Georgetown ISD Proposed Budget 2015-2016 June 2015
Major Factors in Budget Preparation • Funding based on Conference Committee HB1 • Enrollment growth based on Templeton Demographics 2014-2015 10,675 ADA= 10,045 2015-2016 10,825 ADA= 10,170 • Taxable value growth 2014-2015 $6.973 billion 2015-2016 $7.741 billion 11% increase 2
Major Factors in Budget Preparation • Elimination of major costs in 2014-2015 budget - $4.722 mil Buses $667,075 Technology $101,000 Textbooks $611,000 ESE program 1 $1,024,000 Net payroll reductions $1,819,000 • 3% salary increase - $1.8 million • Elimination of one time state support for TRS supplement $700,000 1 Equivalent amount of revenue reduced from budget 3
Major Factors in Budget Preparation • Student Info System $516,000 • Employee Health Contrib. $200,000 • Unanticipated Budget Costs $300,000 • One Additional SRO $88,000 • Recapture $152,666 • Curriculum Initiatives $85,000 • Substitute Cost $266,000 • Election Costs $58,500 • Utilities $242,700 • Insurance $60,000 • Replace Cust/Maint Equip $214,500 • Instructional Supplies $50,000 • Contracted Maintenance $167,000 • Central Appraisal District $47,200 • Williamson Co JJAEP $153,875 • Partners In Education $40,000 4
State Funding • Target Revenue District – Began in 2006 when state compressed M&O tax rate from $1.50 to $1.00 State promised to make up difference between taxes lost and 2006 revenue per WADA ASATR – Additional state aid for tax reduction Created inverse relationship between taxes and state aid ASATR to be phased out by Sept 1, 2017 5
State Funding • Formula District – ASATR (hold harmless funding) phase out to be completed by Sept 1, 2017 Districts with high taxable value growth during phase out period may move in and out of target revenue system. GISD 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 state aid calculated under formula; no ASATR 2016-2017 state aid calculated under target revenue and receives ASATR 6
State Funding • Recapture Levels Level 1 $514,000/WADA for tax rate up to $1.04 Level 2 $319,500/WADA for tax rate above $1.06 • GISD Wealth per WADA 2014-2015 $451,527/WADA 2015-2016 $505,041/WADA 2016-2017 $552,197/WADA • Through 2014-2015, GISD subject to recapture only at Level 2 7
Georgetown ISD Comparison of Taxable Wealth Per WADA To Tier 1 Equalized Wealth Level $580,000 $559,109 $560,000 $552,197 $540,000 $520,000 $514,000 $505,041 $495,000 $500,000 $476,500 $480,000 $460,000 $455,610 $451,527 $446,180 $440,000 $441,829 $425,808 $420,000 8 $400,000 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018
Georgetown ISD Historical and Projected Taxes and State Aid with Recapture $90,000,000 10,800 $6,506,182 $5,524,632 10,600 $85,000,000 10,400 $498,461 $356,424 Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Combined Taxes and State Aid 10,200 $80,000,000 $317,019 10,000 $306,149 9,800 $75,000,000 9,600 9,400 $70,000,000 9,200 $65,000,000 9,000 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Revised Proposed Projected Projected Budget Budget Budget Budget 9 Net Taxes and State Aid Recapture Payments to State Average Daily Attendance (ADA)
General Fund Revenue, Expenditures, Fund Balance 2014-15 2015-16 Inc % Inc In Thousands Revised Proposed (Dec) (Dec) Local $72,631 $78,474 $5,843 8.0% State 17,296 11,563 (5,733) (33.1%) Fed/Other 1,290 1,250 (40) (3.2%) Total 91,217 91,287 70 0.1% Less: Expenditures 90,974 91,287 313 0.3% Net Rev Over (under) Exp 243 0 Begin. Fund Balance 16,232 16,475 Ending Fund 10 Balance $16,475 $16,475
