From Waste Treatment to Resource Recovery How w ut utilities ar are mak making the transition and and wh what at it it me mean ans for our ur ne new w wo workforce Manon Fisher Resource Recovery Specialist 11/ 1/14/ 4/20 2018 8 San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Bay aywork Train ining ing B Buf uffet
Agenda • Introductions • Transition to Resource Recovery • Opportunity • What role can we play as resource managers • How does this new way of thinking change our operations? • Capital and programmatic • Career implications and the need for new skills • Questions and discussion
Wastewater Basics Inputs Fats, oils and grease Influent Contaminants of Emerging Concern Stormwater Outputs Effluent Biosolids GHG emissions
Shifting the Balance Sheet Liabi bili lities Assets • Effluent • Recycled water • Methane emissions • Vehicle fuel / renewable gas • Biosolids • Soil amendments / C seq. • Nitrogen • Fertilizers 4
Uniquely Suited to Address Big Issues Water Energy WWR WWRFs Carbon
How Does This Impact Our Operations? • Provide a Reliable, Resilient & Flexible System that SFPUC Capital Upgrades Respond Re nds to to Catas atastrophic Eve Events nts • Recove very R ry Resou ourc rces and Produce High Quality Products • Maintain Rate Ratepayer A Aff ffordabil ilit ity • Integrate Green & Grey Infrastructure to Manag Manage Storm ormwate ter r and Minimiz Minimize Fl Flooding ing • Provide Be Bene nefits fits to Local Com ommunit nitie ies • Modify the System to Adap apt to C t to Climate imate Chang hange
It’s Not Just About Building New Equipment Reactive Compliance Proactive Performed Innovative Sustained Maturity y Level 0 0 Maturity y Level 1 1 Ma Matu turi rity ty Level 2 2 Maturity y Level 3 3 Maturity y Level 4 4 Maturity y Level 5 5 Is partially defined but Is defined and partially supports compliance with deployed, but beyond the Is fully deployed and has Is undefined or person Is fully integrated with long current minimum needs to meet current assigned metrics for the dependent term goals standards or minimum standards or measurement of goals requirements requirements Adopts new technology, Is not documented or methodology, unique but depends on Is practiced in all the Has goals set to adhere Performance goals are workable and useful undocumented Is documented, approved, intended locations, to timelines and the sustained on a long term solutions, that increase references that result in and communicated processes, or sub WWE SBP and SFPUC basis with a positive trend of capacity, efficiency/ inconsistent processes 2020 goals the metrics effectiveness, and reduce implementation costs Is occasionally reactive, Includes proactive Is reactive, poorly Can be automated and if but includes measures, and is aligned Is analyzed and continuously controlled, and without so, is automated and improvement plans that with best industry improved on a regular basis improvement plans documented are partially implemented practices
SFPUC Biosolids Program: Making Soil Amendments Bioso solids ids are e the e nutrie ient-rich ich soil il amen endme ment that we produce in San Francisco from the wastewater treatment process
Class A Biosolids at Oceanside via TPAD Digester 1 Mesophilic 90° F Digester 2,3,4 Digester 1 • TPAD - Temperature Phased Anaerobic Thermophilic Mesophilic Digestion > 131° F 90° F • Oceanside treatment plant transitioning to class A using TPAD • Class A biosolids have been treated to eliminate pathogens • Class B biosolids are treated to greatly reduce pathogens
Class A Biosolids at Southeast via THP • THP - Thermal Hydrolysis Process (steam and high pressure) • Increases biogas production • Smaller footprint • Construction beginning in 2018 • Anticipated operation in 2023
We Make Soil Amendments • Microorganisms feed on wastewater solids, killing pathogens and breaking down pollutants • The process takes ~ 1 month at controlled temperatures • The result is biosolids that are rich in nutrients and organic matter
Benefit of Biosolids Applied to Soils Portion of field without SFPUC biosolids Portion of field amended with SFPUC biosolids
Biosolids vs. Synthetic Fertilizer VS. Synthetic Nitrogen: Biosolids Amendment Takes 3000 ft 3 of natural gas to Stable prices means stable profits produce 1 ton of synthetic fertilizer for farmers Cost $490/ton and prices change Prevents greenhouse gas every year emissions by returning carbon the ground Can acidify soil
