forest research institute

Forest Research Institute 20.02.2018 FD and NIVA 1 Water Quality - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

FRI Water Laboratory Progress and Future Activities Forest Research Institute 20.02.2018 FD and NIVA 1 Water Quality Laboratory Renovation of existing laboratory Started -25 May 2016 Complete - 30 October 2016 Objectives To handle

  1. FRI Water Laboratory Progress and Future Activities Forest Research Institute 20.02.2018 FD and NIVA 1

  2. Water Quality Laboratory Renovation of existing laboratory  Started -25 May 2016  Complete - 30 October 2016

  3. Objectives To handle and manage the lab equipments and standard analytical instruments. systematically To carried out physical, chemical and biological water quality analysis.

  4. Training on Equipments at the FRI Water Laboratory Training Duration Trainee Total FRI DAR IW ID UMD First training on general laboratory Management From 14.3.16 9 2 2 4 17 to 17.3.16 Second training on measuring pH, Color, Conductivity From 18.9.16 4 2 2 − 8 and Turbidity by using Robot Mantech to 24.9.16 Third training on analyzing Total alkalinity, pH, Color, From 4 2 2 − 8 Conductivity and Turbidity by using Robot Mantech 1.12.16 to 6.12.16 Fourth Training on Measuring Anion(F, Cl, Br, NO3, From 5 2 2 − 9 SO4) and Cations(Na, Mg, K, Ca, NH4) by using Ion 13.3.17 Chromatography Analysis system to 16.3.17 Fifth Training on testing nutrient content of water From 7 2 3 − 12 (Nitrate-Nitrite ၊ Ortho phosphate ၊ Ammonia ၊ Silicate) 26.4.17 by applying Sequential Flow Anaylzer (CFA ) to and Suspended Solid of water with Filtration System 4.5.17 Sixth Training on Total P and Total N by CAF From 5 2 2 − 9 Suspended Solid of water with Filtration System 4.9.17 Maintenance of Man Tech Analysis of Bateria from to water 15.9.17 4

  5. Robot- Mantech Analytical Instrument (pH, Color, Turbidity, Conductivity &Alkalinity)

  6. Robot Mantech Training

  7. Ion Chromatography Analytical Instrument (F, Cl, Br, SO 4 , NO 3 , Na, NH 4 , K, Mg, Ca)

  8. Ion Chromatography Training 8

  9. Sequential Flow Analyzer (Nitrate-Nitrite, Ortho phosphate, Silicate, Ammonia, Total P &N)

  10. Sequential Flow Analyzer Training

  11. Training on measuring Total Suspended Solids (TSS) & Bateria 11

  12. Inverted Microscope (Phytoplankton (Micro algae and Cyanobacteria)

  13. Indawgyi Lake (every months) Inlay Lake and Watershed Areas (every months) Meikhtila Lake (one time after two months) Yezin Dam (every months) Bago River Moeyongyi In (one time after three months)

  14. Parameters which can Analyzed at the Lab Water laboratory determines inorganic constituents in samples of ground water, surface water, rivers and lakes. Sr.N properties Sr. Properties o No 12. Ammonia 1. PH 13. Potassium 2 Color 14. Magnesium 3. Turbidity 15. Calcium 4. Conductivity 16. Nitrate-Nitrite 5. Total alkalinity 17. Ortho phosphate 6. Fluoride 18. Silicate 7. Chloride 19. Total Nitrogen 8. Bromide 20. Total Phosphorus 9. Nitrate 21. Suspended Solid 10. Sulphate 22. Bateria 11. Sodium 23. BOD 14

