great hearts distance learning ghdl

Great Hearts Distance Learning (GHDL) 1. Students will now be fully - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Great Hearts Distance Learning (GHDL) 1. Students will now be fully enrolled in their own school and taught by a teacher from that school 2. Video contact, both synchronous and asynchronous , will be a big part of the program 3. Students will be

  1. Great Hearts Distance Learning (GHDL) 1. Students will now be fully enrolled in their own school and taught by a teacher from that school 2. Video contact, both synchronous and asynchronous , will be a big part of the program 3. Students will be held to the same academic standards as their in-building peers To cultivate the minds and hearts of students through the pursuit of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.

  2. Archway GHDL 1. Students will stay caught up with their peers in Spalding, Writing, Grammar, Reading, and Math. 2. Daily video instruction 3. Attendance is required 4. Average total daily work of 2-6 hours To cultivate the minds and hearts of students through the pursuit of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.

  3. Prep GHDL 1. Three (3) video touchpoints per class per week 2. Average total daily work between 4-6 hours 3. Weekly assessment and feedback in each class every week 4. Students should be prepared to “come to class” every day To cultivate the minds and hearts of students through the pursuit of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.

  4. Return to Building Mitigation Plan 1 . Keeping the virus out 2 . Reducing the viral load 3 . Reducing cohort mingling To cultivate the minds and hearts of students through the pursuit of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.

  5. Archway Return to Building 1 . Drop-off 4 . Pick-up 5 . Athenaeum 2 . Recess 6 . Clubs 3 . Lunch To cultivate the minds and hearts of students through the pursuit of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.

  6. Prep Return to Building • Athletics • Clubs • Social Interactions To cultivate the minds and hearts of students through the pursuit of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.

  7. Face Coverings Policy • Face coverings required on campus • Varied colors and patterns permitted • No messaging permitted (with the exception of academy-related messages) To cultivate the minds and hearts of students through the pursuit of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.

  8. Desk Shields To cultivate the minds and hearts of students through the pursuit of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.

  9. COVID Response Plan Contact Tracing Positive Campus COVID Isolation Communication COVID-19 Response Team Disinfection Case Identified GH COVID Maricopa Response Health Team Department

  10. Positive COVID-19 Case on Campus Isolate | Trace | Disinfect To cultivate the minds and hearts of students through the pursuit of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.

  11. Close Contact Exposure to COVID-19 Exhibiting Symptoms of COVID-19 1. Stay at home until symptoms 1. 6 feet or closer for more than 10 improve and it is at least 10 days minutes without a mask since symptoms began and it has been 24 hours since there 2. Quarantine for incubation period has been a fever of 100.0 of 14 days since last day of without fever reducing exposure medications. 3. Negative tests not accepted 2. May return early with a doctor’s until end of incubation period note of 2 negative tests spaced 24 hours apart. To cultivate the minds and hearts of students through the pursuit of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.


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