Fast Mobile IP Handoffs in Cellular Systems Presented by: Karim El Malki ( ( draft-elmalki-mobileip-fast-handoffs-00.txt by K. El Malki, N. Fikouras and S. Cvetkovic) X MIP Handoff performance can cause excessive packet loss and service disruption X Smooth handoffs cannot fully support “inelastic” real-time applications (e.g. IP Telephony) X Fast Handoff method uses the Hierarchical Agents Hierarchies may contain more than one level X Fast Handoffs require an advertisement extension to support hierarchical advertising
MIP Handoff Performance 7e+0 6 A P acket Trace of TCP Traffic during a M IP Handoff w ith LCS support 6.95e+06 TC P Packet S equence Num bers of LC S test 6.9e+06 6.85e+06 M IP ha n doff L C S M IP han doff starte d com plete d 6.8e+06 Service Disruption = 7&3 3HUIRUPDQFH 6.75e+06 1st tim e out 5th tim eou t 0.2 se c 3rd tim eo ut 3.2 se c 6.7e+06 0.8 se c 6.3s RYHU 0,3 ZLWK /&6 6.65e+06 6615260 6.6e+06 �3DWK 078 'LVFRYHU\� 6.55e+06 2nd tim eout 4th tim eou t S low Sta rt 6.5e+06 0.4 se c 1.6 sec P ac ket loss due to P ath M T U D iscov ery 6.45e+06 6.4e+06 6.35e+06 6.3e+06 E C S M IP han doff com plete d 6.25e+06 1 .6 sec . differen ce in TC P h an do ff 6.2e+06 rec ov ery tim e 2 .5 sec . differen ce betw ee n EC S an d LC S M IP h an d offs TC P Packet S equence Num bers of E CS test A P acket Trace of TCP Traffic during a M IP Handoff w ith ECS support 3.35e+06 3.3e+06 3rd tim eo ut 0.8 se c 7&3 3HUIRUPDQFH 3.25e+06 3.2e+06 Service Disruption = 4th tim eou t 1st tim e out RYHU 0,3 ZLWK (&6 1.6 se c 0.2 se c 3.15e+06 2.7s 3.1e+06 �3DWK 078 'LVFRYHU\� 3072756 3.05e+06 3e+0 6 S low start 2nd tim eout 0.4 se c P ac ket loss due to P ath M T U D iscov ery 2.95e+06 2.9e+06 2.85e+06 0 0.7 2.8e+06 0.2 0.6 1.4 2.7 3 6.2 Tim e (in S econds )
Hierarchical Mobility Agents .................................................... . . Mobile ISPs, . GLOBAL INTERNET . .................................................... Aeroplanes etc. / \ / \ +-------------------------+ +-------------------+ | ISP | | ISP | | ----- | | ----- | Top +---------|TPFA1|---------+ +-------|TPFA2|-----+ Level ----- ----- / \ | ----- \ | Local | PFA | \_______ | ----- \______ \ | / \ \ \ | Lowest ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Level | FA1 | | FA2 | | FA3 | | FA4 | | FA5 | ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- | | | | | | ---------- | | | | | | BS BS BS BS | | | | MN ---------------> MN -------------> MN -------------------> MN X Smooth and Fast Handoffs
Fast Mobile IP Handoffs If Received advertisement then If PM comparison indicates discovery of new subnet then Movement has been detected (cached PFA address extension) Find common PFA If there is a common PFA then Send a registration request using the common PFA as COA Set the S bit for a simultaneous binding Use a short registration lifetime (3*advertisement rate) else Send a registration request using the TPFA as COA Set the S bit for a simultaneous binding Use a short registration lifetime (3*advertisement rate) MD methods: Eager to add a binding, Lazy to abandon an existing binding
The Fast Handoffs Advertisement Extension 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Type Type Length TP FA IP Address... T P FA IP Address... Length PFA IP A ddress... ...T P FA IP Address ...T PFA IP Address PFA IP A ddress... ...PFA IP A ddress ...PFA IP A ddress Type To be defined Length 2+(4*N), where N is the sum of a TPFA and the number of PFA addresses advertised TPFA IP Address The TPFA IP Address field contains the Top Proxy Foreign Agent's address. PFA IP Address The PFA IP Address fields contains the Proxy Foreign Agent addresses.
Fast Mobile IP Handoffs in Cellular Systems X Support for “loss-less” “inelastic” real-time traffic (IP Telephony) X Easy migration to CDMA 3rd/4th Generation Cellular Systems (simple coordination of operations between layers 2 & 3) X Hierarchical Networks are easily scaleable (i.e. multi-level) X Mobile Networks (Mobile VPNs) - Aeroplanes etc. X Cellular QoS based on IntServ and DiffServ
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