f rame work f w or p publ ic e duc cat ion an nd out re


F F ra me work for Public E E duc a tion a a nd Outre a c h Pla n C City o f L ync h hb urg Pre pa re d fo r P r: City o f L C ync h hb urg E E rin B. Ha wkin ns, CF M, Wa a te r Q Qua lity Ma na a g e r Pre pa re d b y

  1. F F ra me work for Public E E duc a tion a a nd Outre a c h Pla n C City o f L ync h hb urg Pre pa re d fo r P r: City o f L C ync h hb urg E E rin B. Ha wkin ns, CF M, Wa a te r Q Qua lity Ma na a g e r Pre pa re d b y P y: Sta nte c Co n S nsulting Se rvic c e s, I nc M Ma y 27, 2014

  2. F RAME WORK F W OR P PUBL IC E DUC CAT ION AN ND OUT RE AC CH PL AN T a ble o of Conte nts I E XE CUT I VE SUMMA RY .............. ................... ................... ................... .................... ................... ....... HI ST ORY Y AND BACK K GROUND . ................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ....... I L E GACY Y ST ORMWA AT E R I SSUE S ................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ...... I I ..... V PUBL I C E E DUCAT I ON N AND OUT REACH F R RA AME WORK .. .................... .................... .................... 1.0 1.1 D DE F INE T HE D DRIVING F ORCE O S, GOA AL S, AND O BJE CT IVE S . .................... ................... ... 1.1 1.1 P ROGRAM D DRI VI NG F ORCE O S ......... .................... .................... .................... .................... ... 1.2 1.1 P ROGRAM G GOAL S ....... ................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ... 1.3 1.2 P ROGRAM O OBJE CT I VE S .................. S .................... .................... .................... .................... ... 2.0 2.3 ID DE NT IF Y AN D ANAL YZE E T HE T ARG E E T AUDIE NC CE ................ .................... ................... ... 2.1 2.3 P UBL I C I NVO OL VE ME NT .. ................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ... 2.2 2.5 P OL L UT ANT S AND ST S OR MWAT E R I S SUE S OF CO ONCE RN .... .................... .................... ... 2.3 2.10 WAT W E R QUA L I T Y I SSUE S . ................... .................... .................... .................... .................... . 2.4 2.11 T A ARGE T AUD DI E NCE S ...... ................... .................... .................... .................... .................... . 3.0 3.18 C CRE AT E T HE M ME SSAGE .. ................... ................... ................... .................... ................... . 3.1 3.20 B RANDI NG A AND DE L I VE E RY ME T HO DS ............... .................... .................... .................... . 4.0 4.23 P ACKAGE T H HE ME SSAG E ................. ................... ................... .................... ................... . 4.1 4.23 SO OCI AL ME DI D A .............. ................... .................... .................... .................... .................... . 4.2 4.24 P ROMOT I ON NAL MAT E RI AL .............. .................... .................... .................... .................... . 4.3 4.25 P RI NT E D MA T E RI AL (F L Y E RS/ BROCH HURE S) ........ .................... .................... .................... . 4.4 4.25 E DUCAT I ONA AL MAT E RI AL A S ............. .................... .................... .................... .................... . 4.5 4.25 CI C T Y WE BSI T E E .................. ................... .................... .................... .................... .................... . 4.6 4.27 L Y YNCHBURG G T V ............. ................... .................... .................... .................... .................... . 4.7 4.27 CI C T Y SOURC E NEWSL E T T T E R .............. .................... .................... .................... .................... . 4.8 4.28 T AK A E T HE PL E E DGE .......... ................... .................... .................... .................... .................... . 4.9 4.28 DO YOUR PA D ART - BE SE PT P I CSMART ! .................... .................... .................... .................... . 5.0 5.29 DIST D RIBUT E T HE H ME SSAG GE ................ ................... ................... .................... ................... . 6.0 6.30 E VAL V UAT E T HE H OUT RE AC CH CAMPAI IGN ............ ................... .................... ................... . L IST OF A APPE NDICE S S .. A.1 APPE ND IX A T RI- F R OL DS ..... ................... ................... ................... .................... ................... A.1 .. A.1 P e t Wa ste tr ri-fo ld .......... ................... .................... .................... .................... .................... A.2 .. A.3 L a a wn c a re t ri-fo ld ......... ................... .................... .................... .................... .................... B.5 APPE ND IX B AC CT IVIT Y F UN N BOOK ...... ................... ................... .................... ................... ... i d b c :\use rs\d b b e isc h\de skto p\c b f f\we b c a st\lync hb ur rg \5-27 fina l d e live ra a b le s\lync hb urg pub b lic e duc a tio n a nd o utre a c h.d o c x

