Forests and the Climate Change: The REDD+ Process in Mozambique Almeida Sitoe Almeida Sitoe Department of Forestry, Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique Presented at the workshop on Cliamte Change and access to markets in Mozambique: policies and organizational architecture, Maputo, August 17, 2011 1
Objective Objective • Provide a brief overview of the REDD+ process Provide a brief overview of the REDD+ process in Mozambique • Inform the proposed national REDD+ strategic • Inform the proposed national REDD+ strategic objectives • Discuss the opportunities and challenges Di h i i d h ll 2
Layout Layout 1 General concepts and definitions 1. General concepts and definitions 2. Forest context 3. Brief REDD+ process overview in 3 i f i i Mozambique 4. The proposed national REDD+ Strategic objectives 5. Opportunities 6 Challenges 6. Challenges 3
0. General concepts and definition 0. General concepts and definition R d R eduction of ti f E missions for E missions for D eforestation and D eforestation and D egradation of forests g + carbon sequestration by trees 4
100% 10% 0% Degraded Forest Forest Non ‐ Forest Forests in “open p access areas” Forest plantations Community forests Degradation Protection forests Deforestation (1) Forest Concessions Deforestation (2) Deforestation (2) Forest Conservation 5
1. Forest context 1 Forest context • Forest cover: 40 million ha (51% of the country ( y surface) • Mainly Miombo forests M i l Mi b f t (dryforests) • Annual deforestation rate: 0.58% (1990 ‐ 2005) ( ) 6
Drivers of deforestation and degradation Drivers of deforestation and degradation 7
2. Brief process overview in Mozambique: key REDD+ events 1 12 D 1-12 December b 7-8 December 3-14 December November 29 – December 10 COP14 in Poznan COP 15 in Copenhagen COP13 in Bali COP 16 in Cancun Regional consultations on REDD in Maputo, Beira and Nampula April, REDD strategy Draft R-PP Norway provides financial prioritized over RPP support for a South-South collaboration on REDD Training on Road-Map for REDD R-PIN prepared and REDD at local preparedness submitted level prepared: RPP, N ti National Strategy l St t 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Draft National REDD+ strategy Consultation at submitted to MICOA by the submitted to MICOA by the Pilot areas Minister of MICOA meet FAS REDD Working Group (MICOA) Ministry of the Meeting at Pequenos Libombos to representative at COP 14. Environment decision to evaluate Mozambique REDD FAS invites MICOA to visit the August initiate REDD process Amazon experience preparedness - National REDD JICA initiates work on MRV working group is constituted National REDD+ strategy discussed MICOA ad MINAG delegations MICOA d MINAG d l ti within the Council of Sustainable ithi th C il f S t i bl visit FAS in the Amazon. FAS Development (CONDES) offers technical support for Mozambique process 15
National Policies National Policies • – Access and availability of energies Land: • – State owned Bi f Biofuels l d – Local communities have free access – No ‐ replacement of forests – Land use rights granted to users – EU sustainability criteria • • Forest and wildlife: Forest and wildlife: Agriculture Agriculture – State owned forests – Green Revolution: Intensification of agriculture – increase productivity – Local communities have free access – Reforestation: expansion of – Co ‐ management schemes industrial forest plantations industrial forest plantations – Forest concessions F i • Mining – Conservation areas – Environmental Impact Assessment – Open access (unclassified) – Rehabilitation of Degraded Land • Environment Environment • Infrastructure – EIA for land based investments – Environmental Impact Assessment – Rehabilitation measures imposed – Rehabilitation of Degraded Land • Energy – Expansion of electricity and other energies 17
Base line Base line 1.4 0.64 0.58 0.21 1972 1990 2002 2012 2025 Tempo (anos) 18
3. National REDD+ Strategic objectives ( (proposed) d) 1. Establishment of a coordination platform for a permanent stab s e t o a coo d at o p at o o a pe a e t dialog across sectors on drivers and solutions for DD and carbon sequestration 2. Reduce the conversion of forests to non ‐ forest in the mid ‐ l long term t 3 Avoid conversion of dense forests into open forests 3. Avoid conversion of dense forests into open forests 4. Promote forest and tree plantation, including agroforestry systems, in non ‐ forest areas and degraded forests 19
