facilities needs assessment and feasibility study

Facilities Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study Phase 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

City of Tukwila Facilities Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study Phase 2 Facilities Assessment City Council Work Session May 12, 2014 1 City of Tukwila Introduction Facilities Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study PHASE 2 WORKSESSION

  1. City of Tukwila Facilities Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study Phase 2 Facilities Assessment City Council Work Session May 12, 2014 1

  2. City of Tukwila Introduction Facilities Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study PHASE 2 WORKSESSION DRAFT 5-6-2014 Today’s Presentation ►Process Refresher ►Phase 1 Refresher ►Phase 2 Process & Conclusions •Evaluation of Current Facilities •Evaluation Matrix •Staff Engagement •Square Footage Reconciliation ►Phase 3 Preview ►Review Project Workplan/Timeline 2

  3. City of Tukwila Process Facilities Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study PHASE 2 WORKSESSION DRAFT 5-6-2014 PHASE ONE PHASE TWO PHASE THREE PHASE FOUR What are the How suitable What’s the best How do we get facilities needs? are our current plan for there? facilities? Tukwila? � Identify current � Inventory existing � Identify � Phasing and use facilities alternatives (buy, Funding Plan build, lease) � Estimate current � Assess suitability � Assess space needs for use alternatives � Project future � Assess condition � Identify the space needs preferred approach 3

  4. City of Tukwila Phase 1 Facilities Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study PHASE 2 WORKSESSION DRAFT 5-6-2014 PHASE ONE: ASSESSING NEEDS Facilities Estimate Planning Identify current space Target (2040) current use needs (2014) 4

  5. City of Tukwila Phase 1 Facilities Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study PHASE 2 WORKSESSION DRAFT 5-6-2014 5

  6. City of Tukwila Phase 1 Facilities Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study PHASE 2 WORKSESSION DRAFT 5-6-2014 62,919 Public Works Shops 71,698 43,826 Fire Operations 53,159 33,120 Police 40,140 9,030 Community Development 10,320 8,708 Parks & Recreation Administration 9,836 7,300 Parks & Recreation Maintenance 7,478 7,095 Public Works Administration 7,579 6,032 Current Space Emergency Operations Center 6,032 Needs (2013) 5,483 Mayor's Office 5,483 Future Space 5,029 Courts Needs (2040) 5,715 4,515 Fire Admnistration 4,999 4,440 City Council 4,440 3,870 Finance 4,354 2,580 Information Technology 2,903 1,290 Human Resources 1,451 - 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 Square Feet 6

  7. City of Tukwila Phase 2 Facilities Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study PHASE 2 WORKSESSION DRAFT 5-6-2014 Evaluation of Current Facilities � Operating and Maintenance Costs � Property Value � Work Place Efficiency Facility Quality � � Location � Public Image � Customer Service � Quality of Work Life Seismic Deficiencies � � Operational Flexibility � Expansion Potential � ADA Deficiencies � Acoustics 7

  8. City of Tukwila Phase 2 Facilities Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study PHASE 2 WORKSESSION DRAFT 5-6-2014 Facility Evaluation Matrix 8

  9. City of Tukwila Phase 2 Facilities Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study PHASE 2 WORKSESSION DRAFT 5-6-2014 Staff Engagement � Strategy � Drop-in workshops � On-line tools Posted materials � � Staff comments and recommendations � Additional feedback 9

  10. City of Tukwila Phase 2 Facilities Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study PHASE 2 WORKSESSION DRAFT 5-6-2014 Updated Current Space Analysis Existing 2013 2040 Sq. Ft. Needs Needs Essential Government Services 144,044 205,237 235,567 Fire, Police, Finance, Mayor’s Office Council, Courts, City Clerk, DCD, HR, IT, Public Works, City Attorney Community Supporting Facilities 88,248 88,248 88,248 Cultural and Community Centers, Park Restrooms and Shelters, Golf Course Associated Structures, etc. ______________ Total 232,292 293,485 323,815 10

  11. City of Tukwila Phase 3 Facilities Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study PHASE 2 WORKSESSION DRAFT 5-6-2014 What’s the best plan for Tukwila? PHASE 3: ASSESSING ALTERNATIVES Establish evaluation criteria Identify Alternatives Assess Alternatives Preferred STATUS � �� � � � ��� � �� �� � � Development QUO Option ALT ALT ��� ��� ��� ���� � � � � A ALT ��� � � � � ��� ��� ��� B ALT � � � � �� � � � � �� �� �� C Community Outreach 11

  12. City of Tukwila Workplan Facilities Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study PHASE 2 WORKSESSION DRAFT 5-6-2014 Updated Council Meeting Plan 12

  13. City of Tukwila Facilities Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study PHASE 2 WORKSESSION DRAFT 5-6-2014 Questions? Guidance? 13


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