expectations and

Expectations and Duties Presented by your friendly resident - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Club Officer Training: Expectations and Duties Presented by your friendly resident Student Life and Leadership Team Lead by Example! Officer duties are determined by club presidents Officers should know and follow club procedures

  1. Club Officer Training: Expectations and Duties Presented by your friendly resident Student Life and Leadership Team

  2. Lead by Example! Officer duties are determined by club presidents Officers should know and follow club procedures (deadlines, events, etc.) A club is a commitment – once elected as an officer, serve your full term

  3. Communication Is Key! Meet with your club advisor regularly (for their guidance and your updates) Be sure to keep club members up to date with information from SGA & Student Life

  4. What Advisors Do Catering Requests Room Reservations Maintenance Requests Attend events after 5pm Check on funds, events, club activities Travel Requests (Overnight Stays, Transportation, Registration Fees)

  5. I'm a Club Member: What Can I Do? SGA Meeting Attendance! At least 1 club member must attend each meeting Attend at least 4 of the 6 meetings that will take place during 2018-2019 school year If attendance is not possible, e-mail: SGA@mccc.edu ASAP

  6. Cont. Book/Host Bake Sales (No Event Form Needed) Submit Club Paperwork Use Club Offices (if officer signs) Host Information Tables (Event Form Needed) Complete and Submit Club Event Flyers (Submit to SC111) We Can't Do Color Copies We Can't Reimburse you for use of outside Copying Services Host Tables at Club Day & Spring Day

  7. Cont. (Again) Money Matters If you purchase materials for an event: Spending limit is $100 MAX for students Get advisor approval for purchases Receipt MUST be itemized, legible, clean, etc. Purchase MUST be made with cash or your credit card Receipts need to be submitted to SC111 within 30 days (As per Accounting Dept's policy) New vendor? Come to SC111 for a W-9 Form We cannot reimburse tax – Please get ST-4 Forms in SC111

  8. Community Service Responsibilities Clubs must complete at least 2 community service events throughout the school year to retain charter/receive funds. Submit an Event Form for community service activities. (It will provide a record for your annual report!) Clubs can participate in other clubs' events for service credit. (Penny Wars, Blood Drives, Food Drives, etc.)

  9. Club Forms & Deadlines Due First Monday in October : Club Officer Form, Advisor Agreement & an Updated Constitution (every 2 years) *Any change in club officers must be submitted to SC111 within 1 week of change* Travel Forms: To be completed by Club Advisor Each student attending MUST fill out a Release and Indemnification Form If a student provides their own transportation, does NOT stay overnight, and there are NO registration fees: no need for Travel Form

  10. Event Authorization Forms Please submit forms at least 3 weeks prior to event. (You need time for proper approval and publicity procedures!) Be sure to get an Advisor's signature on the form. Secure your funds PRIOR to planning the event. (See Student Life/Leadership Director Danielle Garruba in SC111)

  11. Bake Sales & Club Deposits Clubs CANNOT use outside bank accounts – MUST use designated MCCC account for deposits, payments, etc. Bake Sale deposits due immediately following event to SC111 All other club deposits MUST be submitted to SC111

  12. The Annual Club Report MUST BE SUBMITTED IN THE FIRST WEEK OF MAY TO SECURE FUNDS FOR THE FOLLOWING YEAR Keep a running record of your events throughout the year - it will make things easier for everyone!

  13. Event Planning Exercise: Women's History Month What Would You Do? This is your chance to plan a stellar event!

  14. How to Plan a Great Event! Brainstorm w/fellow club members and your advisor Choose events that have potential and interest! Select a date and time Secure funds (see Director of Student Life/Leadership Danielle Garruba in SC111) Complete event forms/get advisor signature & submit event forms to SC111 Beforehand: Advisor must secure a room Forms MUST be submitted to SC111 at least 3 weeks prior to event ( *Additional forms required for travel* )

  15. Once Your Event is Approved... An approval e-mail will be sent to your advisor Advisor handles any Catering, Media, Facilities requests Event flyers MUST be brought to SC111 for approval (We can also print up to 30 copies) Purchase materials w/advisor approval Secure/Pay vendors Prepare any necessary agendas/remarks Remind club members and officers about the event via e-mail, etc. about one week prior

  16. Day of the Event (Exciting!) Communicate! Remind your club members and officers about your event! Be early for setup and organization. Attend the event (enjoy AND work your event). Clean-up afterwards! Clear out garbage, return tables, chairs, to original layout, etc.

  17. After the Event Bring receipts to SC111 for reimbursement Debrief with your club members: What went right? What went wrong? Why? Should you have the event again?

  18. To See an Online Copy of the Advisor Manual: MCCC.org > Students Menu > Current Students Menu> CLICK Student Life/Clubs > CLICK " Club Advisor Manual " Link http://www.mccc.edu/pdf/club_advisor_manual.pdf

  19. THE END. THANK YOU! Complete the survey. Have a Great Day!


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