Focus Group meeting on 6a herring 7 February 2018, Schiphol
Agenda 10:00 Opening of the meeting by the chairman 10:10 Follow-up on action items 10:20 Revised 6a herring recovery plan 11:00 Update on genetics project (Edward Farrell) Coffee Break 11:30 Update on acoustic surveys 12:00 List of agreed action items 12:30 AOB 12:50 End of meeting 13:00 Focus Group 6a herring, 7 February 2018, Schiphol
Follow-up on action items • Decide on a date for the next meeting, probably in the autumn (focus group) ✓ • Find out how genetic sampling could be included under the data collection framework (focus group) • Present rebuilding plan at Working Group II meeting (Martin Pastoors) ✓ • Discuss how to share the scientific monitoring TAC in 2017 among relevant vessels (chairman, Gerard van Balsfoort, Ian Gatt, Patrick Murphy) • Decide on timing and areas of the surveys (chairman, Ian Gatt, Steven Mackinson, Gerard van Balsfoort, Martin Pastoors, Maurice Clarke, Michael O’Malley, Susan Lusseau) ✓ • Follow-up on morphometric analysis (chairman, Susan Lusseau, Maurice Clarke) Focus Group 6a herring, 7 February 2018, Schiphol
Follow-up on action items • Present genetics data at WKSPLIT (Edward Farrell) • Provide cost overview of surveys (chairman, Martin Pastoors, Gerard van Balsfoort, Ian Gatt, Steven Mackinson) • Ensure that the trawl survey will set aside samples (Susan Lusseau) • Send letter to ICES to comply with its guidelines regarding data collection (chairman, Steven Mackinson, secretariat) ✓ • Sort out transfers from North to South and from The Netherlands to Ireland (chairman, Gerard van Balsfoort) • Draft a letter on behalf of the Pelagic AC regarding morphometric sampling (chairman, secretariat, Maurice Clarke) Focus Group 6a herring, 7 February 2018, Schiphol
Follow-up on action items • Develop a genetic sampling protocol (6a herring focus group) • Arrange a genetics workshop with ICES once the sampling protocol is available (6a herring focus group, Ken Whelan) • Ask Member States and Commission to include genetic sampling in Data Collection Framework once a protocol has been developed (Pelagic AC) • Include genetic sampling at WKSPLIT (Martin Pastoors) • Arrange meeting with DG RESEARCH to seek funding for broad pelagic genetics project (Ken Whelan) ➢ 28 February 2018 Focus Group 6a herring, 7 February 2018, Schiphol
Follow-up on action items • Peer-review herring genetics project (Ken Whelan, AST) • Continue genetic, acoustic and morphometric research (NPWG) • Provide update on genetic analysis at February meeting (Edward Farrell) • Provide update in acoustic surveys at February meeting (Steven Mackinson, Martin Pastoors) • Address issue of bycatch in other fisheries through choke mitigation tool (focus group on choke mitigation tool) ✓ Focus Group 6a herring, 7 February 2018, Schiphol
Revised 6a herring recovery plan Focus Group 6a herring, 7 February 2018, Schiphol
Update on genetics project Focus Group 6a herring, 7 February 2018, Schiphol
Update on acoustic surveys Focus Group 6a herring, 7 February 2018, Schiphol
List of agreed action items Focus Group 6a herring, 7 February 2018, Schiphol
AOB Focus Group 6a herring, 7 February 2018, Schiphol
Thank you! Focus Group 6a herring, 7 February 2018, Schiphol
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