ready set graduate

READY, SET, GRADUATE ! Your Guide to Applying for Graduation The - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

READY, SET, GRADUATE ! Your Guide to Applying for Graduation The Registrars Office OVERVIEW Preparation for Graduation Early Commencement Participation Commencement Ceremony Grad Fair Join the Alumni Association The

  1. READY, SET, GRADUATE ! Your Guide to Applying for Graduation The Registrar’s Office

  2. OVERVIEW  Preparation for Graduation  Early Commencement Participation  Commencement Ceremony  Grad Fair  Join the Alumni Association The Registrar’s Office

  3. USE YOUR TOOLS  Review your Degree Progress Report (DPR) and meet with an academic advisor if you have questions  Review your Curriculum Sheet  Review your Unofficial Transcript  Minimum 120 s sem emes ester er unit units to complete degree requirements  Check for repeated courses (Units earned only once)  Major units + GE units + (Unrestricted Electives) = 120  Minimum 2. 2.0 G 0 GPA – Core, Overall, and Cal Poly The Registrar’s Office

  4. PREPARING FOR GRADUATION  Any outstanding documents should be submitted to the Registrar’s Office: + Course substitution petitions, elective course lists, career tracks, etc.  Grade forgiveness is now processed automatically, no form required .  Other requirements (Internship, Senior Project, GWT) : + + must be completed by the end of the semester you intend to graduate The Registrar’s Office

  5. QUESTIONS?  Vis isit y it your A Acad ademic A Advi visor:  Major courses, outstanding requirements  Em Email ail y your r Tran ransfer & & Grad raduat ation A Advis isor (T r (TGA) at  Transfer credit, General Education certification, Curriculum Year Changes, Degree Progress Report The Registrar’s Office

  6. APPLICATION PROCESS  When t n to appl ply:  Students may apply up to two semesters in advance  All requirements must be completed or accounted for in your final term  Consult your DPR, curriculum sheet, and visit your academic advisor  Ap Apply on online via Br Bron oncoDirect b by the the d deadline:  If you missed the online deadline, you may apply in person at the Bronco Advising Center The Registrar’s Office

  7. APPLICATION PROCESS ( CONT. )  Emai mail c con onfirmation s sent af after appl applying: + Includes instructions with link to pay graduation fee ($59) + Do not pay before receiving email confirmation +  Veteran or or mi military depe pendent:  If you are using a VA educational benefit, please contact Veterans Resource Center to discuss whether your benefit can cover the graduation fee. Samuel Kim VA Certifying Office Email: Veterans Resource Center, SSB 121 – West – 1940 (1 st floor) The Registrar’s Office

  8. THE 2019-2020 GRADUATION APPLICATION DEADLINES Deadlines posted on Registrar’s website The Registrar’s Office

  9. SPRING SEMESTER GRADUATION DEADLINE Sp Spring 2020 Sp Spring 2020 On Onlin line Grad aduation Application Comm mmen encem emen ent Confirmation Nam ame wil ill l be prin inted in the Applic icants w will b be notified on their Comm mmen encem emen ent Program elig igibilit ity to par articipat ate via ia email if you ap if apply y wit ithin this t time fram ame [ Keep eep the emai ail as as confir irmat ation ] September 25, 25, 20 2019 9 – March ch 1 13, 3, 2020 2020 By March 27, 2020 The Registrar’s Office

  10. MISSED THE SPRING ONLINE DEADLINE FOR GRADUATION? Sp Spring 2020 I In P Per erson Gr Graduation A Application If you mis issed the onli line ap applic licat ation d deadline, vis isit it the Bron onco co Advising C g Center er to fil ill l out a a pap aper ap applic licat ation. You may participate i e in the Comm mmen encem emen ent Ceremo emony, but your name me wil ill l not be guar aran anteed in the e Comme mmenceme ment P Progr gram Marc rch 16 16, 2020 2020 – Ma May 1 y 15, 2020 2020 The Registrar’s Office

  11. FINAL REVIEW  Your TGA will begin clearing students for graduation once final grades are posted  If your DPR shows that you are missing one or more requirements, you will receive an email notification to your CPP email account  Last day to clear any deficiencies (missing requirements) is posted on the Registrar’s website  All documents must be submitted, and requirements completed before clearing you for graduation.  Drop op a any m minor or(s) y you ou d do o not i intend t to o com omple lete.  Minors are not dropped automatically and may delay graduation.  Your degree will appear on your transcript as soon as it is awarded The Registrar’s Office

