faster ray y tracing using adaptive grids

Faster Ray y Tracing Using Adaptive Grids Krzysztof S. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Faster Ray y Tracing Using Adaptive Grids Krzysztof S. Klimaszewski Thomas W. Sederberg Preprocess ssing Steps FOR all object surround object with bounding box FOR all bounding boxes merge boxes FOR all remaining bounding boxes apply

  1. Faster Ray y Tracing Using Adaptive Grids Krzysztof S. Klimaszewski Thomas W. Sederberg

  2. Preprocess ssing Steps FOR all object surround object with bounding box FOR all bounding boxes merge boxes FOR all remaining bounding boxes apply Goldsmith and salmon's algorithm FOR all bounding boxes voxelize box FOR each voxel s ub-voxelize this voxel

  3. Grid merging A  A 1  A 2  f

  4. Grid merging A  A 1  A 2  f A  m A r A c A  m Then, apply the Goldsmith Salmon's algorithm

  5. Heterogeneous s grids 3  n N =  2 nx 3 3 N 3 = round   x 1 x 2 N 2 = round   nx 2  N 3 x 1 n N 1 = round   N 2 N 3

  6. Subvoxel grids

  7. Subvoxel grids S r  R l ∨ S l  R r S S t  R b ∨ S b  R t S f  R n ∨ S n  R f s R

  8. That's s all, thank yo you!


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