General Fund Revenues 2014/15 2015/16 Estimated Revenue Revised Revenue $91,287,194 $91,216,536 Federal $1,215,000 Federal 1.3% $1,255,000 1.4% Property Taxes TRS On Behalf $70,293,213 $4,081,429 TRS On Behalf 77.1% 4.5% Property Taxes $3,976,118 $77,249,880 4.4% 84.6% State $7,587,196 8.3% State $13,214,969 14.5% Local Sources $1,259,000 1.4% Local Sources $2,371,925 2.6% 11
State Aid and Local Taxes per Student $7,900 $7,821 $7,771 $7,700 $7,500 $7,505 $7,456 $7,400 $7,300 $7,343 $7,329 $7,196 $7,100 $7,069 $6,900 $6,700 $6,500 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 State Aid and Local Taxes per Student Assumes HB1 funding formula through 2017-2018 12
Revenue Percentages from Local Taxes and State Aid 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 13 Taxes State Aid
General Fund Comparison of Functional Categories 2014/15 2015/16 Revised Budget Estimated Budget $90,973,536 $91,287,194 Instruction & Instr.- Instruction & Instr.- Related Svcs. Related Svcs. $53,429,040 58.7% $52,199,628 57.2% Other $15,238,507 16.8% Other $17,064,186 18.7% Administrative Support Services $2,974,529 Administrative 3.3% Support Services $3,262,666 3.6% Instructional & Support Services - Instructional & School Support Services - School Leadership Student (Pupil) Leadership Student (Pupil) $7,599,610 $11,731,850 14 $7,888,877 $10,871,837 8.4% 12.9% 8.6% 11.9%
General Fund Comparison of Major Object Categories 2015/16 2014/15 Estimated Budget Revised Budget $91,287,194 $90,973,536 Capital Outlay Capital Outlay Payroll $1,928,869 $1,873,365 Payroll $75,769,546 2.1% 2.1% $74,262,689 83.3% 81.4% Operating Exp Operating Exp $2,149,805 $1,386,039 2.4% 1.5% Supplies Supplies $4,123,078 $3,505,700 4.5% 3.8% Prof. & Contr. Services Prof. & Contr. $7,821,508 Services 8.6% $9,440,131 10.3% 15
Georgetown ISD General Fund Fund Balance as a Percent of Expenditures 18,000,000 25.00% 16,000,000 20.00% 14,000,000 19.41% 18.11% 18.11% 18.05% 12,000,000 15.80% 15.00% % of Expenditures 14.27% Fund Balance 10,000,000 8,000,000 11.11% 10.00% 6,000,000 4,000,000 5.00% 2,000,000 - 0.00% 2009-10 Actual 2010-11 Actual 2011-12 Actual 2012-13 Actual 2013-14 Actual 2014-15 Projected 2015-16 Proposed 16 Fund Balance Percent of Expenditures
General Fund Payroll for Full Time Equivalents 20% - Instructional Aides, Clerical, Auxillary Staff 80% - Professional 17
General Fund Payroll for Full Time Equivalents • 60% Teachers • 4.1% Instructional Aides • 8.1% Principals and Office Staff • 6.3% Maintenance/Custodial Services • 4.2% Counselors • 3.3% Bus Drivers/Office Technical • 2.7% Instructional Leadership • 1.8% General Administration Professional • 1.3% General Administration Clerical • 1.1% Staff Development 18
Debt Service Fund Revenue, Expenditures, Fund Balance 2014-15 2015-16 Inc % Inc In Thousands Revised Proposed (Dec) (Dec) Local Rev/Other Sources $20,286 $22,700 $2,413 11.9% Less: Expend/Other Uses 17,078 18,728 1,651 9.7% Net Rev Over (under) Exp 3,209 3,971 763 23.8% Other Sources (179) 0 Begin. Fund Balance 8,943 11,973 3,029 Ending Fund 19 Balance $11,973 $15,944 $3,792
Debt Analysis Comparison – 2004/05 to 2014/15 25% 120% 101.98% 100% 19.65% 20% 83.89% 80% 15.45% 15% 60% 10% 40% 5% 20% 3.28% 3.21% 0% 0% Georgetown ISD All Texas Schools % change Student Enrollment % Bond principal to TAV % change Taxable Assessed Valuation Georgetown ISD All Texas Schools 20
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