grad d cor

GRAD dcor TM Grad Decor Grad Decor is an online marketplace where - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

GRAD dcor TM Grad Decor Grad Decor is an online marketplace where people can design their own Grad Decal. A Grad Decal is a high quality vinyl product sized perfectly to accommodate a standard graduation cap. On the Grad Decor website you

  1. GRAD décor TM

  2. Grad Decor Grad Decor is an online marketplace where people can design their own Grad Decal. A Grad Decal is a high quality vinyl product sized perfectly to accommodate a standard graduation cap. On the Grad Decor website you can find pre-designed decals as well as accessories to go with you cap design. Project Mission For this capstone there will be many elements of the business that will have to be addressed. From a business standpoint, a lot of work will go into creating a viable product, business plan, production plan, and marketing strategy. From a design standpoint, a website will need to be created, a brand established, a product designed, and a packaging solution. This project will be a system of different parts coming together to form a functional company. Mission | System Design

  3. 8.1 million 90% of people Students graduate each over the age of 25 having year in the United States completed High School Would you Decorate your Would a fully customizable decal fitted Graduation Cap? for your graduation cap interest you? 23.5% 8.1(.59) = 4.78 8.1(.82) = 6.64 Potential Customers ~4,780,000 - 88.2% 58.8% ~6,640,000 / year Research | Market Scope

  4. Would you Represent your Club or Would you Represent the Company or College Orginization on your Graduation Cap? that you would be at Post Graduation? 17.6% 52.9% 23.5% 52.9% How Much would you be Willing to Pay to Decorate Your Graduation Cap? Results $0-10 23.5% By the end of the initial research, I was able to learn a lot about the customer and their desires from a potential graduation $11-20 29.4% product. What shocked me the most was what students would represent on their cap. This opens up an interesting channel to $21-30 35.3% boost sales by talking to university admissions to move product onto incoming students who would want to represent the $30+ 11.8% university they will be attending. Research | User Research

  5. GRAD décor TM GRAD décor TM Logo Design Graphic Styling For the logo design I incorporated two fonts, Bai Jamjuree and Text Graphic branding will play a large role in building this brand so I Me One. I added the color orange since with the styling looked the layed out a way to keep iconography parallel across the board. best when compared to other colors. Check the Icons for reference. GRAD décor TM GRAD décor TM Brand Identity | Logo & Graphic Styling

  6. Bai Jumjuree Montserrat Heading Body Text Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Typography African Amber Eerie Black Pantone: PMS 2013 C Pantone: PMS 532 C The typography will consist of a header font and a body font. HEX: #FF9800 HEX: #1B1B1E The header font is the same as the one in the logo, Bai RGB: 255 152 0 RGB: 27 27 30 Jamjuree, while the text is just Montserrat. CMYK: 0 48 100 0 CMYK: 9 9 0 88 Colors White Platinum For the colors I used the Material UI library by Google. The Pantone: PMS 663 C Pantone: N/A colors similar to RIT feature a heavy contrast between Orange HEX: #F3F3F3 HEX: #FFFFFF and Black. RGB: 243 243 243 RGB: 255 255 255 CMYK: 3 2 2 0 CMYK: 0 0 0 0 Brand Identity | Typography & Colors

  7. The Process The process for ordering and receiving a Grad Decal should be fast and efficient. Using multiple channels and having the manufacturer dropship the items helps us save on physical overhead while maintaining low prices. The process from design to on cap should be easy and affordable. Purchasing Production Visit Website Design or Select Order Print Package Ship Application Final Peel Apply Product System Design | Process

  8. User Flow Optimizing the website for user experience is a key determining factor when driving sales. Having the proper information and page structure can make or break whether someone will actually become a customer. Establishing clear paths and cycles within the flow is important to ensure that no one complains about any one thing. Website Design | User Flow Diagram

  9. GRAD décor TM Home Products Customize About Contact Blog Search Cart (0) Design Tool Sourcing a customizable design tool will be important because the Custom Grad Decals whole premise of the business revolves around customization. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed There are open source tools available to use for this purpose. DESIGN YOURS 25% off Easy Application Design your Own and Removal Grad Decal Your first Grad Decal Use Code: CLASSOF2019 Featured Products YOUR Funny Inspirational 10 Items 14 Items DESIGN HERE Best Sellers Teams 8 Items 22 Items Grad Decal RESET SHARE $14 SAVE DESIGN SAVE DESIGN Video Instructions FRONT Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed INSTRUCTIONS Website Design | Concepts & Design Tool

  10. Material Production Packaging The product should be made from a very durable Production would be managed by a professional Initially packaging will be a flat rate envelope from adhesive that is waterproof and retains high printing company that has the infrastructure not USPS, but with scale, a need to produce packaging resolution imagery. For this reason, durable vinyl only to print and cut the product, but to prepare it in accordance with the brand will be an important should be the best option. for shipping as well. part of the experience. Product | Features & Packaging

  11. Peel Firstly when receiving your Grad Decal, peel the decal off the instruction sheet from one of the corners. Apply Make sure the tassel is detached and apply the decal onto the fabric with the hole going over the button Attach Lastly attach the tassel back on the graduation cap. Now you’re ready for your big day. Product | Design & Application

  12. Marketing With any product or service, marketing is very important when spreading word about the product. For marketing I will be leveraging traditional methods as well as social media marketing focusing mainly on platforms like Pinterest and Instagram. Targeting the market via age is very easy considering most graduates range between the ages of 18-25. Marketing | Plan for Success

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