faster algorithms for computing longest common increasing

Faster Algorithms for Computing Longest Common Increasing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Faster Algorithms for Computing Longest Common Increasing Subsequences Gerth Stlting Brodal Kanela Kaligosi Irit Katriel Martin Kutz BRICS, University of Aarhus Max-Planck Institut fr Informatik Saarbrcken, Germany rhus, Denmark

  1. Faster Algorithms for Computing Longest Common Increasing Subsequences Gerth Stølting Brodal Kanela Kaligosi Irit Katriel Martin Kutz BRICS, University of Aarhus Max-Planck Institut für Informatik Saarbrücken, Germany Århus, Denmark max planck institut Martin Kutz: Faster Algorithms for Longest Common Increasing Subsequences – p. 1 informatik

  2. The Longest-Commmon-Subsequence Problem Given: two sequences A = ( a 1 , . . . , a m ) , B = ( b 1 , . . . , b n ) over some alphabet Σ α γ γ β ǫ α β β α γ δ γ β α γ ǫ β δ δ α β δ max planck institut Martin Kutz: Faster Algorithms for Longest Common Increasing Subsequences – p. 2 informatik

  3. The Longest-Commmon-Subsequence Problem Given: two sequences A = ( a 1 , . . . , a m ) , B = ( b 1 , . . . , b n ) over some alphabet Σ α γ γ β ǫ α β β α γ δ γ β α γ ǫ β δ δ α β δ Task: Find a longest subsequence that occurs in both sequences, a longest common subsequence (LCS) max planck institut Martin Kutz: Faster Algorithms for Longest Common Increasing Subsequences – p. 2 informatik

  4. The Longest-Commmon-Subsequence Problem Given: two sequences A = ( a 1 , . . . , a m ) , B = ( b 1 , . . . , b n ) over some alphabet Σ α γ γ β ǫ α β β α γ δ γ β α γ ǫ β δ δ α β δ Task: Find a longest subsequence that occurs in both sequences, a longest common subsequence (LCS) max planck institut Martin Kutz: Faster Algorithms for Longest Common Increasing Subsequences – p. 2 informatik

  5. The Longest-Commmon-Subsequence Problem Given: two sequences A = ( a 1 , . . . , a m ) , B = ( b 1 , . . . , b n ) over some alphabet Σ α γ γ β ǫ α β β α γ δ γ β α γ ǫ β δ δ α β δ Task: Find a longest subsequence that occurs in both sequences, a longest common subsequence (LCS) max planck institut Martin Kutz: Faster Algorithms for Longest Common Increasing Subsequences – p. 2 informatik

  6. The Longest-Commmon-Subsequence Problem Given: two sequences A = ( a 1 , . . . , a m ) , B = ( b 1 , . . . , b n ) over some alphabet Σ α γ γ β ǫ α β β α γ δ γ β α γ ǫ β δ δ α β δ Task: Find a longest subsequence that occurs in both sequences, a longest common subsequence (LCS) Note: letters may occur repeatedly in the subsequence max planck institut Martin Kutz: Faster Algorithms for Longest Common Increasing Subsequences – p. 2 informatik

  7. The Longest-Increasing-Subsequence Problem Given: a sequence A = ( a 1 , . . . , a m ) over an ordered alphabet Σ = { α < β < γ < δ < ǫ } γ α δ β δ α γ β ǫ δ max planck institut Martin Kutz: Faster Algorithms for Longest Common Increasing Subsequences – p. 3 informatik

  8. The Longest-Increasing-Subsequence Problem Given: a sequence A = ( a 1 , . . . , a m ) over an ordered alphabet Σ = { α < β < γ < δ < ǫ } γ α δ β δ α γ β ǫ δ Task: Find a longest increasing subsequence (LIS) in A max planck institut Martin Kutz: Faster Algorithms for Longest Common Increasing Subsequences – p. 3 informatik

  9. The Longest-Increasing-Subsequence Problem Given: a sequence A = ( a 1 , . . . , a m ) over an ordered alphabet Σ = { α < β < γ < δ < ǫ } γ α δ β δ α γ β ǫ δ Task: Find a longest increasing subsequence (LIS) in A max planck institut Martin Kutz: Faster Algorithms for Longest Common Increasing Subsequences – p. 3 informatik

  10. The Longest-Increasing-Subsequence Problem Given: a sequence A = ( a 1 , . . . , a m ) over an ordered alphabet Σ = { α < β < γ < δ < ǫ } γ α δ β δ α γ β ǫ δ Task: Find a longest increasing subsequence (LIS) in A Important: here, letters may not occur repeatedly (strictly increasing subsequence) max planck institut Martin Kutz: Faster Algorithms for Longest Common Increasing Subsequences – p. 3 informatik

  11. Classical Results LCS can be computed in O ( mn ) time by dynamic programming [Wagner & Fischer, 1974] (and by divide-&-conquer in O ( n ) space [Hirschberg, 1975]) max planck institut Martin Kutz: Faster Algorithms for Longest Common Increasing Subsequences – p. 4 informatik