REDD+ Implementation structure REDD+ Implementation structure REDD+ National National ESTRATEGIC DECISIONS on REDD+ Development Development Council Partners CONDES Para al é m das tarefas correntes incluir – MICOA BANK REDD+ na agenda t é cnica e pol í tica Secretariat UTREDD+ ‐ Estudos (definição da agenda REDD+ de investigação no ambito do REDD) REDD+ Local Technical MINAG Proposta de policticas, estrategia de Fund partilha de informacao, implementação, Unit MRV Independent Unit ‐ Specific tasks can be delegated to existing institutions such as the I d d t U it S ifi t k b d l t d t i ti i tit ti h th Department of Natural Resource Assessment, Research institutes, Academia, and the Centers for Sustainable Development 25
Proposed benefit sharing Mechanism Proposed benefit sharing Mechanism REDD+ Fund Bank account 20% Management, Research 80% REDD+ activities % and MRV d MRV NGOs REDUCTION OF Communities and EMISSIONS families Others – Private sector FROM DEFORESTATION , FOREST FOREST DEGRADATION Community management of Activities resulting in reduction AND INCREASE IN CARBON Natural Resources of deforestation and STOCKS • Strengthening of Community Strengthening of Community deforestation rates increase in deforestation rates, increase in organizations (COGEP, Interest Groups) forest carbon stock or non ‐ • Non ‐ Carbon emissions income carbon emission income generation activities 26 generation
Coordination and commitment Coordination and commitment • Policies and laws • Policies and laws – Decentralization: Strategic development planning done at local (district) level done at local (district) level – Community consultation on land based projects – Co ‐ management schemes allowed by law Co management schemes allowed by law • Institutions: – Ministry of Environment (MICOA) – Ministry of Agriculture (MINAG) • Actors: National REDD Working Group 27
4 O 4. Opportunities t iti • Existing policy framework is supportive for REDD+ ‐ “just” needs implementation • Experience with Benefit ‐ Sharing (20% revenue distribution mechanism + Voluntary Carbon trade/carbon PES projects) d / b ) • South ‐ South Cooperation with FAS ‐ Brazil • Some financial support (Norway and Japan, potentially FCPF) p y ) 28
Rural communities have opportunities on REDD+ • Reduction of deforestation in community Reduction of deforestation in community forest land • Co management on conservation areas and • Co ‐ management on conservation areas and buffer zones • Partnership with the private sector: Woodlots P hi i h h i W dl • Agroforestry systems • Other land uses (with reduced emissions) 29
5. Challenges Carbon Estimation b Tier 2: Local parameters f for REDD REDD Tier 3: Simulation implementation models (with local parameters and f functions) ti ) REDD implementation Tier 1: Global parameters (IPCC Guidelines) Design of strategy Design of strategy 30
Financial mechanisms and benefit sharing Financial mechanisms and benefit sharing • Challenges Challenges – Carbon rights vs land/forest rights – State owned land and forests State owned land and forests – DUAT can be revoked – Poor implementation of policies/laws p p / – No clear land use plans and territorial zoning – Money reaching the ground – Information on the cost of REDD+ (Opportunity Cost, Transaction Cost, etc.) – Capacity for fund raising for REDD+ 31
Technical capacity Technical capacity • Mainstreaming of REDD+ into the current sector Mainstreaming of REDD+ into the current sector development plans • Definition of baseline, monitoring, and independent , g, p verification • Cross sector integration of information g • Knowledge on Carbon Markets • Negotiation skills on REDD+ projects g p j 32
Thank o ! Thank you ! For more information, see also: Wertz ‐ Kanounnikoff S., Sitoe A., Salomão A. (2011): How is REDD+ unfolding in southern Africa’s dry forest? A Snapshot from Mozambique, Infobrief 37, CIFOR, Bogor. ( 33
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