considered when trying to measure p N • Criterion 1: is asset inside the national accounts asset boundary? – Yes: should be amenable to monetary valuation – Example: land, subsoil resources, some biological resources, produced (orchards, fish from acquaculture) and non-produced (other fish natural timber) fish, natural timber)

  13. Monetary valuation of natural assets • Criterion 2: private or social valuations? i i i i l l i – Private values: • Market prices can be invoked (after some adjustments)  useful for balance sheets • Private shadow prices can sometimes be • Private shadow prices can sometimes be computed eg to measure effects of regulations • But externalities not valued  not useful for tracking sustainability – Social values: • Conceptually right measures to value assets and track (weak) sustainability • But vast differences in existing monetary • But vast differences in existing monetary estimates raises question about readiness for official statistics

  14. Monetary valuation of natural assets • Criterion 3: individual or combined assets? – Individual natural assets (e.g. timber, sub-soil Individual natural assets (e g timber sub soil minerals, water,…) – Ecosystems as a combined asset – Ecosystems as a combined asset • Conceptually important to recognise ecosystem assets and services • But major issues of quantification in physical terms (multi-dimensional, non-linear, space-dependent) • Even more complex: monetary valuation  E l l i  research subject but probably not ready for official statistics

  15. 3. Measurement Agenda 3. Measurement Agenda

  16. Measurement agenda (1) 1. Im plem enting environm ent-econom y accounting fram ework SEEA accounting fram ework SEEA • Key for consistent information • Ke for the construction of indicators Key for the construction of indicators • Standard adopted, now implementation

  17. Measurement agenda (2) 2. Advancing m easures for key natural assets assets • Accounts on land • • Other natural resources such as non-energy Other natural resources, such as non-energy and energy mineral resources, and timber resources  Both areas inside the asset boundary of the SNA and the SEEA: useful for both the the SNA and the SEEA: useful for both the SNA and the SEEA implementation

  18. Measurement agenda (2) 3. Dem and-based estim ates of environm ental environm ental productivity/ decoupling • Account for environmental pressures or Account for environmental pressures or natural resource use embodied in imports and exports • First set of results for CO2 available • Update and other environmental pressures p p

  19. Measurement agenda (4) 4. Extended growth accounting d d h i • Better capture growth contribution of natural assets and growth effects of abatement activity t d th ff t f b t t ti it • Draw on work on valuation of natural resources resources • Adjusted multi-factor productivity measures 5. Advance physical m easures – Nitrogen/Phosporus balances (beyond i / h b l (b d agriculture) – Bi di Biodiversity it

  20. Join the discussion! • International Green Growth Dialogue online community • A secure site for sharing your perspectives and initiatives, and p p , discussing the development of the Green Growth Strategy. • To register, email your contact details to: g g @ g

  21. Th Thank you! k ! l h d


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