exponential time approximation of hard problems

Exponential-Time Approximation of Hard Problems Lukasz Kowalik - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Exponential-Time Approximation of Hard Problems Lukasz Kowalik joint work with: Marek Cygan, Marcin Pilipczuk and Mateusz Wykurz University of Warsaw, Poland Dahstuhl Seminar on Moderately Exponential Time Algorithms, 19-24.10.2008 Lukasz

  1. Exponential-Time Approximation of Hard Problems � Lukasz Kowalik joint work with: Marek Cygan, Marcin Pilipczuk and Mateusz Wykurz University of Warsaw, Poland Dahstuhl Seminar on Moderately Exponential Time Algorithms, 19-24.10.2008 Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 1 / 28

  2. Some NP-hard problems are really hard We will focus on the following, natural problems: Set Cover Bandwidth Vertex Coloring Maximum Independent Set Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 2 / 28

  3. Coping with NP-hardness 1 (poly-time) approximation. Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 3 / 28

  4. Coping with NP-hardness 1 (poly-time) approximation. Set Cover : no (1 − ǫ ) log n -approximation, unless NP ⊆ DTIME ( n log log n ). Bandwidth : no O (1)-approximation, unless NP = P Vertex Coloring : no n 1 − ǫ -approximation, unless NP = ZPP Maximum Independent Set : no n 1 − ǫ -approximation, unless NP = ZPP Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 3 / 28

  5. Coping with NP-hardness 1 (poly-time) approximation. 2 Fixed-parameter tractability Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 3 / 28

  6. Coping with NP-hardness 1 (poly-time) approximation. 2 Fixed-parameter tractability Set Cover : W [2]-complete. Bandwidth : W [ t ]-hard, for any t > 0. k -coloring : NP-complete for any k ≥ 3. Maximum Independent Set : W [1]-complete Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 3 / 28

  7. Coping with NP-hardness 1 (poly-time) approximation. 2 Fixed-parameter tractability 3 Moderately exponential-time exact algorithms Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 3 / 28

  8. Coping with NP-hardness 1 (poly-time) approximation. 2 Fixed-parameter tractability 3 Moderately exponential-time exact algorithms Set Cover : O ∗ (2 m ), O ∗ (4 n ), O ∗ (2 0 . 299( n + m ) ). Bandwidth : O ∗ (5 n )-time and O ∗ (2 n )-space; O ∗ (10 n ) poly-space,. k -coloring : O ∗ (2 n )-time and space. Maximum Independent Set : O (2 0 . 276 n )-time, exp-space; O (2 0 . 288 n )-time, poly-space. Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 3 / 28

  9. Coping with NP-hardness 1 (poly-time) approximation. 2 Fixed-parameter tractability 3 Moderately exponential-time exact algorithms 4 Moderately exponential-time approximation algorithms (our approach) Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 3 / 28

  10. Approach One Approach One: Reducing the Instance Size Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 4 / 28

  11. Unweighted Set Cover Let us recall the Unweighted Set Cover problem: Instance Collection of sets S = { S 1 , . . . , S m } The union � S is called the universe and denoted by U . Problem Find the smallest possible subcollection C ⊆ S so that � C = U . Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 5 / 28

  12. Unweighted Set Cover , reducing the number of sets Approximation algorithm: 1 Join the sets of S into pairs: S ′ i = S 2 i − 1 ∪ S 2 i , for i = 1 , . . . , m / 2 (assume m even), Create new instance S ′ = { S ′ i | i = 1 , . . . , m / 2 } . 2 Solve the problem for instance S ′ by the exact algorithm, in time O (2 m / 2 ). Let C ′ be the solution. 3 Transform C ′ into a cover of S : C = { S 2 i − 1 ∪ S 2 i | S ′ i ∈ C ′ } . Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 6 / 28

  13. Unweighted Set Cover , reducing the number of sets Approximation algorithm: 1 Join the sets of S into pairs: S ′ i = S 2 i − 1 ∪ S 2 i , for i = 1 , . . . , m / 2 (assume m even), Create new instance S ′ = { S ′ i | i = 1 , . . . , m / 2 } . 2 Solve the problem for instance S ′ by the exact algorithm, in time O (2 m / 2 ). Let C ′ be the solution. 3 Transform C ′ into a cover of S : C = { S 2 i − 1 ∪ S 2 i | S ′ i ∈ C ′ } . Proposition This is a 2-approximation Proof. Let OPT be the size of the optimal cover for S . In S ′ there is a cover of size ≤ OPT Hence | C ′ | ≤ OPT and | C | ≤ 2 OPT . Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 6 / 28

  14. Unweighted Set Cover , reducing the number of sets Approximation algorithm: 1 Join the sets of S into pairs: S ′ i = S 2 i − 1 ∪ S 2 i , for i = 1 , . . . , m / 2 (assume m even), Create new instance S ′ = { S ′ i | i = 1 , . . . , m / 2 } . 2 Solve the problem for instance S ′ by the exact algorithm, in time O (2 m / 2 ). Let C ′ be the solution. 3 Transform C ′ into a cover of S : C = { S 2 i − 1 ∪ S 2 i | S ′ i ∈ C ′ } . Question Does it work for the weighted case? Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 6 / 28

