facilities committee

Facilities Committee Superintendent Advisory Committee Tonights - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

North Monterey County USD Facilities Committee Superintendent Advisory Committee Tonights agenda Facilities Project Overview Approval Process 6:15 5:30 7:00 pm pm pm 10 min Conclusio Introductio break n ns 2 THE NAME OF YOUR

  1. North Monterey County USD Facilities Committee Superintendent Advisory Committee

  2. Tonight’s agenda Facilities Project Overview Approval Process 6:15 5:30 7:00 pm pm pm 10 min Conclusio Introductio break n ns 2 THE NAME OF YOUR PRESENTATION

  3. Governance Team Message Facilities Committee • Governance Team wants to: • Continue to improve, update, & modernize our facilities in order to ensure a safe, sufficient, & equitable learning environment • Develop a short- and long-term facilities plan to meet capacity. • Priorities: Resources are maximized in order to provide facilities that 21 st Century Learning.

  4. Committee Purpose & Goals Facilities Committee • Purpose of the Facilities Committee is to serve as an advisory committee to the Superintendent • With the goal of Informing and Updating • 10-Year Facilities Master Plan (FMP), including: • Deferred Maintenance Plan (DMP) • Routine Restricted Maintenance (RRM) • Technology Infrastructure Plan

  5. Previous Committees Facilities Committee • Plans are flexible, a “living” document and success is dependent on realization of project funding. • The last Facilities Committee completed its work in 2013 and resulted in the 5-Year Facilities Master Plan, 2012/13 – 2016/17. The committee advised the Superintendent on project needs at that time and helped prioritize Priority 1 & Priority 2 project lists for the 2013 Measure H Bond. • Addendum to FMP completed 2017

  6. Facilities Committee timeline 2019 2018 Central Intro - Echo Bay/ Funding Overview DO/ Elkhorn Prunedale Valley Sources/ FMO&T Asset Project High Mgmt Drivers Castroville School Middle JAN FEB MA APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC R Review Update list FMP priority projects

  7. Facilities Master Planning 7 THE NAME OF YOUR PRESENTATION

  8. Purpose of FMP Facilities Master Plan • Assess, define and prioritize current & future facility needs • Focus on improvements that address enrollment projections ongoing projections • Develop cost estimates and funding plan • Provide conceptual plans and construction schedules • Report out to the public • Establish a procedure and timeline for updating facility needs

  9. Updating FMP “How to” Update Facilities Master Plan • Facility committee meetings to identify and prioritize facility needs for each site • Review current facility condition • Recommend facility improvements • Bi-annual updates to the Facility Master Plan • FMP update every two years • Comprehensive update to the Facility Master Plan every 5 years

  10. Funding Sources FMP Projects • District Contributions • Deferred Maintenance Program • Routine Restricted Maintenance • State matching funds • Modernization Funding 60/40 Split • New Construction Funding 50/50 Split • Joint-Use Projects (I.e., Hartnell) • General Obligation Bond • Grant opportunities

  11. Glossary of terms 11 THE NAME OF YOUR PRESENTATION

  12. State Agencies Glossary School Construction Management SFPD/CDE DTSC Department of Toxic Substances School Facilities Planning Division Control CA Dept. of Education SAB DSA Division of State Architect State Allocation Board OPSC Office of Public School Construction CA Energy Commission

  13. Laws & Legal Glossary School Construction Management AHERA Good Repair Asbestos Hazard Emergency Implementation of Williams v. State Response Act. Part of Code of lawsuit, SB550, Ch.900. Maintain Federal Regulations, Ch 40, Part 763, clean, safe & functional school per E Subpart E. evaluation forms. DIR – Prevailing Wage CEQA California Environmental Quality Act. Contractors on public works projects Requires environmental review of all must pay workers prevailing wage projects. rates. Field Act Title 5 Earthquake resistant design & Standards for School Facilities construction for all public schools: Construction set in the CA Code of seismic, plan review, inspections, & Regulations (Div I, Ch13, Subchapter special tests. 1.)

