Experience with gas calibration within the last 30 years BY JESPER BUSK, FORCE TECHNOLOGY
About me EMPLOYED HEAD OF PROJECT EURAMET EuReGa DEPARTMENT MANAGER at FORCE Technology Oil & Gas flow for the construction of the responsible for flow in Acitivity on behalf of since 1983. since 1989. high-pressure facilities Denmark FORCE Technology and primary facilities.
Agenda • Metrology in FORCE Technology • 30 years of gas flow history • High-pressure calibration facilities at FORCE Technology • Uncertainty level • Traceability from primary piston prover standard • EuReGa • Closed/open loop calibration technology
Metrology in FORCE Technology CALIBRATION • Flow, temperature, pressure, torque, volume, weight, balance, force • VERIFICATION & INSPECTION • Water, heat, oil and gas meters • TYPE TESTING & APPROVAL • Water, heat, oil and gas meters • SERVICE & REPAIRS • CONSTRUCTION OG MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS • EDUCATION & CONSULTANCY SERVICES
Gas flow history 2020 1985 1992 1996 2003 2006 2013 2014 atm. facilities with air High-pressure facilities 8 bar facilities with air 32000m3/h@65 bar 10000m3/h @50bar Microflow, from 1 ml/min Higher pressure? Higher flow? High-pressure facilities 6500m3/h@50bar Primary facilities 400m3/h@100 bar and EuReGa member
CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES As found – Adjustment - As left - Certificates with digital signature Verification - sealing Before adjustment, After Hard copy certificates adjustment. Parameter list within the certificate Cleaning the meter Lot of individual needs about Communication with service information in the certificate. (spin- advisors down test, Hz, Meter-factor pr. point, Logging/adjustment in customer set-up, imperial units etc.) manufactures USM
Calibration range What will happen next? 2017 100:1 2010 50:1 1985 20:1
Uncertainty 0,25 – 1985 0,30% 2005 0,20-0,25% 2015 2020 0,10% 0,15 – 0,20% What is needed?
Certificate documentation Requirements from end-user 2008 to Requirements from manufacturer 2017 Requirement from accreditation body 1985
Adjustment 1985 2017 Just gear-wheels of turbine meters K-factor Lineazation Constant Point to point Multipoint Piece-wise linear Polynomia Gear Wheels
Customer present • End-user present • Inspector present • Manufacture present • Legal authority • Project team • Middle-men 2017 Above 700/year below 20/year 1985 forcetechnology.com
Prices are decreasing 1985 2017 stop
CHALLENGES IN A HIGH-PRESSURE LABORATORY Missing meter to a booked slot Any customers present? (who will participate) Internal audits The time is running Mounting/Dismounting Flange rating and pipe schedule Leaking connections Temperature tappings in customer spools Dust in spools
12” High-pressure facilities
12” High-pressure facilities Our own development – length compensator
24” High-pressure facilities
Technical data 12“ 24” Calibration pressure: 0 - 50 bar Calibration pressure: 0 - 65 bar Flow: 5 – 10 000 Flow: 8 – 32 000 (41000 m 3 /h at low pressure) Meter sizes: 2” - 18” Meter sizes: 4”- 42” (52”)
Closed loop for calibration with natural gas - the principles behind the 24” closed loop
The blower system Circulates the Uses a lot of power Keeps the flow gas in the loop stable Compensates Makes a lot of for the pressure noize drop in the loop
• Access to 40 bar gas grid Gas Gas • 200 bar gas storage that is filled from a compressor in out • Gas grid is connected directly to the loop • Gas storage used for pressure above 36 bar • Gas is evacuated from the loop through and into a 4 bar distribution line
