fundamentals of human computer interaction ta4

Fundamentals of Human-Computer Interaction TA4 Thursday, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fundamentals of Human-Computer Interaction TA4 Thursday, September 18th Raphal James & Miguel Renom The illusion of memory Ames Room Ames Room Color illusion Color illusion Seven stages of action

  1. Fundamentals of Human-Computer Interaction TA4 Thursday, September 18th Raphaël James & Miguel Renom

  2. The illusion of memory

  3. Ames’ Room

  4. Ames’ Room

  5. Color illusion

  6. Color illusion

  7. Seven stages of action

  8. Seven stages of action

  9. Seven stages of action

  10. Situated Action

  11. TA4 Assignment Paper 1: The Computer for the 21st Century. Mark Weiser, Scientific American, 1991 Paper 2: Interacting in Chaos. Dan Olsen, ACM Interactions, 1999

  12. TA4 Assignment Instructions: In a paragraph ( maximum one page ), try to summarize the paper contributions using key points from the authors. Always put your full name , the class , and the number of the assignment in your hand-in. Example: Fundamentals of HCI Assignement 2, paper 2 Raphaël James {my response to the assignment}

  13. Submission rules Send to: Subject: A2_LastName_P# ( example : A2_James_P2) File Name: A2_LastName_P# (example : A2_James_P2) Put your name and the paper you chose in the assignment Deadline: Before next Thursday (September 15 th 1PM)

  14. Additional Readings Visualizing Fitts Law: -law/ The promise of gestural interfaces: Don Norman. p_backwards_in_usability_6.html


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