gender and the future of macroeconomics

Gender and the Future of Macroeconomics Sheila Dow University of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Gender and the Future of Macroeconomics Sheila Dow University of Stirling and University of Victoria Gender analysis: highlights problems with mainstream macroeconomics n provides a clear focus for an alternative future for macro n for

  1. Gender and the Future of Macroeconomics Sheila Dow University of Stirling and University of Victoria Gender analysis: highlights problems with mainstream macroeconomics n provides a clear focus for an alternative future for macro n for presentation at the Annual INET Conference, Edinburgh, October 2017 .

  2. Decomposition by gender and macro outcomes n Addresses both women’s rights and macro performance n Income distribution n Labour market size and composition n Efficiency/productivity n Gender composition of macro policy

  3. Gender and mainstream macro n Goal of GDP growth: focus on market activity n Efficiency issues explained by market imperfections n The representative agent n Reliance on rational choice to ensure equilibrium non-market outcomes

  4. Factors missing from mainstream analysis n Complementarity of formal and informal sectors n Gendered power relations n Emergent and social nature of identity n Integral role in all economic activity of n social conventions n moral values n emotion

  5. Feminist epistemology n Different notion of rigour n Non-dualistic, open-system approach n Cognitive role of emotion, moral values, conventions n Pluralistic approach: knowledge is situated n Common ground: accordance with non-mainstream epistemology based on Smith and Keynes


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