  12. Classical Results LCS can be computed in O ( mn ) time by dynamic programming [Wagner & Fischer, 1974] (and by divide-&-conquer in O ( n ) space [Hirschberg, 1975]) Θ ( log n ) -time speed-up possible [Masek & Paterson, 1980] max planck institut Martin Kutz: Faster Algorithms for Longest Common Increasing Subsequences – p. 4 informatik

  13. Classical Results LCS can be computed in O ( mn ) time by dynamic programming [Wagner & Fischer, 1974] (and by divide-&-conquer in O ( n ) space [Hirschberg, 1975]) Θ ( log n ) -time speed-up possible [Masek & Paterson, 1980] important parameter: r = # matches (pairs ( i, j ) with a i = b j ) LCS in O ( r log n ) time [Hunt & Szymanski, 1977] (assuming r ≥ m, n ) max planck institut Martin Kutz: Faster Algorithms for Longest Common Increasing Subsequences – p. 4 informatik

  14. Classical Results LCS can be computed in O ( mn ) time by dynamic programming [Wagner & Fischer, 1974] (and by divide-&-conquer in O ( n ) space [Hirschberg, 1975]) Θ ( log n ) -time speed-up possible [Masek & Paterson, 1980] important parameter: r = # matches (pairs ( i, j ) with a i = b j ) LCS in O ( r log n ) time [Hunt & Szymanski, 1977] (assuming r ≥ m, n ) LIS in O ( n log n ) time [Fredman, 1975] (also as corollary of O ( r log n ) -time algorithm above) max planck institut Martin Kutz: Faster Algorithms for Longest Common Increasing Subsequences – p. 4 informatik

  15. Longest Commmon Increasing Subsequences Given: two sequences A = ( a 1 , . . . , a m ) , B = ( b 1 , . . . , b n ) over some ordered alphabet Σ = { α < β < γ < δ < · · · } α γ γ β ǫ α β β α γ δ γ β α γ ǫ β δ δ α β δ max planck institut Martin Kutz: Faster Algorithms for Longest Common Increasing Subsequences – p. 5 informatik

  16. Longest Commmon Increasing Subsequences Given: two sequences A = ( a 1 , . . . , a m ) , B = ( b 1 , . . . , b n ) over some ordered alphabet Σ = { α < β < γ < δ < · · · } α γ γ β ǫ α β β α γ δ γ β α γ ǫ β δ δ α β δ Task: Find a longest increasing subsequence that occurs in both sequences, a longest common increasing subsequence (LCIS) max planck institut Martin Kutz: Faster Algorithms for Longest Common Increasing Subsequences – p. 5 informatik

  17. Longest Commmon Increasing Subsequences Given: two sequences A = ( a 1 , . . . , a m ) , B = ( b 1 , . . . , b n ) over some ordered alphabet Σ = { α < β < γ < δ < · · · } α γ γ β ǫ α β β α γ δ γ β α γ ǫ β δ δ α β δ Task: Find a longest increasing subsequence that occurs in both sequences, a longest common increasing subsequence (LCIS) max planck institut Martin Kutz: Faster Algorithms for Longest Common Increasing Subsequences – p. 5 informatik

  18. Longest Commmon Increasing Subsequences Given: two sequences A = ( a 1 , . . . , a m ) , B = ( b 1 , . . . , b n ) over some ordered alphabet Σ = { α < β < γ < δ < · · · } α γ γ β ǫ α β β α γ δ γ β α γ ǫ β δ δ α β δ Task: Find a longest increasing subsequence that occurs in both sequences, a longest common increasing subsequence (LCIS) Quite recently introduced by Yang, Huang, and Chao (IPL, 2005): They compute LCIS in Θ ( mn ) time and space. max planck institut Martin Kutz: Faster Algorithms for Longest Common Increasing Subsequences – p. 5 informatik

  19. LCIS Results LCIS in Θ ( mn ) time and space [Yang et al., IPL 2005] max planck institut Martin Kutz: Faster Algorithms for Longest Common Increasing Subsequences – p. 6 informatik

  20. LCIS Results LCIS in Θ ( mn ) time and space [Yang et al., IPL 2005] � � parametrized: O min { r log | Σ | , m | Σ | + r } log log m + Sort Σ ( m ) [Chan et al., ISAAC 2005] max planck institut Martin Kutz: Faster Algorithms for Longest Common Increasing Subsequences – p. 6 informatik

  21. LCIS Results LCIS in Θ ( mn ) time and space [Yang et al., IPL 2005] � � parametrized: O min { r log | Σ | , m | Σ | + r } log log m + Sort Σ ( m ) (essentially O ( r · log | Σ | ) ) [Chan et al., ISAAC 2005] max planck institut Martin Kutz: Faster Algorithms for Longest Common Increasing Subsequences – p. 6 informatik

  22. LCIS Results LCIS in Θ ( mn ) time and space [Yang et al., IPL 2005] � � parametrized: O min { r log | Σ | , m | Σ | + r } log log m + Sort Σ ( m ) (essentially O ( r · log | Σ | ) ) [Chan et al., ISAAC 2005] remember: r might be Ω ( mn ) but it could also be much smaller in certain important cases (when A, B are permutations, for example) max planck institut Martin Kutz: Faster Algorithms for Longest Common Increasing Subsequences – p. 6 informatik


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