fluxes of chemical elements from central siberian plateau

Fluxes of chemical elements from Central Siberian Plateau - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

VN Sukachev Institute of forest SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk Fluxes of chemical elements from Central Siberian Plateau watersheds, underlain by permafrost R A Kolosov, A S Prokushkin, O S Pokrovsky Tomsk, 2016 1 Purpose Our objective was to

  1. VN Sukachev Institute of forest SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk Fluxes of chemical elements from Central Siberian Plateau watersheds, underlain by permafrost R A Kolosov, A S Prokushkin, O S Pokrovsky Tomsk, 2016 1

  2. Purpose • Our objective was to estimate elements’ fluxes (HCO 3- , SO 42- , Cl - , Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ ) from the Nizhnyaya Tunguska river basin (for the period 1970-2011) and from the Tembenchi river basin (for the period 1960-2011). 2

  3. St Studied area 2- Tembenchi river basin 4- Nizhnyaya Tunguska river basin Tembenchi Tura Tura Tura Nizhnyaya Tunguska Picture 2 – Studied watersheds Picture 3 – Permafrost distribution on studied watersheds Picture 1 – Nizhnyaya Tunguska 3 river and Tura location

  4. Anions’ concentration Picture 4 – Anions’ concentration depending on water discharge for Nizhnyaya Tunguska river 4

  5. Cations’ concentration 60,0 50,0 200 40,0 30,0 100 20,0 90 80 70 Ca 2 + Concentration, mg/l Mg 2+ Concentration, mg/l 60 50 10,0 9,0 40 8,0 7,0 30 6,0 5,0 20 4,0 3,0 10 2,0 9 8 7 6 5 1,0 0,9 4 0,8 0,7 3 0,6 0,5 2 0,4 5 50 500 5000 50000 5 50 500 5000 50000 Water discharge, m 3 /s Water discharge, m 3 /s Picture 5 – Anions’ concentration depending on water discharge for Nizhnyaya Tunguska river 5

  6. Calculating daily fluxes • 1) elements’ concentrations were multiplied by water discharges for all available dates; • 2) then, we analyzed fluxes (F) dependence on water discharges (Q) for each anion and cation and we found that this dependence could be described by the function F = a × Q b most significantly ( a and b – coefficients). Confidence levels (p) for a and b were obtained with using STATISTICA 10 and all coefficients for entire period and all anions had necessary reliability (p ≤ 0.05, or p ≥ 95%). 6

  7. Calculating daily fluxes Period Ion Coef. a p-level (a) Coef. b p-level (b) 1960-1969 HCO 3- 20038,23 0,000003 1,171 0,001476 Cl - 5976,057 0,000055 1,063 0,017121 Period Ion Coef. a p-level Coef. b p-level SO 42- 2976,988 0,000000 0,428 0,013514 (a) (b) Ca 2+ 7197,703 0,000005 0,806 0,016817 HCO 3- 1970- 3217,723 0,001020 0,423 0,001740 Mg 2+ 1714,972 0,000018 0,713 0,043399 1970-1979 HCO 3- 14068,43 0,000000 0,539 0,000028 1979 Cl - 1802,189 0,000082 0,501 0,000011 Cl - 6310,600 0,000000 0,218 0,000794 SO 42- 4941,416 0,038101 1,172 0,000249 SO 42- 3683,467 0,000000 0,414 0,000366 Ca 2+ 1353,593 0,001805 0,473 0,001880 Ca 2+ 5302,807 0,000000 0,580 0,000005 Mg 2+ 577,1896 0,000034 0,6731 0,000000 Mg 2+ 1210,830 0,000000 0,438 0,000095 1980-1989 HCO 3- 24360,5 0,000000 0,568 0,000000 HCO 3- 1980- 4947,875 0,000000 0,554 0,000000 Cl - 15447,6 0,000000 0,323 0,029846 1989 Cl - 2466,435 0,019524 0,642 0,003189 SO 42- 8052,0 0,000000 0,472 0,000164 SO 42- 2907,815 0,000003 0,751 0,000000 Ca 2+ 9645,6 0,000000 0,508 0,000001 Ca 2+ 1884,785 0,000000 0,561 0,000000 Mg 2+ 2204,6 0,000000 0,648 0,000000 Mg 2+ 499,7260 0,000000 0,6654 0,000000 1990-1999 HCO 3- 26185,72 0,000000 0,561 0,000000 HCO 3- Cl - 17955,52 0,000000 0,378 0,000152 1990- 4542,223 0,000275 0,595 0,000215 SO 42- 9237,222 0,000000 0,644 0,000182 1993 Cl - 1899,489 0,002498 0,667 0,001403 Ca 2+ 10318,62 0,000000 0,544 0,000000 SO 42- 11229,86 0,001192 1,50 0,000004 Mg 2+ 2582,497 0,000000 0,572 0,000000 Ca 2+ 1600,872 0,001867 0,478 0,003851 2000-2009 HCO 3- 35356,4 0,000000 0,558 0,000000 Mg 2+ 1067,322 0,001557 1,114 0,000037 Cl - 25688,5 0,000001 0,431 0,010474 HCO 3- SO 42- 11703,7 0,000000 0,582 0,000129 2005- 8878,808 0,000000 0,660 0,000000 Ca 2+ 11325,5 0,000000 0,446 0,000009 2011 Cl - 292,8361 0,000000 0,1464 0,006145 Mg 2+ 3171,8 0,000000 0,530 0,000000 SO 42- 273,3801 0,000000 0,6267 0,000000 2010-2011 HCO 3- 31632,7 0,000000 0,556 0,000035 Ca 2+ 1497,382 0,000036 0,396 0,000025 Cl - 19263,5 0,000112 0,347 0,016350 Mg 2+ 552,4593 0,000000 0,5802 0,000000 SO 42- 6435,0 0,000000 0,509 0,000005 Ca 2+ 10669,7 0,000001 0,508 0,000178 Mg 2+ 4014,2 0,000264 0,642 0,007329 Table 2 – Coefficients a and b and their p- Table 1 – Coefficients a and b and their p- levels for Tembenchi river 7 levels for Nizhnyaya Tunguska river

