General Implications Climate Change Increase in Temp Increase in SST Changes in Changes in Precipitation & Snow and Ice ET Melt Changes in watershed Sea level Rise runoff Changes in Increased Storm Increase salt Flood depth, surge height and intrusion frequency duration, extent duration, extent
Climate scenarios – Sea level rise 2030 low - 10 cm high - 25 cm 2050 low - 20 cm high - 40 cm
Impact of SLR on Salinity Intrusion Movement of 5 ppt Salinity line Khulna Mongla 90 km 9 km 0 SLR Hiron Point 32 cm SLR 88 cm SLR Source: IWM
Bangladesh: SLR should be considered in design of sea dyke section and height Patenga Polder (P62) Source: IWM
Afforestation width of 600m reduces the Surge Level by 50cm No afforestation 600 m Afforestation Source: IWM
The monsoon climate (change) and SLR play an important role in the social and economic development of monsoon Asia region.....
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