BIF Guidelines for Uniform Beef Improvement Programs Wiki B. L. Golden, Managing Partner, Theta Solutions, LLC
Development and rollout of the Wiki How it works Content Topics Who’s using it and how How you can contribute
What is a Wiki? Why a Wiki?
In the beginning…
Over 40 authors of original content
BIF Board Decision – Making Guidelines Hierarchy Committee Drafting Committee
How it works Why a Wiki?
Table of Contents with links to over 100 articles
Traits Master Page
Several new features
Who’s using it so far? May 26, 2020 to June 6, 2020
Who’s using it so far? May 26, 2020 to June 6, 2020
Who’s using it so far?
How is it being used?
How is it being used?
How can you contribute?
Contact any member of the Drafting Committee
Controversial BIF Board or extensive new work will Guidelines go through an Committee approval Drafting process Committee
Example new content in development Questions?
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