from human brain to social intelligence

From human brain to social intelligence Meta-system transition V. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Global cognitive systems - key for personal, corporate and national development in post-information society The post-information society in 21st century makes every single person on earth interconnected with high-speed Internet channels and

  1. Global cognitive systems - key for personal, corporate and national development in post-information society The post-information society in 21st century makes every single person on earth interconnected with high-speed Internet channels and high-performance computers. This effectively creates "computable social network" with amount of nodes and degree of connectivity comparable to those of human brain, but with much more complex signals transmitted over the links and much more complex processing in the nodes. One one hand, this provides great opportunities to acquire new information from the network and impact on its performance - to each of participants of such "social computer" (or "social brain"). On the other hand, this gives much more opportunities to use the nodes in the network for controlled behavior beneficial for the operators of the networks - driven by these operators. SIBIRCON/SibMedInfo 2015 Anton Kolonin, Aigents Group 1

  2. From human brain to social intelligence «Meta-system transition» V. Turchin (1970) SIBIRCON/SibMedInfo 2015 Anton Kolonin, Aigents Group 2

  3. Exponential growth of computational power Source: (accordingly to R.Kurzweil) SIBIRCON/SibMedInfo 2015 Anton Kolonin, Aigents Group 3

  4. Evolution of system memory capacity SIBIRCON/SibMedInfo 2015 Anton Kolonin, Aigents Group 4

  5. Humans in social computer networks Inner images of outer selves A C C A B Social Graph Social Graph Semantic Network Semantic Network B SIBIRCON/SibMedInfo 2015 Anton Kolonin, Aigents Group 5

  6. Social and semantic computer networks Google Knowledge Graph, Google+, Youtube Facebook Others Others 6 SIBIRCON/SibMedInfo 2015 Anton Kolonin, Aigents Group 6

  7. Global social and semantic networks SIBIRCON/SibMedInfo 2015 Anton Kolonin, Aigents Group 7

  8. SIBIRCON/SibMedInfo 2015 Anton Kolonin, Aigents Group 8

  9. Social network analysis with Wolfram Alpha Years, Months Years, Months SIBIRCON/SibMedInfo 2015 Anton Kolonin, Aigents Group 9

  10. Flu spread monitoring with Google Search Months, Days Months, Days SIBIRCON/SibMedInfo 2015 Anton Kolonin, Aigents Group 10

  11. Headache spread by Twitter/Facebook Days, Hours Days, Hours SIBIRCON/SibMedInfo 2015 Anton Kolonin, Aigents Group 11

  12. Predictive analytics of social dynamics Behavior Behavior Time Time T n T 3 T 1 T 2 SIBIRCON/SibMedInfo 2015 Anton Kolonin, Aigents Group 12

  13. Managing social behavior by external force Healthy life and sports We are all - Religion one family National domination 13 SIBIRCON/SibMedInfo 2015 Anton Kolonin, Aigents Group

  14. Segmentation by borders and language National Boundaries 2 Language/Culture B Language/Culture A National Boundaries 1 Language/Culture C National Boundaries 3 14 SIBIRCON/SibMedInfo 2015 Anton Kolonin, Aigents Group

  15. Segmentation by “Social Networks” National Boundaries 2 Social Network 1 Social Network 2 National Boundaries 1 Social Network 3 National Boundaries 3 15 SIBIRCON/SibMedInfo 2015 Anton Kolonin, Aigents Group

  16. Social cognitive system participants Marketing Advertisement Business Marketing More Profiling Information Social Graph, Semantic Network More Better Management Contribution Business Better Control Government SIBIRCON/SibMedInfo 2015 Anton Kolonin, Aigents Group 16

  17. Global cognitive systems - key for personal, corporate and national development in post-information society That means, for business corporations managing their workforce and customers and for national governments responsible for care of their citizens, it is crucial to understand laws of the emergent cognitive behavior of such complex systems. For every person, it means new reality to understand and adjust their lifestyle to. SIBIRCON/SibMedInfo 2015 Anton Kolonin, Aigents Group 17


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