glendale water power proposed biogas renewable generation

Glendale Water & Power Proposed Biogas Renewable Generation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Glendale Water & Power Proposed Biogas Renewable Generation Project City Council In Your Neighborhood August 21, 2018 Scholl Canyon 1994: Dedicated the Scholl Canyon Landfill Gas Recovery Project installing gas processing equipment at

  1. Glendale Water & Power Proposed Biogas Renewable Generation Project City Council In Your Neighborhood August 21, 2018

  2. Scholl Canyon • 1994: Dedicated the Scholl Canyon Landfill Gas Recovery Project installing gas processing equipment at the landfill and a 5-mile pipeline that transports biogas produced at the landfill to selected steam boilers at the Grayson Power Plant where it is blended with natural gas . 2

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  4. Proposed Project Site • The proposed Biogas Renewable Generation Project will be located at the existing processing/maintenance site and naturally occurring gas will be extracted, conditioned, and combusted in reciprocating engines to produce approximately twelve megawatts of renewable electricity. 4

  5. Project Benefits • Naturally occurring landfill gas = fuel for generating “green” electricity. • Effectively destroying harmful methane content of the gas. • Renewable energy resource to meet Renewable Portfolio Standards. • No electric transmission facility upgrades required. Use existing transmission to deliver the renewable power into the electrical grid. • Abandon existing landfill gas pipeline from the landfill to the Grayson Power Plant and eliminate long-term maintenance costs • Cleaner burning option at the landfill site per AQMD criteria • Reducing emissions at the current Grayson Power Plant, recent HRA results confirm • Eliminate flaring and wasting renewable commodity 5

  6. Project Information • Located at existing Class II nonhazardous landfill that has been accepting waste since the 1960’s. • Decomposing waste naturally produces combustible biogas • Biogas is currently collected at a central location. It is compressed and liquids are removed. • A repowered Grayson will be incompatible with the use of biogas as fuel. • Available biogas options are – – Incinerating it in a flare – Clean and sell as recycled natural gas – Operate electric producing micro turbines with biogas as fuel – Operate reciprocating engines for the generation of local renewable electricity using biogas fuel • Combusting biogas in a specially designed reciprocating engine and producing electricity is more environmentally efficient and a cost effective process 6

  7. Cost Impact • Estimated cost $30 million • Based on cost and renewable value of the Biogas the return on investment on the project is approximately eight years. • Most viable options explored: – Clean-up and reuse – Turbine technology – Sale of raw gas • Proposed project was the best economic option for GWP 7

  8. Next Steps • The Request for Proposal for the EIR was issued 8/2/18 • Proposed Project Schedule – RFP responses due – 9/7/18 – Award of contract – 9/25/18 – Completion of Draft EIR – 6/30/19 – Completion of Final EIR – 9/2/19 8


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