  15. Analyzed Water Samples from IWRM Project & NGO during 2017 -2018 Sr.No. Water Sample Received Date Number 1. Green Ethics Co.Ltd 1.1.2017 2 2. Sivilculture 12.1.2017 2 3. Zoological Garden 22.1.2017 4 4. Inlay Lake 23.1.2017 6 5. Inlay Lake 21.2.2017 6 6. Inlay Lake (May Tha Zin Phyu M.Sc Candidate) 11.3.2017 27 7. MoeYon Gyi 22.3.2017 11 8. FREDA 11.4.2017 2 9. U San Win (Ph.D Candidate) 19.4.2017 35 10. Inlay Lake (May Tha Zin Phyu M.Sc Candidate) 27.5.2017 29 11. Yezin Dam 29.5.2017 3 12. Inlay Lake (May Tha Zin Phyu M.Sc Candidate) 27.5.2017 29 13. (7) miles Nursery 5.6.2017 1 14. Htein In (Pyaw Nye) 23.6.2017 1 15. Inlay Lake 23.6.2017 6 16. Yezin Dam 29.6.2017 3 17. China Myanmar Plantation 30.6.2017 1 18. Inlay Lake 23.6.2017 6 19. Hlaing Mountain Range Reserved 1.7.2017 3 20. Inlay Lake (May Tha Zin Phyu M.Sc Candidate) 7.7.2017 31 21. Meikhtila Lake 20.7.2017 6 22. Inlay Lake (May Tha Zin Phyu M.Sc Candidate) 4.8.2017 26 15

  16. 23. MoeYon Gyi 14.8.2017 16 24. Yezin Dam 1.9.2017 3 25. Inlay Lake (May Tha Zin Phyu M.Sc Candidate) 5.9.2017 39 26. Inlay Lake 26.9.2017 6 27. Sittaung River 3.10.17 6 28. FREDA 16.10.2017 6 29. Inlay Lake 29.10.2017 6 30. In Taw Gyi 7.11.2017 6 31. MoeYon Gyi 16.11.2017 7 32. SGN 16.11.2017 6 33. Meikhtila Lake 16.11.2017 6 34. Ngalike Dam 18.11.2017 1 35. Inlay Lake 30.11.2017 6 36. Inlay Lake (May Tha Zin Phyu M.Sc Candidate) 3.12.2017 49 37. Oaktun Sugar Factory 22.12.2017 1 38. MoeYon Gyi 24.12.2017 8 39 In Taw Gyi 25.12.2017 6 40. Soli Lab 29.12.2017 8 41. Inlay Lake 1.1.2018 6 42. Bago River 5.1.2018 13 43. Taung Tudn Gyi 24.1.2018 2 44. Meikhtila Lake 27.1.2018 6 45. Oaktun & Pyinmana Sugar Factories 31.1.2018 6 46. Inlay Lake 1.2.2018 6 47. Lal Way FD 11.2.2018 1 16 Total 464

  17. Assessing Water Chemical Status of Inlay Lake Characteristic data about Inlay Lake Inlay lake Water body Inlay State Shan type natural lake 20,5725 latitude longitude 96,91138 9 Altitude (m) 884 lake area (km 2 ) 116 max. depth (m) 3.9* average depth 1.5 (m) Inflow and silt load through the main inlet rivers. Data summarised by IID (2012). River Watershed Water inflow Silt flow Run-off Silt load 10 6 m 3 /yr area km 2 m 3 /yr/km 2 t/yr/km 2 t/yr Nam Let (Nant Latt) Chaung 1149 505,5 104 000 439 948 91 Negya (Ye Pae) Chaung 250 92,5 19 000 370 000 76 Kalaw (Ka Law) Chaung 742 275,6 56 000 371 430 75 Indein (Nam Bilu) (Upper Belu?) 813 479,6 98 293 589 914 121 Chaung Balu Chaung (outlet river) 3640 332* 17

  18. Sampling points in Inlay lake for - phytoplankton - - phys.-chem. analyses Pytoplankton sampling Figure shows Sampling points in Inlay lake for phytoplankton, chem. analyses 18

