22/10/2015& BUILDING RESILIENT LEADERSHIP 2012 - 2015 Expectations of Leadership Act : Meaning and Purpose : Next Steps….. Expectations and Commitments Set Direction Experience : ! develop meaningful performance expectations and role clarity Four Rooms of Change ! regularly review relevance and importance of goals, expectations Engage ! create an environment where each team member and peer can bring their best ! participate in two-way regular, honest and timely feedback and coaching Making Sense of Change ! keep teams informed of changes through regular communication ! recognise and celebrate individual and team successes Execute ! monitor progress and implement plans to move closer to deliver expectations ! hold yourself accountable and build courage to address underperformance Plan : ! foster teamwork and encourage innovative thinking Share and Prioritise ! regularly coach and support opportunities for individual and team growth Sustain Reflect : ! role model behaviours that are consistent with our shared values Organisational Barometer ! collaborate to make informed decisions that reflect our shared values ! tune into and manage emotions to bring the best of you to your role, team and Analyse : organisation Explore Successes and Opportunities 1&
22/10/2015& The Four Rooms FLOW of Change How are we travelling? Action Plans Renewal / Contentment Plant Inspiration Mindsets, Skillsets Harvest Realistic Slippery conscious Courage Trap door slope Make Sense of Leadership choice Denial / Self- Confusion / Unconscious Emotional Agility Censorship Conflict Conscious Strengths-Based Feedback Need for Team Strengths Zero point awareness Leadership DEPRESSION Critical Friend Reflective Practice trust EXPERIENCE: What value happened? tension coach REFLECT: PLAN & ACT: What was it feedback What next? like? advocate accessible ANALYSE: What does it compassion mean? 2&
22/10/2015& Journals Leadership: A Balance…. Operational Strategic ! Planning ! Creating Vision ! Budgeting ! Motivating ! Organising ! Inspiring ! Controlling ! Building Relationships ! Coordinating ! Facilitating Team work ! Resource use ! Listening ! Time management ! Persuading ! Decision Making ! Counselling ! Problem Solving ! Coaching ! Identifying Risk ! Teaching ! Supervising ! Mentoring Integral Model Leadership Styles Internal( External( Laissez-Faire Collaborative Autocratic Leadership*Mindset* Leadership*Skillset* ! ! “ hands-off ” “ coaching ” “ my way or highway ” • A#tude! • Skills! Individual( • Beliefs! • Competencies! • Engagement! • Behaviours! Little or no feedback Manager partners staff Highly directive • Mo4va4on! • Capability! Don’t believe in Willing to listen and open to Uses hierarchy or • Fears! • Knowledge! ‘micro-managing’ being influenced expertise as power ! Culture* Leadership*Toolset* Don’t hold people to Shares investment in Gives no control to ! ! • Norms! • Systems!&!Processes! Collec2ve( account process and outcomes staff • Group!Values! • Technology! • Poli4cs! • Structure! No influence Encourages ownership, Promotes blame, • Shared!Beliefs! • Resources! accountability, responsibility excuses, denial • Accepted!Standards! • Strategy!! ! * 3&
22/10/2015& Conversational Space SILENCE Coaching Culture All members of the organisation, unrestricted by SHARED ME OTHER POOL OF role or reporting relationships, courageously MEANING engage in candid and respectful conversations with one another to enable feedback to be heard about how they can improve their working relationships and collective work performance. VIOLENCE Source : Crucial Conversations by Kerry Patterson et al Feedback & Coaching Resilient Leadership Performance Planning 4 Recognition Planning And Reward Performance Objective Feedback & Feedback & Vision Coaching Coaching 3 Values To align individual and team performance plans Mission 1 Strategy with organisation’s vision, mission, values and Assessing Performance strategy and agree each individual � s expected Making Sense of GROW Leadership 2 Coaching performance results and behaviours. Feedback & Coaching 4 Recognition And Reward Performance Mindful Planning manager responsibilities team member responsibilities Leadership Vision Coaching 3 Mission • Identify and clarify performance expectations and 1 • Actively prepare for and participate in planning Values alignment to the organisation � s drivers of Strategy and review discussions. Assessing Performance success. • Discuss and clarify expectations ( � what success GROW • Ensure results and behaviours detailed in the looks like � ) and alignment with your manager. 2 Coaching performance plan are SMARTER. • Discuss, reality-check, modify and agree • Prepare to gain the team member � s agreement to performance plans. performance plans. Feedback • Take responsibility for your performance, seek • Discuss, reality-check, modify and agree clarification and support, raise any concerns performance plans. and share successes with your manager. • Instill accountability for performance. 4&
22/10/2015& Feedback : STAR / AR GROW: How to Coach GOAL REALITY S ituation or T ask ! State purpose and importance of ! Check assumptions discussion ! Seek views, concerns, issues ! Agree on the specific objective to ! Invite self-assessment achieve by the end of the discussion ! Ask for specific examples ! Clarify what’s at stake A ction A lternative Action ! Share feedback (STAR/AR) WRAP-UP R esult D esired Result OPTIONS ! Commit to action ! Generate possible solutions ! Identify possible obstacles ! Explore all options ! Make steps specific, define timing ! Invite suggestions from individual ! Agree on support needed ! Offer suggestions carefully ! Ensure choices are made Source : Development Dimensions International (DDI) RUUM questions….. Putting on the SCARF….. R ecognise Status • how we perceive our position in relation to others we have a Emotions relationship with e.g. boss, peers, direct reports, friends, family U se Emotions • can include job titles, public and private forms of recognition or What is going on criticism, salary and any other aspects associated with status . for you right What does that U nderstand now ?” Certainty • how sure we feel about events/people/situations that affect us mean for you? ” Emotions How does that • Higher level of uncertainty, more likely a threat state created How does the way feel ?” you feel impact M anage What has caused Autonomy • level of control over the decisions that affect us - more your thoughts on you to feel like Emotions autonomous, the more engaged and confident tend to be this issue? this ? • the more empowered people feel, the more likely they are to feel What can you do What’s the result? like their effort is making a difference to move towards What else are you feeling that way? • quality of our relationships with others Relatedness feeling/why ? • our brains categorise people into either a friend or foe – a different What will enable How do you want you to do that? circuit gets activated when we perceive someone as a friend vs foe to feel? What values do Fairness • sense of justice and right and wrong and how this affects us you hold that will • if dealt with fairly, feel motivated and engaged (rewarded) but if lack enable you to do sense of fairness, can move towards a threat state so more likely to that? Source: Susan David and Caruso/Salovey’s respond in a defensive way Emotionally Intelligent Manager 5&
22/10/2015& Resilience Build Resilience: Emotional Agility S low down, notice, recognise observe reactivity, reflection, cultivate attitude of curious scientist, mindfulness meditation, journaling, coaching, feedback The ability to adapt to stress and T ake note of stories, name patterns, label dialogue adversity, to face difficult experiences build emotional vocabulary, identify as transient data vs facts/ truth.. ‘notice thought/feeling/sensation/urge….’, ‘is this helpful?’ and rise above them with ease. O pen up make room, accept inner dialogue make space, de-literalise, create room, mindfulness, kindness, common humanity eg thank the mind P ursue and Act on your values workability, purpose, strengths, valued choice Self Compassion Role of Strengths Mindfulness Leadership Culture Performance Kindness ! feeling of ownership and authenticity Strengths ! act in accordance with natural tendencies ! intrinsic motivation to use inner capacities Common Humanity 6&
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