government office center

Government Office Center Mid-Atlantic U.S. Penn State AE Senior - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Government Office Center Mid-Atlantic U.S. Penn State AE Senior Thesis Project Alexander Ward | Construction Management James Faust | CM Advisor Government Office Center Mid-Atlantic U.S. Presentation Outline: I. Project Background II.

  1. Government Office Center Mid-Atlantic U.S. Penn State AE Senior Thesis Project Alexander Ward | Construction Management James Faust | CM Advisor

  2. Government Office Center Mid-Atlantic U.S. Presentation Outline: I. Project Background II. Analysis #3: Integrated Processes A. Engaged Owner III. Analysis #2: SIPS Study for Curtain Wall Activities A. Renewable Energy/Electrical Breadth IV. Analysis #1: Implementation of Building Information Modeling A. Facilities Management V. Analysis #4: Progressive Collapse A. Structural Breadth VI. Summary of Conclusions & Acknowledgements Penn State AE Senior Thesis Project Alexander Ward | Construction Management James Faust | CM Advisor

  3. Project Background Government Office Center | Mid-Atlantic U.S. Presentation Outline:  $42 Million Renovation I. Project Background  14 Story Federal Office & Courthouse II. Integrated Processes III. SIPS Study for Curtain  316,000 SF Wall Activities  August 1, 2011 – January 31, 2014 IV. Implementation of BIM  Major upgrades to Envelope and HVAC systems V. Progressive Collapse  LEED Gold (LEED 2009 EBO&M) VI. Summary of Conclusions &  Occupied throughout construction Acknowledgements Slide 3

  4. Integrated Processes Government Office Center | Mid-Atlantic U.S. Presentation Outline: Problem Identification: I. Project Background  Industry trending toward integrated solutions II. Integrated Processes III. SIPS Study for Curtain  Engaged owners extremely important in process Wall Activities  Need to educate owners on importance of role IV. Implementation of BIM V. Progressive Collapse Research Goal: VI. Summary of Conclusions &  Evaluate key benefits of engaged owner Acknowledgements Slide 4

  5. Integrated Processes Government Office Center | Mid-Atlantic U.S. Presentation Outline: …improved delivery through An Engaged Owner is: schedule acceleration … I. Project Background  Actively involved in the design and design review II. Integrated Processes process III. SIPS Study for Curtain Wall Activities  Aware of the unique challenges of the project IV. Implementation of  Willing to use uncommon project delivery and BIM V. Progressive Collapse construction strategies when feasible VI. Summary of Conclusions & Acknowledgements Slide 5

  6. Integrated Processes Government Office Center | Mid-Atlantic U.S. Presentation Outline: …improved delivery through An Engaged Owner is: schedule acceleration… I. Project Background  More informed of design options being II. Integrated Processes considered by the project team III. SIPS Study for Curtain …faster and more refined Wall Activities  More educated on the consequences of these decision making … IV. Implementation of design options BIM V. Progressive Collapse  Actively involved in design reviews VI. Summary of  Supportive and responsive during construction Conclusions & phase Acknowledgements Slide 6

  7. Integrated Processes Government Office Center | Mid-Atlantic U.S. Presentation Outline: …improved delivery through An Engaged Owner is: schedule acceleration… I. Project Background  Helpful in defining project needs early in the II. Integrated Processes development process III. SIPS Study for Curtain …faster and more refined Wall Activities  Educated and understands how design teams decision making… IV. Implementation of meet the previously defined program BIM requirements V. Progressive Collapse …reduced frequency and VI. Summary of  Clear in explaining why a design change is degree of changes … Conclusions & needed and what it will accomplish Acknowledgements Slide 7

  8. SIPS Study for Curtain Wall Activities Government Office Center | Mid-Atlantic U.S. Presentation Outline: Problem Identification: I. Project Background  Highly repetitive curtain wall replacement II. Integrated Processes activities III. SIPS Study for Curtain Wall Activities  Opportunity to implement BIPV system IV. Implementation of BIM V. Progressive Collapse Research Goal: VI. Summary of  Evaluate the benefits of SIPS and BIPV Conclusions & Acknowledgements Slide 8

  9. SIPS Study for Curtain Wall Activities Government Office Center | Mid-Atlantic U.S. Presentation Outline: Activities: I. Project Background  Installation of weather wall II. Integrated Processes III. SIPS Study for Curtain  Demolition of existing curtain wall Wall Activities  Installation of new structural steel IV. Implementation of BIM  Installation of new curtain wall V. Progressive Collapse  Demolition of weather wall VI. Summary of Conclusions &  Frame and rough-in Acknowledgements  Restoration of finishes North Area in Red – South Area in Blue Slide 9

