further education in economics for teachers of other

Further Education in Economics for Teachers of other Subjects? 22nd - PDF document

24.08.2018 Further Education in Economics for Teachers of other Subjects? 22nd European Economics Education Conference Copenhagen 22-25 Aug 2018 Albert-Ludwigs-Universitt Freiburg Bernd Remmele / Sybille Schick (University of Education

  1. 24.08.2018 Further Education in Economics for Teachers of other Subjects? 22nd European Economics Education Conference Copenhagen – 22-25 Aug 2018 Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Bernd Remmele / Sybille Schick (University of Education Freiburg / University Freiburg) . Overview (WBS-MOOC)  Background  Structure and Characteristics  Problems  Discussion 23.08.2018 Further Education in Economics for Teachers of other Subjects? 2 1

  2. 24.08.2018 Project Team  University Freiburg  University of Education - Endowed Chair for Regulatory - Department of Business and and Competition Policy Economics Education • Prof. Dr. Tim Krieger • Prof. Dr. Franziska Birke - Administrative Department of • Dipl.Vwl. Annette Kern Teacher Education • Dr. Bernd Remmele • Sybille Schick (OStRin) + Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 23.08.2018 Further Education in Economics for Teachers of other Subjects? 3 Teacher Training in Baden-Württemberg the last federal state with Universities of Education Universities of Education (Pädagogische Hochschule): • Primary level • Lower secondary level Universities (Universität): • Upper secondary level  Gymnasium  Vocational Schools https://rgeo.de/de/p/bnel/ 4 2

  3. 24.08.2018 Subject-specific Didactics  it is a bit a German specificity in academic teacher education (though it is often subverted at universities – giving chairs not to teaching specialists)  with complications in Ba-Wü due to the existence of universities of education  on the one hand: previously no subject-specific didactics by academics at universities if there was some it was done by (specialized) teachers  on the other hand: previously subject-specific didactics was the raison d‘etre of universities of education (e.g. professors should have a teacher and academic background)  now – 2015 – teacher education changed to a BA/MA system and – since 2016 – there is a common curriculum for all lower secondary (including the new subject ‚Economics‘)  different models to deal with this new situation in Freiburg – with both kinds of universities – close (?) cooperation with a kind of trade: UoE provides didactics in exchange for content-related courses from the U 5 6 3

  4. 24.08.2018 Teacher Training in Freiburg University University of Education 25.000 5.000 Students 3.000 3.000 Becoming a teacher 2 out of + Pedagogic + Subjects Pedagogic 2 out of Computer science Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Everyday life Secondary level Maths and health, Chinese, Greek, English, French, German, Technique Italian, Latin, Geography, Economy, Arts Russian, Spanish History, Politics Music Philosophy, Sports Sport Theology (cath.) Theology (protestant, cath., islamic) Pedagogic + Primary level Maths or German + x Business/Economics in the German School System, e.g. Economics and Politics Work, Economics, Technics Social Studies Politics and Economics Economics Social Sciences Studies on community Social Studies Economics and Law http://onlineuebung.de/andere-faecher/sachunterricht/bundeslaender-hauptstaedte-fluesse/ 8 4

  5. 24.08.2018 www.bundestag.de WD 8 - 3000 - 077/16 23.08.2018 Further Education in Economics for Teachers of other Subjects? 9 Wirtschaft / Berufs- und Studienorientierung in Ba-Wü ( Economics / Vocational Career and Study Orientation)  since 2016/17: obligatory in all general school types - Lower Sek-Schools: year 7 to year 10 = 5 compulsory lessons - Upper Sek-Schools: year 8 to year 10 = 3 compulsory lessons  Study courses Economy Bachelor/M.Ed. have started in Winterterm 15/16  ‚new‘ Economy-Teachers will not be in school before school year 22/23  Lack of specific teachers for the subject at least until 2022 - around 1100 lower Sek-Schools - around 450 upper Sek-Schools 23.08.2018 Further Education in Economics for Teachers of other Subjects? 10 5

  6. 24.08.2018 The Ministry of Education in Ba-Wü had an idea …  a large scale further education based on a bMOOC (blended Massive Open Online Course)  with a clear focus on the scientific aspects of the subject, i.e. oriented at scientific content structure not at school curriculum - originally MOOCs are based on lecture capture (with more or less power point) however for the WBS-MOOC: scripted videos ( Σ 2,5 hours each) with people talking and some definitions, graphics, pictures … - the ‚b‘ includes: the manuscripts, quizzes further readings, hints to the curriculum, a forum - during roll-out weekly tasks with overall feedback - webinars (recorded) - half-day face to face interaction with multipliers 23.08.2018 Further Education in Economics for Teachers of other Subjects? 11 https://wbs.zml.kit.edu/ Further Education in Economics for Teachers of other Subjects? 12 6