  19. Results  Based on the morphological data and water chemistry data, Inlay Lake can be characterized as a mid-altitude, very large and very shallow, calcareous, clear lake Lake Mean Water Altitude Max. Calcium TOC State type Area depth, body depth, m mg Ca/l mg/l km 2 m Shan natural Inlay 884 116 3,9* 2.44* 48,8 4,8 state lake 19

  20. Water chemistry Status Physical chemical data from Inlay Lake 2014-2015, 2017 Period Water 2014- temp. Conductivity Turbidity Oxygen Oxygen Silicate TOC 2015 °C pH µS/cm FNU mg / l % µg/l mg C/l Min 20.30 7.33 286 0.54 1.3 16.0 1920 1.20 Max 28.00 9.43 491 6.64 14.0 185.2 13400 10.70 Mean 24.67 8.23 369 2.34 7.2 95.8 6989 5.08 Tot- Tot- NO3- Period Calcium Colour P/L PO4-P N/L NH4-N N+NO2-N Cl SO4 2014- 2015 mg Ca/l mg Pt/l µg P/l µg P/l µg N/l µg N/l µg N/l mg/l mg/l Min 46.7 16.7 3 1.0 290.0 26.0 3.0 6.4 2.9 Max 50.4 16.7 122 15.0 810.0 75.0 286.0 6.4 3.4 Mean 48.6 16.7 17.1 3.6 478.3 40.2 33.8 6.4 3.2 20

  21. Physical-chemical data from Belui (Belu) river 2014-2015 Period Water pH Conductivity Turbidity LOI TSS Oxygen Oxygen Silicate TOC temp., µS/cm FNU mg/l mg/l mg O 2 / l % µg/l mg °C C/l Min 21.70 8.19 352 39 7.3 96.6 7590 0.6 129 149 Max 25.20 8.36 483 39 7.8 99.9 11400 1.4 129 149 Mean 23.6 8.28 407 39 7.6 98.3 9495 1.0 129 149 NO3- Period Calcium Colour Tot-P/L PO4-P Tot-N/L NH4-N N+NO2-N Cl SO4 2014- 2015 mg Ca/l mg Pt/l µg P/l µg P/l µg N/l µg N/l µg N/l mg/l mg/l Min 51.5 3 3 18 635 19 485 2.0 2.8 Max 51.5 3 122 57 690 30 550 2.0 2.8 Mean 51.5 3 17.1 38 663 25 518 2.0 2.8 21

  22. Physical chemical data from the inlet rivers Tham Daung (Nant Latt) and Nei Gyar (Ye Pae), and the Inlay outlet river (23. November 2015) NO3- River Calcium Colour Tot-P PO4-P Tot-N NH4-N N+NO2-N Cl SO4 mg Ca/l mg Pt/l µg P/l µg P/l µg N/l µg N/l µg N/l mg/l mg/l Tham Daung - - 27 14 620 14 500 - - Nei Gyar - - 42 20 560 60 130 - - Inlay outlet - - 23 8 475 40 20 - - Oxygen Oxygen Silicate River Water pH Conductivity Turbidity LOI TSS TOC temp., mg O 2 / l % mg °C µS/cm FNU mg/l mg/l µg/l C/l Tham - - Daung 24.0 8.19 483 - 54 61 9800 0.98 Nei - - Gyar 22.5 7.57 485 - 39 48 10600 4.7 Inlay - - outlet 24.1 7.61 367 - - - 11700 5 22

  23. Chemical Classification of Inlay lake, tributaries Belui (Belu), Tham Daung (Nant Latt) and Nei Gyar (Ye Pae), and outlet river, using average ammonium concentrations 23

  24. Classification of Inlay Lake, tributaries Belui (Belu), Tham Daung (Nant Latt) and Nei Gyar (Ye Pae), and outlet river using average total nitrogen (TN)-concentrations 24

  25. Classification of Inlay Lake, tributaries Belui (Belu), Tham Daung (Nant Latt) and Nei Gyar (Ye Pae), and outlet river using average total phosphorus (TP)-concentrations 25

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