  8. Anions’ fluxes Picture 6 – Annual anions’ fluxes from Nizhnyaya Tunguska watershed (1955-2011) 8

  9. Anions’ fluxes 14 Roshydromet data (1970-1993) 14 Roshydromet data (1970-1993) 14 Roshydromet data (1970-1993) VN Sukachev Institute of forest data (2006-2011) VN Sukachev Institute of forest data (2006-2011) VN Sukachev Institute of forest data (2006-2011) 12 12 12 - Flux , Mg/year/km 2 2 - Flux , Mg/year/km 2 Cl - Flux , Mg/year/km 2 10 10 10 8 8 8 6 6 6 HCO 3 SO 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 0 0 0 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Year Year Year Picture 7 – Annual anions’ fluxes from Tembenchi watershed (1970-1993, 2006-2011) 9

  10. Cations’ fluxes Picture 8 – Annual cations’ fluxes from Nizhnyaya Tunguska watershed (1955-2011) 10

  11. Cations’ fluxes Roshydromet data (1970-1993) 14 14 Roshydromet data (1970-1993) VN Sukachev Institute of forest data (2006-2011) VN Sukachev Institute of forest data (2006-2011) 12 12 Ca 2 + Flux , Mg/year/km 2 Mg 2+ Flux , Mg/year/km 2 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Year Year Picture 9 – Annual cations’ fluxes from Tembenchi watershed (1970-1993, 2006-2011) 11

  12. Total flux 50 Roshydromet data (19 70 - 1993 ) VN Sukachev Institute of forest data (200 6 -2011) 40 Total flux, Mg/year/km 2 30 20 10 0 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Year Picture 10 – Total fluxes from Nizhnyaya Tunguska and Tembenchi watersheds for entire periods 12

  13. Water discharge for entire period 50000 45000 40000 35000 y = 0,0274x + 964,14 30000 R? = 0,002 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 03.10.1954 11.06.1968 18.02.1982 28.10.1995 06.07.2009 Picture 11 – Water discharge for Nizhnyaya Tunguska from 1955 to 2011 13

  14. Volume-weighted mean Picture 12 – Volume-weighted concentration of anions for Nizhnyaya Tunguska river 14

  15. Volume-weighted mean Picture 13 – Volume-weighted concentration of cations for Nizhnyaya Tunguska river 15

  16. Conclusion • Total fluxes of studied anions and cations from Nizhnyaya Tunguska and Tembenchi watersheds have been increased for entire period. Possibly, it has been caused by permafrost degradation. 16

  17. • This study was financially supported by RSF Grant # 14-24-00113. • I would like to thank Anatoly Prokushkin and Oleg Pokrovsky for their help in this study. 17


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