  15. Unweighted Set Cover , reducing the number of sets Approximation algorithm: 1 Join the sets of S into pairs: S ′ i = S 2 i − 1 ∪ S 2 i , for i = 1 , . . . , m / 2 (assume m even), Create new instance S ′ = { S ′ i | i = 1 , . . . , m / 2 } . 2 Solve the problem for instance S ′ by the exact algorithm, in time O (2 m / 2 ). Let C ′ be the solution. 3 Transform C ′ into a cover of S : C = { S 2 i − 1 ∪ S 2 i | S ′ i ∈ C ′ } . Question Does it work for the weighted case? Answer Not quite: light sets from OPT may join with heavy sets. Sorting sets ??? Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 6 / 28

  16. Weighted Set Cover , reducing the number of sets S 1 ≤ S 2 ≤ S 3 ≤ S 4 ≤ S 5 ≤ S 6 ≤ S 7 ≤ S 8 ≤ S 9 ≤ S 10 ≤ S 11 ≤ S 12 Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 7 / 28

  17. Weighted Set Cover , reducing the number of sets S 1 ≤ S 2 ≤ S 3 ≤ S 4 ≤ S 5 ≤ S 6 ≤ S 7 ≤ S 8 ≤ S 9 ≤ S 10 ≤ S 11 ≤ S 12 Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 7 / 28

  18. Weighted Set Cover , reducing the number of sets The sets from optimal solution are marked green. S 1 ≤ S 2 ≤ S 3 ≤ S 4 ≤ S 5 ≤ S 6 ≤ S 7 ≤ S 8 ≤ S 9 ≤ S 10 ≤ S 11 ≤ S 12 Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 7 / 28

  19. Weighted Set Cover , reducing the number of sets The sets from optimal solution are marked green. S 1 ≤ S 2 ≤ S 3 ≤ S 4 ≤ S 5 ≤ S 6 ≤ S 7 ≤ S 8 ≤ S 9 ≤ S 10 ≤ S 11 ≤ S 12 Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 7 / 28

  20. Weighted Set Cover , reducing the number of sets The sets from optimal solution are marked green. S 1 ≤ S 2 ≤ S 3 ≤ S 4 ≤ S 5 ≤ S 6 ≤ S 7 ≤ S 8 ≤ S 9 ≤ S 10 ≤ S 11 ≤ S 12 Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 7 / 28

  21. Weighted Set Cover , reducing the number of sets The sets from optimal solution are marked green. S 1 ≤ S 2 ≤ S 3 ≤ S 4 ≤ S 5 ≤ S 6 ≤ S 7 ≤ S 8 ≤ S 9 ≤ S 10 ≤ S 11 ≤ S 12 Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 7 / 28

  22. Weighted Set Cover , reducing the number of sets The sets from optimal solution are marked green. S 1 ≤ S 2 ≤ S 3 ≤ S 4 ≤ S 5 ≤ S 6 ≤ S 7 ≤ S 8 ≤ S 9 ≤ S 10 ≤ S 11 ≤ S 12 Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 7 / 28

  23. Weighted Set Cover , reducing the number of sets The sets from optimal solution are marked green. ? S 1 ≤ S 2 ≤ S 3 ≤ S 4 ≤ S 5 ≤ S 6 ≤ S 7 ≤ S 8 ≤ S 9 ≤ S 10 ≤ S 11 ≤ S 12 Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 7 / 28

  24. Weighted Set Cover , reducing the number of sets ? S 1 ≤ S 2 ≤ S 3 ≤ S 4 ≤ S 5 ≤ S 6 ≤ S 7 ≤ S 8 ≤ S 9 ≤ S 10 ≤ S 11 ≤ S 12 ? S 1 ≤ S 2 ≤ S 3 ≤ S 4 ≤ S 5 ≤ S 6 ≤ S 7 ≤ S 8 ≤ S 9 ≤ S 10 ≤ S 11 ≤ S 12 ? S 1 ≤ S 2 ≤ S 3 ≤ S 4 ≤ S 5 ≤ S 6 ≤ S 7 ≤ S 8 ≤ S 9 ≤ S 10 ≤ S 11 ≤ S 12 ? S 1 ≤ S 2 ≤ S 3 ≤ S 4 ≤ S 5 ≤ S 6 ≤ S 7 ≤ S 8 ≤ S 9 ≤ S 10 ≤ S 11 ≤ S 12 S 1 ≤ S 2 ≤ S 3 ≤ S 4 ≤ S 5 ≤ S 6 ≤ S 7 ≤ S 8 ≤ S 9 ≤ S 10 ≤ S 11 ≤ S 12 ? S 1 ≤ S 2 ≤ S 3 ≤ S 4 ≤ S 5 ≤ S 6 ≤ S 7 ≤ S 8 ≤ S 9 ≤ S 10 ≤ S 11 ≤ S 12 Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 8 / 28

  25. Weighted Set Cover , summary Assume we have an exact T ( n )-time algorithm for Set Cover . For any r ∈ N we have r -approximation in m · T ( n / r ) time (We have just seen it for r = 2), For any r ∈ Q we have (ln r + 1)-approximation in m · T ( n / r ) time (We have seen it yesterday for unweighted version, for weighted version again it requires additional trick), Lukasz Kowalik (University of Warsaw) � Exponential-Time Approximation Dagstuhl 2008 9 / 28

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