Value of Biosolids Biosolids are great for the environment and save money! 1 ton of bios iosolid ids con contain in: Val alue of e of these nu nutrie ient nts: 5% of slow release nitrogen $40/ton for nitrogen (over four • • fertilizer years) Phosphorus, potassium, and +$20/ton for other nutrients • • sulfur Improved soil quality: priceless! • Vitamins for the soil •
Biosolids Return Carbon and Nutrients to Soils • Inorganic fertilizers are elements Slow release of N, P, Increases water • • decoupled from carbon, leading to K, S, Ca, Mg, B, Cu, infiltration rate leaching and pollution Mn, Fe, Mo, Zn, etc. Decreases erosion • • SFPUC Biosolids are 60% carbon Increases water Increases soil • • compounds holding capacity microbial activity Improves soil Increases nutrient • • structure holding capacity
Biosolids Can Be Used To Repair Ecosystems Where Soils Have Been Destroyed
Biosolids Can Prepare Us For More Extreme Droughts • Research has shown that drought in California will become more severe due to climate change (Yoon and Gillies 2015; Swain et al. 2016) • Biosolids • Increase water holding capacity • Reduce the need for irrigation • Stabilize soils against erosion
Plans for Biosolids Recycling Cu Current Solano County Ag Sacramento County Ag Lystegro Landfill ADC Futu ture Green Infrastructure Caltrans Restoration Community Gardens Orchard Crops Mine Reclamation
#1 Priority - Ensuring high quality biosolids products • Col ollection S n System Divis Division n – Pe Permit its and and monit nitors d dis ischar arges into the into the sewe wer r system and and cond nducts ou outreach and and educat ation on how n on how to to pre reve vent nt po pollu llution Jobs In Jobs Include: Water q qual ualit ity t tech chnic nicia ian n • Facil cility i inspect ctor • Field m d monit itorin ing e engine ineer • Util ilit ity s special cialist • Out utreach ach a and e educat ucation c n coordin inator • Regulatory spe specialist •
#1 Priority - Ensuring high quality biosolids products • Eng Engine ineering ring - Pro Provid ides l long ong rang range p planning anning and and dail aily sup upport for for bio iosolid ids pr produ duction Jobs In Jobs Include: Civi vil e l engineer • Environm nment ntal al e engine ineer • Process e engineer • Data ta s scien entists sts • Stud udent d design t n traine inee •
#1 Priority - Ensuring high quality biosolids products • Mainte Maintenanc nance - Pe Perf rforms p pre reve ventat ntativ ive and and eme merg rgency mainte maintenan nance to to ens nsur ure cont ntin inued p pro roduction of n of hig high q h qual ualit ity b bio iosolid ids Jobs In Jobs Include: Materia ials c coordin inat ator • Asse sset ma management spe specialist • Informat atio ion s n systems e engine ineer • Machi hinists • Elect ctric icia ians ns • Plumbe bers • Car arpent nters • Maint intena nance ce p planne anners • Safety s special cialis ists •
#1 Priority - Ensuring high quality biosolids products • Oper perations s - Operat rates the the W Was astewa water tre treat atment nt p plant ant ac accord rding ing to to esta tablis ishe hed op opera rational nal p pro rocedure to to prod roduce hig high q h qual ualit ity b bio iosolid ids Jobs In Jobs Include: Treat atment nt p plant ant s sup uperint intend ndent • Chie ief s stat atio iona nary e engine ineer • Senio nior s stat atio ionar ary e engine ineer • Jour urney s stat atio iona nary e engine ineer • Apprent ntice ce e engine ineers •
#1 Priority - Ensuring high quality biosolids products • Labora boratory ry – Monit Monitors ke key parame arameters of of b bio iosolid ids qual uality ity Jobs In Jobs Include: Chemist • Water q qual ualit ity t tech chnic nicia ian n • Marine ine b biologis ist • So Soil il s scie cientist •
How do we communicate the value of our biosolids? • Our partners help us communicate the benefits of recycling urban organics Jobs In Jobs Include: Out utreach ach c coordin inat ators • Environm nment ntal al s scient ntists • Gardeners • Lands dscap capers • Teache hers • Marketing ing a and nd b branding anding p professio iona nals • SF Environment staff tabling at Cal Academy of Sciences Garden for the Environment hosts workshops on urban agriculture
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