  3. F RAME W WORK F OR P PUBL IC E DUC CAT ION AN ND OUT RE AC CH PL AN C.18 APPE ND IX C PL L E DGE DOC CUME NT S ..... ................... ................... .................... ................... C.1 C.18 P le dg e F o rm m .................. ................... .................... .................... .................... .................... C.2 P le dg e T ha n nk yo u ........ ................... .................... .................... .................... .................... C.19 D.21 APPE ND IX D E V VAL UAT ION SPRE ADSHE E E T ............. ................... .................... ................... .22 APPE ND IX E BE E SE PT IC SM MART ............ ................... ................... .................... ................... . E ii d b c :\use rs\d b b e isc h\de skto p\c b f f\we b c a st\lync hb ur rg \5-27 fina l d e live ra a b le s\lync hb urg pub b lic e duc a tio n a nd o utre a c h.d o c x

  4. F RAME W WORK F OR P PUBL IC E DUC CAT ION AN ND OUT RE AC CH PL AN E xe c ut tive Summ ma ry The City o of Lynchburg is regulated b by the Virgini ia Departmen nt of Environm mental Qualit ty (DEQ) and the Environm mental Protect tion Agency (E EPA) under th he General Pe Perm it for Dis scharges of St torm water fro om Sm all Mu unicipal Separ rate Storm Se ewer System (MS4). The C City’s current t permit becam me effective o on July 1, 20 13 and will ha ave to be rene ewed prior to June 30, 201 18. This perm mit requires th hat the City address el lements of the e Clean Wate r Act (CWA) t through a ser ries of Minimu um Control M Measures (MC CM) and Speci ial Provisions . The six MCM Ms are: 1. P ublic educatio on and outrea ach on stormw water impacts s 2. P ublic involvem ment and par rticipation 3. Il llicit discharg e detection an nd eliminatio on 4. C onstruction s site stormwate er run-off con ntrol 5. P ost-construct tion stormwat ter managem ent 6. P ollution preve ention and go ood housekeep ping for mun nicipal operati ions In Genera al, MCM 1 req quires that the e City:  Identify three I (3) high-prio ority water qu uality issues  Identify the ta I arget audience e that can sign nificantly imp pact these issu ues  D Develop releva ant messages s for these pop pulations The purp pose of this pla an is to docum ment the step ps taken to me eet the public c education an nd outreach requirem ments of the Ci ity’s MS4 per mit, and prov vide a repeata able road map p for updating g this approac ch in the future e. HIST ORY Y AND BACK KGROUND The City o of Lynchburg, , founded in t the piedmont of Virginia in n 1786 by Joh hn Lynch, grew w out of a nee ed for access bet tween New Lo ondon and Ch harlottesville, and was orig ginally the site e of a ferry bo oat port. In th he years follo owing its foun nding, the tow wn of Lynchbu urg grew slow wly, adding a t tobacco wareh house, severa al stores, ho ousing, tavern ns and church es. With stea ady developm ment near the t turn of the ce entury, initial efforts of supplying wa ater to the tow wn began. Ear rly inhabitant ts of Lynchbu urg obtained t their water su upply from sprin ngs or wells. Bored logs w were used to de eliver water to o some house es. By the earl ly 1800’s, Lynchbur rg had grown considerably with the toba acco trade fue eling its econo omy and grow wth. Lynchbu urg’s economic c progress bro ought with it t he need to ex xpand its wate er supply from m springs and d wells to a mo ore i d b c :\use rs\d b b e isc h\de skto p\c b f f\we b c a st\lync hb ur rg \5-27 fina l d e live ra a b le s\lync hb urg pub b lic e duc a tio n a nd o utre a c h.d o c x


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