industrial biogas plants about company


INDUSTRIAL BIOGAS PLANTS ABOUT COMPANY OUR SERVICES - technology development; BITECO BIOGAS company specializes in the construction of modern biogas - engineering; complexes that convert the energy of organic substances into electrical and


  2. ABOUT COMPANY OUR SERVICES - technology development; BITECO BIOGAS company specializes in the construction of modern biogas - engineering; complexes that convert the energy of organic substances into electrical and - construction; thermal energy, as well as combustible gas (biomethane), which is an analogue of natural gas. Such organic substances can be specially grown crops, - equipment supply; agricultural or food waste. - installation; The company was founded in 2013, but draws on many years of experience of its employees (more than 15 years in the biogas industry and more than 25 years in - start-up; industrial energy), who have successful experience in implementing many biogas - training; projects in the CIS countries, Europe and Asia. BITECO is a registered trademark. - maintenance; BITECO technology is proven technical solutions that are based on our own - biogas plants operation. implementations (patents for receiving tanks for removing unwanted inclusions in raw materials), and also have incorporated the successful experience of building biogas plants by our European colleagues. BITECO BIOGAS specialists have more than 20 biogas projects with raw materials of various complexity.

  3. FEED STOCK FOR BIOGAS PLANTS The raw materials for biogas production are usually livestock waste (manure, litter, etc.), as well as agricultural raw materials processing waste materials (spent grains and corn, vegetable and fruit pulp, waste from slaughter and dairy production, etc.). Also, in order to produce energy crops in the form of silage can be used (corn, sorghum, goat's- rue, etc.) can be prepared.

  4. ENERGY GENERATION FROM BIOGAS The biogas production technology is relatively simple: organic matter (manure, waste, etc.) is periodically fed into the reactor tank, where the fermentation process takes place. For the process to proceed in the normal mode, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature in the reactor and mix the contents. All operations are carried out in such a way as to prevent air from entering the reactor. Bacteria are responsible for the fermentation process. Usually they enter the plant along with biomass (contained in manure). Or they are introduced specifically at the time of launch of the reactor. The upper part of the reactor, the gas tank, serves to collect and store biogas. The “fermented” biomass is allocated in the bottom part of the digester. Fermented biomass is essentially a universal organic fertilizer (biohumus). To produce biogas, biogas plants are used in places of large concentration of raw materials (livestock farms and complexes). A biogas plant consists of a biogas extraction unit (digester, gasholder, separator, etc.) and an energy generation unit (cogeneration equipment). For the direct generation of heat and electric energy from biogas, as a rule, cogeneration plants based on gas piston engines are used. In such installations, biogas is burned to rotate the electric generator, and the heat generated in the piston group is removed and also used for domestic and industrial needs. Thus, the maximum efficiency of such installations is achieved.

  5. Projects implemented by BITECO BIOGAS within 2013 – 2020 years Impleme Power, Type of plant Plant location ntation No. kW year 1 Thailand 1200 Sales to grid 2014 BITECO BIOGAS Ukraine 330 Sales to grid 2016 2 Ukraine 400 Sales to grid 2017 3 PROJECTS Ukraine 528 Sales to grid 2019 4 In stage of design and implementation 5 Ukraine 1501 Sales to grid 2020 2013 – 2020

  6. PROJECTS 2013-2020

  7. 2014 1200 K W # 1 Location – Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand. 2 Plant area – 1,2 Ha 3 Installed electric power – 1200 kW 4 Installed heat power – 1248 kW 5 Feed stock – Napier grass + ethanol residues VIDEO

  8. 2016 330 K W # 1 Location – village Bziv, Kiev region, Ukraine. 2 Plant area – 0,5 Ha 3 Installed electric power – 330 kW 4 Installed heat power – 413 kW 5 Feed stock – cow manure + corn silage VIDEO

  9. 2017 400 K W # 1 Location – village Mostove, Nikolaev region, Ukraine. 2 Plant area – 0,8 Ha 3 Installed electric power – 400 kW 4 Installed heat power – 528 kW 5 Feed stock – cow manure + corn silage VIDEO

  10. 2019 528 K W # 1 Location – v. Bokiima, Mlyniv district, Rivne region, Ukriane. 2 Plant area – 0,8 Ha 3 Installed electric power – 528 kW 4 Installed heat power – 623 kW 5 Feed stock – pig manure + corn silage VIDEO

  11. 2020 1501 K W # Location – v. Chesnyki, Rogatin district, Ivano-Frankivks 1 region, Ukraine. 2 Plant area – 1,64 Ha 3 Installed electric power – 1501 kW 4 Installed heat power – 911 kW 5 Feed stock – cow manure + corn silage

  12. CONTACTS Biteco Biogas s.r.l. «Biteco Biogas» Ltd. 62010 Via Firenze 6 Treia, 02091, Kyiv, 150/15 MC, Italy Kharkiv highway, of. 5., Ukraine +39 0733 1960280 +38 044 3627675 WWW.BITECO-ENERGY.COM

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