  7. 24.08.2018 General / original process and timeframe – until now Spring 2017: 1 Spring 2018: 2 MOOC 1 ‐ 2 also in Spring One Many Face ‐ to ‐ Face Face ‐ to ‐ Face Uni/PH FR Multipliers Teachers Multiplier ‐ Teacher ‐ Training Trainings 2,5 Days 0,5 Day Summer/autumn Content structure MOOCs Academic Subject ‐ specific knowledge Didactics (economics + …) Relation to Multiplier Training Lesson Plans Curriculum and Teacher Trainings Trainings for the new Curriculum ‚Duplex‘ (if the same Multiplier)? 7

  8. 24.08.2018 Content ‐ Sequence MOOC 1: Market and formation of prices MOOC 2: Economic system and business ethics MOOC 3: Economy and sustainable Development MOOC 4: Business Management • Recent decision: – MOOC 3 will be delayed for one year because of high costs and low benefit, i.e. low number of teachers participating – in the meantime ‚marketing‘ Further Education in Economics for 23.08.2018 15 Teachers of other Subjects? Specific Characteristics Teachers with other subject background High relevance of subject theory Multi ‐ pliers Blended learning with minimal face ‐ to ‐ face time 8

  9. 24.08.2018 Mutually enhancing Problems Communi ‐ cation The more relevant theory is, the more problem difficult it is with other subject background Academic reflection Theory The more relevant theory is, the transfer needs discussion more difficult it is for multipliers problem which is difficult to particularly for those that organise online. have other subject backgrond themselves Coope ‐ ration problem Presentation problem For multipliers it is difficult to identify with MOOC ‐ materials.  Economics is particulary ‚theoretical‘ due to specific thresholds (-> relevance of models)  Thus to be able to prepare economic phenomena in pertinent and exemplary manner for the classroom, usually requires extensive academic studies – in the subject as well as in the subject specific didactics. Davies/ Mangan 2005. 18 9

  10. 24.08.2018 Further education of teachers with other subject background  Communication Problem - the trainees have difficulties understanding the specific disciplinary approach - the trainers do not have complete knowledge of the divers disciplinary backgrounds of the trainees - the more theoretical the theory is, the more difficult it is to train ‘lay people’ - lack of common face-to-face time makes it worse - multipliers with other subject background increase frictions Further education with high relevance of subject theory  Theory transfer problem - for trainees (‚foreign‘) theory seems to be far away from practice in school - for trainers (own) theory seems fundamental for adeqate didactic processing - the more theoretical the theory is, the wider the ‘distance’ - (socio-scientific) theory requires reflection – particularly in view of practice – which is hard to provide online for big group - multipliers have problems with theory themselves and no time too 10

  11. 24.08.2018 Blended learning with no/minimal face-to-face time  Presentation problem - trainees take educational consumer role (incl. pertinent discontent) - trainers have to reduce contents to ‚prevailing opinion‘ - the less face-to-face interaction, the more schematic the contents - (socio-scientific) theory requires reflection … - mulitipliers hardly commit to content they are not responsible for and that is not fully satisfactory Multipliers  Cooperation problem - MOOC conception and drafting happens befory multipliers get involved - MOOC development is partly blind in concerning of multiplying practices - dilemma: • include them in the production though they are not qualified (they need the MOOC themselves) • do not include them and risk their commitment - … and they do not have sufficient time to multiply 11

  12. 24.08.2018 Questions for Discussion  What is actually taught in economics classes if the teacher is not able to switch to the economic perspective? 23.08.2018 Further Education in Economics for Teachers of other Subjects? 23 Questions for Discussion  What is actually taught in economics classes if the teacher is not willing to switch to the economic perspective (due to assumption that the school subject implies an affirmation of ‘capitalism’ …)? 23.08.2018 Further Education in Economics for Teachers of other Subjects? 24 12

  13. 24.08.2018 Questions for Discussion  What is the most efficient way to guide teachers from other subjects to the necessary proficiency in (non-uncritical) economics? 23.08.2018 Further Education in Economics for Teachers of other Subjects? 25 13

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