gephi tutorial

Gephi Tutorial Layouts * Introduction Layouts * Install plugins - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Tutorial Gephi Tutorial Layouts * Introduction Layouts * Install plugins * Import fjle * Run * Choice * ForceAtlas Welcome to this advanced tutorial. It will teach you the fjne art of network * Fruchterman-Reingold layout in Gephi: how

  1. Tutorial Gephi Tutorial Layouts * Introduction Layouts * Install plugins * Import fjle * Run * Choice * ForceAtlas Welcome to this advanced tutorial. It will teach you the fjne art of network * Fruchterman-Reingold layout in Gephi: how to use algorithms that place the nodes inside the graphic space. * YifanHu Multilevel * OpenOrd Gephi version 0.8alpha was used to do this tutorial. * ForceAtlas 2 * Circular Layout Get Gephi * Radial Axis Layout * Geographic map * Node overlapping * Geometric transform * Save * Conclusion Last updated June 13th, 2011

  2. Tutorial Layouts Install layout plugins * Introduction We need to install additional plugins. * Install plugins * Import fjle • Go to the Tools menu and then Plugins. * Run * Choice • In the Available Plugins tab check: * ForceAtlas - OpenOrdLayout * Fruchterman-Reingold - CircularLayout * YifanHu Multilevel - GeoLayout * OpenOrd - Geometric Transformation * ForceAtlas 2 - NoverlapLayout * Circular Layout * Radial Axis Layout • Click on Install. The plugins are installed and you are asked to reboot Gephi. Click * Geographic map OK. * Node overlapping * Geometric transform * Save * Conclusion

  3. Tutorial Layouts Open Graph File * Introduction • Download the fjle LesMiserables.gexf * Install plugins • In the menubar, go to File Menu and Open... * Import fjle * Run • When your fjle is opened, the report sums up data found and any issues. * Choice * ForceAtlas - Number of nodes - Number of edges * Fruchterman-Reingold - Type of graph * YifanHu Multilevel * OpenOrd • Click on OK to validate and see the graph. * ForceAtlas 2 * Circular Layout * Radial Axis Layout * Geographic map * Node overlapping * Geometric transform * Save Graph Format * Conclusion - GEXF - Tulip TLP - GraphML - CSV - Pajek NET - Netdraw VNA - GDF - Compressed ZIP/GZ - GML

  4. Tutorial Layouts You should now see a graph * Introduction We imported the “ Les Miserables” dataset 1 . This is a coappearance weighted network of characters in the novel “Les Miserables” from Victor Hugo. * Install plugins * Import fjle * Run * Choice * ForceAtlas * Fruchterman-Reingold * YifanHu Multilevel * OpenOrd * ForceAtlas 2 * Circular Layout * Radial Axis Layout * Geographic map * Node overlapping Node position is random at fjrst, so you may see a slighty different representation. * Geometric transform * Save * Conclusion 1 D. E. Knuth, The Stanford GraphBase: A Platform for Combinatorial Computing, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA (1993).

  5. Tutorial Layouts Run a layout Layout algorithms set the graph shape, it is the most essential operation. * Introduction * Install plugins • Locate the Layout module, on the left panel. * Import fjle * Run • Choose “Force Atlas” * Choice * ForceAtlas You can see the layout properties below, leave default * Fruchterman-Reingold values. * YifanHu Multilevel * OpenOrd * ForceAtlas 2 • Click on to launch the algorithm. * Circular Layout * Radial Axis Layout * Geographic map • You see now the positions of nodes changing in real time. * Node overlapping * Geometric transform * Save * Conclusion Layout algorithms Graphs are usually laid out with “Force-based” algorithms. They follow a simple principle: linked nodes attract each other and non-linked nodes are pushed apart.

  6. Tutorial Layouts Control the layout The purpose of Layout Properties is to let you control the algorithm in order to make a * Introduction readable representation. * Install plugins * Import fjle * Run • Set the “Repulsion strengh” at 10 000 to expand * Choice the graph. * ForceAtlas • Type “Enter” to validate the changed value. * Fruchterman-Reingold * YifanHu Multilevel * OpenOrd * ForceAtlas 2 * Circular Layout * Radial Axis Layout • And now the algorithm. * Geographic map * Node overlapping * Geometric transform * Save * Conclusion Tips Click on the icon “Center on Graph” on the bottom left of the Visualization panel if you don’t see the graph anymore.