  12. DIPLOMAS  Review and update personal information in BroncoDirect  Clear outstanding financial obligations  A congratulatory email will be sent to your CPP email address  Next, you will receive the “Diploma Information Email” regarding the " Se Senior E Exit it Su Survey ”  Please review the “Diploma Information” website link for further information: The Registrar’s Office


  14. EARLY COMMENCEMENT PARTICIPATION (ECP) FOR UNDERGRADUATES ECP is is a avail ilable t to s students that at w wil ill n not be c completin ing their ir grad aduation requir irements at at the en e end o of S Spr pring S Seme emester. Eligibility:  Within 6 or f fewer s semester units of completing degree at the en end o of the e Spr pring semester  Good Academic Standing  ECP online application available on the Registrar’s Office website:  + Decem ember er 5, 2 2019 – March 1 13, 3, 202 2020 ECP Application Fee - $59 (Non-refundable)  No late applications accepted  ECP does not include your Graduation Application and fee:  + Separate application for graduation and fee required ECP process for graduate students (Masters/Doctoral) is different:  + Consult your graduate coordinator for more information. ECP CP I IS NOT TH THE S SAM AME AS AS AP APPLYING FOR GRAD R GRADUATION The Registrar’s Office

  15. EARLY COMMENCEMENT PARTICIPATION (ECP) DEADLINE Ear arly y Commencement P Par articipat ation Ear arly y Commencement P Par articipat ation On Onli line Applic licat ation Period Confir irmation Name will be printed in the ECP Applicants will be notified on Commencement Program if you apply eligibility to participate in by the deadline and are eligible Commencement via email December 5, 2019 – March 13, 2020 By March 27, 2020 Do not apply for both ECP and Spring Graduation! The Registrar’s Office

  16. EARLY COMMENCEMENT PARTICIPATION (ECP) ONLINE FORM Do not apply for both ECP and Spring Graduation! The Registrar’s Office

  17. 2020 Commencement C Cere remon onies COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY 17

  18. COMMENCEMENT Who is eligible to attend?  Students that graduated in Summer 2019 or Fall 2019,  No additional forms or fees required to participate in Commencement  Spring 2020 candidates  No additional form or fee required to participate in Commencement  Approved Early Commencement Participants Ineligible students will be fined $200 for attending Commencement The Registrar’s Office

  19. 2020 COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY SCHEDULE For event or ceremony questions, please email: commencement Phone: (909) 869-4916 The Registrar’s Office

  20. PREPARING FOR COMMENCEMENT  Cultu tural al G Graduat ation ion C Celebratio ations s - open to all  Check the OSLCC website for dates and registration information (Website available November 2019)  Honors rs Co Cord ( ( Un only ) ) - - If you have a 3.5+ Unde dergrads ds o cumulative GPA as of the end of Fall 2019:  Pick up your Honors Cord from the Bronco Advising Center starting April 13, 2020. The Registrar’s Office

  21. BRONCO BOOKSTORE GRAD FAIR MARCH 17 TH & 18 TH 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 21

  22. EXCLUSIVE GRAD EVENT!  Online orders accepted now!  Pick-up begins March 17th  Grad Package specials available through March 18 th Midnight  Mailers are being sent by email and to your permanent addresses  Exclusive event discounts on packages and rings.  Campus partners at event such as Alumni, Commencement, Credit Union. 22

  23. GRAD FAIR 23

  24. After G r Graduation S Stay C y Connected CAL POLY POMONA A L U M N I ASSOCIATION 24

  25. SENIOR EVENTS  Prep for Career Day – February 25, 2020  Resumaniac – February 27, 2020  Student & Employer Breakfast – March 5, 2020  Spring Career Fair – March 5, 2020  Grad Fair at the Bronco Bookstore – March 17 & 18, 2020  GET YOUR ALUMNI GEAR!  Senior Send Off – April 21, 2020 Contact Andrea DeCoudres for more information 25

  26. BRONCO FOR LIFE  Stay Connected - Join the Alumni Association  News World Report - Alumni Participation helps increase the university ranking  Stay Informed  Facebook (CPPAlumni)  Twitter (@cppalumni)  Linkedin (Cal Poly Pomona)  Instagram (cppalumni)  Stay Involved  Alumni Only Career Fairs  Pumpkin Festival Preview Night  Career Fair Breakfast with Employers  Angel Game Nights  Networking Events 26

  27. CONG NGRA RATU TULATIO TIONS B BRONC NCOS! Visit the Registrar’s Office website for more information HTTPS://WWW.CPP.EDU/~REGISTRAR/


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