  14. Contracting Glossary School Construction Management DBB DB Multiple Prime LLB GMP Design-Bid-Build Design-Build: (Delivery (Delivery Method) Lease-Lease Back. Guaranteed (Delivery Method) Method) 1 contract Separate trade (Delivery Method) Maximum combining construction & contracts with District Price design for portion of project RFQ Specifications Prevailing Wage Subcontractor Performance Bond Request for Written description of Established labor A contractor that Surety company bound Quotation – material, equip., & rates on has a contract with in the event of a default to perform workmanship government prime contractor, in performance of work financed projects not the district contractor

  15. Routine Restricted Maintenance Ongoing maintenance of school buildings. To repair, restore or renovate school property, including: • Regularly scheduled maintenance • Periodic repair of plumbing, heating, air conditioning, electrical, roofing and floor systems

  16. Deferred Maintenance Use when the buildings, systems and equipment require major repair or replacement • Floor covering and paving • Painting • Electrical • Heating and ventilation systems • Roofing • Plumbing • Hazardous abatement

  17. Public Contract Code Competitive Bidding (Applies to projects >$15,000) Must award to lowest responsive and responsible There are two Public Contract Code sections (20161 and 20162) that mandate that California public works projects be competitively bid. The public works competitive bidding laws are intended to eliminate favoritism, fraud and corruption in the awarding of public contracts.

  18. Public Contract Code Responsible Bidder Must be a licensed contractor who has not been barred from government contracts for prior misconduct. In addition, a responsible bidder must have the equipment and skills necessary to perform the work in question or have a subcontractor who has those particular skills. If the bidder is deemed not responsible because it does not meet the above criteria, the public agency need not award the contract to the lowest bidder.

  19. Public Contract Code Responsive Bidder The second requirement is that the bid be responsive . Quite simply, the bid must be an unconditional offer to provide the goods and services that are being bid upon and the bid must comply with all the bid procedures that are set forth in the requirements of the bid documents. For example, a bid which excludes a portion of the work which was to be bid on is deemed non-responsive.

  20. Public Contract Code CUPCCAA • Public agencies (including LEAs) may elect to become subject to the California Uniform Public Construction Accounting Act (CUPCCAA) • CUPCCAA raises the bid threshold from $15,000 to $45,000 and defines an informal bid procedure for projects up to $175,000 • NMCUSD is registered with the state controller to operate by the requirements set forth in CUPCCAA

  21. Public Contract Code CUPCCAA Bidding Includes • Annual advertising for contractors • Maintain bidders list • Projects <$45,000 may be let by negotiated contract or purchase order • Projects $45,000 - $175,000, informal bid • Projects over $175,000, must be formally bid

  22. Break Come back in fifteen minutes


  24. Roles & Responsibilities Custodial Team Maintenance Team • Keep facilities clean on a daily basis • Perform maintenance related repairs • Identify & report any safety issues or (plumbing, minor electrical, painting, facility concerns HVAC repairs, key & lock, roof leaks etc.) • • Perform minor maintenance repairs Preventive maintenance (filter replacement, inspecting and routine (bulb replacement) service of equipment ) Grounds Team • Maintain landscaping district wide (mowing, edging, pruning, irrigation repairs, minor turf repairs)

  25. Roles & Responsibilities (cont’d) Project Management • Grounds & Maintenance • Construction project management • Compliance construction project • Seek & obtain funding Site Principals • Assess Site • Oversee custodians • Enter work orders

  26. School Projects Process Identify & Prioritize Projects 1 Facilities Master Plan Deferred Maintenance Plan Emergency Safety/ Health Plan & Procure Funding 2 Various Sources of Funding

  27. Select Design Team 3 Conceptual Designs Board Approval to Procee Preliminary Designs Project & Construction Select method of delivery Estimates Begin pre-agency approvals 4 (CEQA, EIRs) Design 5 Agency Design Approvals Formalize Plans and Specifications into 6-18 months Construction Documents DSA, CDE, DTSC, OPSC, CGS, Monterey County, 6 Coastal Commission, North Co. Fire, TAMC

  28. Public Bidding 7 Contract for Construction 30-Day Process Advertise, job walk, Services open bids, select lowest Project Inspector (IOR) responsible bidder Special Inspection 8 Testing Labs (LOR) Qualified Storm Water Pollution Prevention Specialist (QSP) Award Contract 9 Board Approval of Construction Contract, Construction & Closeout obtain bonds & Construction, Register insurance for project w/DIR, progress reports, 1 from contractor & formal closeout, notices contract execution 0 of completion and payments


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