  7. Tutorial Layouts You should now see a graph with the layout applied * Introduction * Install plugins * Import fjle * Run * Choice * ForceAtlas * Fruchterman-Reingold * YifanHu Multilevel * OpenOrd * ForceAtlas 2 * Circular Layout * Radial Axis Layout * Geographic map * Node overlapping * Geometric transform * Save * Conclusion

  8. Tutorial Layouts Play against the algorithm! Run the layout again and drag the nodes to stress it. * Introduction * Install plugins • Locate Dragging action, in the top left of the * Import fjle Visualization panel. * Run * Choice • Ajust the selection diameter in the panel or by * ForceAtlas using the shortcut “Ctrl + Mouse Wheel”. * Fruchterman-Reingold * YifanHu Multilevel * OpenOrd Increase the “Autostab strength” in the Layout Properties to 100 000, then drag the * ForceAtlas 2 nodes. The graph becomes less deformed. * Circular Layout • And now the algorithm. * Radial Axis Layout * Geographic map * Node overlapping * Geometric transform * Save * Conclusion

  9. Tutorial Layouts Various layouts exist * Introduction Gephi implements various layout algorithms. They set the shape of the graph. OpenOrd ForceAtlas 2 * Install plugins * Import fjle * Run * Choice * ForceAtlas * Fruchterman-Reingold * YifanHu Multilevel * OpenOrd * ForceAtlas 2 * Circular Layout * Radial Axis Layout Radial Axis GeoLayout * Geographic map * Node overlapping * Geometric transform * Save * Conclusion Airlines sample dataset:

  10. Tutorial Layouts So how to choose a layout? In general, select one according to the feature of the topology you want to highlight: * Introduction * Install plugins * Import fjle emphasis * Run emphasis * Choice DIVISIONS COMPLEMENTARITIES * ForceAtlas * Fruchterman-Reingold ForceAtlas, Yifan Hu, * YifanHu Multilevel OpenOrd Frushterman-Reingold * OpenOrd * ForceAtlas 2 emphasis * Circular Layout emphasis * Radial Axis Layout GEOGRAPHIC * Geographic map RANKING * Node overlapping REPARTITION * Geometric transform * Save Circular, Radial Axis GeoLayout * Conclusion Graphic Adjustements - Label Adjust - Expansion - Noverlap - Contraction

  11. Tutorial Layouts ForceAtlas layout Home-brew layout of Gephi, it is made to spatialize Small-World / Scale-free networks. * Introduction It is focused on quality (meaning “being useful to explore real data”) to allow a rigor - * Install plugins ous interpretation of the graph (e.g. in SNA) with the fewest biases possible, and a good * Import fjle readability even if it is slow. * Run * Choice Author: Mathieu Jacomy * ForceAtlas Date: 2007 * Fruchterman-Reingold Kind: Force-directed Complexity: O(N²) * YifanHu Multilevel Graph size: 1 to 10 000 nodes * OpenOrd Use edge weight: Yes * ForceAtlas 2 * Circular Layout * Radial Axis Layout * Geographic map * Node overlapping * Geometric transform * Save * Conclusion

  12. Tutorial Layouts Run ForceAtlas * Introduction the layout by applying the following settings step by step: * Install plugins * Import fjle • Autostab strength = 2 000 Increase to move the nodes slowly. * Run * Choice • Repulsion strength = 1 000 How strongly does each node reject others. * ForceAtlas * Fruchterman-Reingold • Attraction strength = 1 How strongly each pair of connected nodes at - * YifanHu Multilevel tract each other. * OpenOrd * ForceAtlas 2 • Gravity = 100 Attract all nodes to the center to avoid disper- sion of disconnected components. * Circular Layout * Radial Axis Layout • Attraction Distrib. = checked Push hubs (high number of output links) at the * Geographic map periphery and put authorities (high number of in - * Node overlapping put links) more central. * Geometric transform * Save And now the algorithm. * Conclusion Adjust by Sizes This option avoids node overlapping, depending on the size of each node.

  13. Tutorial Layouts Fruchterman-Reingold layout * Introduction It simulates the graph as a system of mass particles. The nodes are the mass particles and the edges are springs between the particles. The algorithms try to minimize the energy * Install plugins of this physical system. It has become a standard but remains very slow. * Import fjle * Run * Choice Author: Thomas Fruchterman & Edward Reingold 1 * ForceAtlas Date: 1991 * Fruchterman-Reingold Kind: Force-directed * YifanHu Multilevel Complexity: O(N²) Graph size: 1 to 1 000 nodes * OpenOrd Use edge weight: No * ForceAtlas 2 * Circular Layout * Radial Axis Layout * Geographic map * Node overlapping * Geometric transform * Save * Conclusion 1 Fruchterman, T . M. J., & Reingold, E. M. (1991). Graph Drawing by Force-Directed Placement. Software: Practice and Experience, 21(11).


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