  10. SIPS Study for Curtain Wall Activities Government Office Center | Mid-Atlantic U.S. Presentation Outline: Existing Schedule: I. Project Background  Oct. 11, 2011 – Sept. 16, II. Integrated Processes 2013 (101 weeks) III. SIPS Study for Curtain Wall Activities  8 week schedule gap between IV. Implementation of North and South BIM V. Progressive Collapse  Longest activity requires 100 VI. Summary of days (North finishes) Conclusions & Acknowledgements Slide 10

  11. SIPS Study for Curtain Wall Activities Government Office Center | Mid-Atlantic U.S. Presentation Outline: $425K I. Project Background II. Integrated Processes III. SIPS Study for Curtain Wall Activities $1.65M Total IV. Implementation of 25 Weeks Saved BIM Value V. Progressive Collapse VI. Summary of Conclusions & Acknowledgements $1.225M Slide 11

  12. BIPV Curtain Wall Government Office Center | Mid-Atlantic U.S. Presentation Outline: I. Project Background II. Integrated Processes III. SIPS Study for Curtain Wall Activities IV. Implementation of BIM V. Progressive Collapse VI. Summary of Conclusions & Acknowledgements Slide 12

  13. BIPV Curtain Wall Government Office Center | Mid-Atlantic U.S. Presentation Outline: Feasibility: +$404,200 for PV marginal cost I. Project Background II. Integrated Processes –$382,500 for sunshades deduction III. SIPS Study for Curtain =$21,700 net marginal cost Wall Activities IV. Implementation of BIM ~$13,000 per year in energy savings V. Progressive Collapse VI. Summary of Payback < 2 years Conclusions & Acknowledgements Need to consider heat gain, constructability, etc. Slide 13

  14. Implementation of BIM Government Office Center | Mid-Atlantic U.S. Presentation Outline: Problem Identification: I. Project Background  Minimal push of information downstream for II. Integrated Processes future needs III. SIPS Study for Curtain Wall Activities IV. Implementation of Research Goal: BIM V. Progressive Collapse  Evaluate the benefits of implementing BIM for VI. Summary of facilities management uses Conclusions & Acknowledgements Slide 14

  15. Implementation of BIM Government Office Center | Mid-Atlantic U.S. Presentation Outline: I. Project Background II. Integrated Processes III. SIPS Study for Curtain Wall Activities IV. Implementation of BIM V. Progressive Collapse VI. Summary of Conclusions & Acknowledgements Slide 15

  16. Implementation of BIM Government Office Center | Mid-Atlantic U.S. Presentation Outline: I. Project Background II. Integrated Processes III. SIPS Study for Curtain Wall Activities IV. Implementation of BIM V. Progressive Collapse VI. Summary of Conclusions & Acknowledgements Slide 16

  17. Progressive Collapse Government Office Center | Mid-Atlantic U.S. Presentation Outline: Problem Identification: I. Project Background  Original construction decades prior to recent II. Integrated Processes federal requirements III. SIPS Study for Curtain Wall Activities IV. Implementation of Research Goal: BIM V. Progressive Collapse  Compare the cost and schedule impacts of VI. Summary of adding this scope of work in three scenarios Conclusions & Acknowledgements Slide 17

  18. Progressive Collapse Government Office Center | Mid-Atlantic U.S. Presentation Outline: I. Project Background II. Integrated Processes III. SIPS Study for Curtain Wall Activities IV. Implementation of BIM V. Progressive Collapse VI. Summary of Conclusions & Acknowledgements Freyrom Anchor Section Slide 18

  19. Summary of Conclusions Acknowledgements Government Office Center | Mid-Atlantic U.S. Presentation Outline: The Balfour Beatty Construction Team I. Project Background II. Integrated Processes III. SIPS Study for Curtain Industry Professionals Wall Activities Questions or Comments? IV. Implementation of BIM Penn State AE Department V. Progressive Collapse VI. Summary of Conclusions & My Family and Friends Acknowledgements Slide 19

  20. Appendix Slides Government Office Center | Mid-Atlantic U.S. Presentation Outline: I. Project Background II. Integrated Processes III. SIPS Study for Curtain Wall Activities IV. Implementation of BIM V. Progressive Collapse VI. Summary of Conclusions VII.Acknowledgements

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