Cooling system/heating system • Gas is cooled with water through a heat exchanger • The cooling system helps to keep the gas temperature constant A water reservoir is used to store cooling water • Water is cooled at night and used during calibrations A second water reservoir is used to store hot water • The hot water is used for heating when needed
Traceability and uncertainty: Example from SI unit to customer meter SI Unit Hydraulic driven twin High Pressure Piston Prover Transfer standards calibrated against the Piston 400 m³/h, Prover CMC: 0,07% Boot strapping system CMC: 0,08 – 0,12% CMC: 0,14 – 0,21% Customer meter 5 - 32000 m³/h 0-65 bar
Uncertainty Budget: Calibration of customer meter by using 6 Inch Working Standard Model Equation: E DUT = ((imp DUTend - imp DUTstart )/I DUT / (((imp WS5end - imp WS5start )/I WS5 *(P o +dP DUTWS )/P o *T DUT /T WS5 *Z DUT /Z WS5 /(1+0.01*(E WS5 +C WS5 +drift WS5 ))))-1)*100 Result: Quantity Value Standard Degrees of Sensitivity Uncertainty Index Uncertainty Freedom Coefficient Contribution 2.9·10 -3 % imp DUTend 10000.000 imp 0.289 imp ∞ 0.010 0.2 % -2.9·10 -3 % imp DUTstart 0.0 imp. 0.289 imp. ∞ -0.010 0.2 % I DUT 5300.9 imp/m3 -2.9·10 -3 % imp WS5end 10000.000 imp 0.289 imp ∞ -0.010 0.2 % 2.9·10 -3 % imp WS5start 0.0 imp 0.289 imp ∞ 0.010 0.2 % I WS5 5300.9 imp/m3 2.7·10 -3 % P o 4.0132 bar 0.0144 bar ∞ 0.18 0.1 % 577·10 -6 bar dP DUTWS 0.030000 bar ∞ -25 -0.014 % 3.8 % -9.8·10 -3 % T DUT 293.1500 K 0.0289 K ∞ -0.34 1.8 % 9.8·10 -3 % T WS5 293.1500 K 0.0289 K ∞ 0.34 1.8 % Z DUT 0.99 - 618·10 -9 - 62·10 -6 % Z WS5 0.990000000 - ∞ 100 0.0 % E WS5 0.7453 % 0.0450 % 250 0.99 0.045 % 37.2 % C WS5 0.0 % 0.0289 % ∞ 0.99 0.029 % 15.3 % drift WS5 0.0 % 0.0462 % ∞ 0.99 0.046 % 39.2 % -2.2·10 -3 % E DUT 0.0732 % 1800 Quantity: E DUT Value: 0.0 % Expanded Uncertainty: ± 0.15 % Coverage Factor: 2.00 Coverage: manual
Primary system: Twin high-pressure piston prover
Hydraulic driven twin high-pressure piston prover Max pressure: 100 bar. Flow range: 1 – 400 m³/h Forward and reverse movement during calibration
EuReGa Traceability on the basis of mass. Traceability on the basis of length. Traceability on the basis of length Traceability on the basis of length and mass
EuReGa Harmonized references • 8 turbine meters are used as Harmonized references • 2 X 4”, 2 X 6”, 2 X 10”, 2 X16” • Flow rates 25 – 6 500 m 3 /h • Pressures 8-50 bar A • Each reference contains an upstream flow conditioner, and upstream and downstream spools • Upstream flow conditioner, upstream spool, meter and downstream spool are sent assembled between calibration facilities.
The future of EuReGa Harmonized references • Looking for possibilities to add the harmonization with 2 24” meters, and 30000 m3/h at 60 bar • 1 turbine meter • 1 USM meter It is time to test a USM meter as a Harmonized reference.
Open loop technology ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Energy and cooling demand not as Maximum pressure dependent of high as for closed loop the pressure in grid where gas is taken from Max flow rate is dependent of the capacity of the grid Flow rate stability depends on stability of grid pressure Gas composition may change during calibration
Closed loop technology ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Can reach any pressure and flow High energy and cooling demand rate within the capacity of the loop Limit in pressure drop across the Calibration with same gas for the meter to be calibrated duration of the calibration
Safety – very important We do what we can to keep your safe More than 25% of the investments used on safety systems
Thank you for your attention! Jesper Busk Head of Oil & Gas Flow jrb@force.dk Tel. +45 22 69 76 20
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