MCAS 2.0 2016-2017
PARCC Achievement Levels Level 5 Exceeded Expectations Level 4 Met Expectations Level 3 Approached Expectations Level 2 Partially Met Expectations Level 1 Did Not Yet Meet Expectations
PARCC Results for Spring GRADE 3 - ELA Achievement Levels Schools L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 Did Not Yet Partially Met Approached Met Exceeded Meet Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations Brooks 7% 7% 21% 60% 4% Columbus 13% 22% 22% 40% 3% McGlynn 5% 26% 26% 40% 4% Roberts 9% 12% 30% 45% 4%
PARCC Results for Spring GRADE 4 - ELA Achievement Levels Schools L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 Did Not Yet Partially Met Approached Met Exceeded Meet Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations Brooks 1% 14% 19% 54% 12% Columbus 8% 26% 37% 24% 5% McGlynn 7% 8% 24% 55% 7% Roberts 3% 24% 30% 38% 5%
PARCC Results for Spring GRADE 5 - ELA Achievement Levels Schools L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 Did Not Yet Partially Met Approached Met Exceeded Meet Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations Brooks 1% 4% 20% 65% 10% Columbus 3% 24% 31% 38% 4% McGlynn 5% 11% 31% 50% 4% Roberts 5% 14% 26% 47% 7%
PARCC Results for Spring GRADE 3 - MATH Achievement Levels Schools L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 Did Not Yet Partially Met Approached Met Exceeded Meet Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations Brooks 6% 3% 26% 47% 18% Columbus 5% 30% 35% 23% 7% McGlynn 10% 31% 26% 26% 7% Roberts 7% 18% 29% 40% 6%
PARCC Results for Spring GRADE 4 - MATH Achievement Levels Schools L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 Did Not Yet Partially Met Approached Met Exceeded Meet Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations Brooks 5% 17% 16% 56% 6% Columbus 18% 34% 32% 14% 1% McGlynn 5% 24% 30% 38% 3% Roberts 11% 30% 25% 29% 5%
PARCC Results for Spring GRADE 5 - MATH Achievement Levels Schools L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 Did Not Yet Partially Met Approached Met Exceeded Meet Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations Brooks 10% 15% 26% 39% 11% Columbus 15% 26% 37% 19% 3% McGlynn 6% 23% 38% 31% 1% Roberts 8% 28% 37% 25% 3%
PARCC Results for Spring GRADE 5- SCIENCE Elem emen entary School Lev Level el – Gr Grade 5 The exam is an accumulation of knowledge in Science and Technology/Engineering standards at the elementary school level. It is also the first time students take a Science and Technology/Engineering state assessment. Consistent with the data provided for the Grade 5 MCAS exam overall, Medford students underperformed the state in Advanced/Proficient levels. All subgroups in Medford performed below the state at this grade level.
Number of Students Grades 3 & 4 Performing at Each Achievement Level Out of 80 FOURTH Graders that Out of 63 THIRD Graders that took took the PARCC in 2016 the PARCC in 2016 Levels ELA Tests Math Tests Levels ELA Tests Math Tests 5 4 1 5 2 4 4 18 11 4 24 15 3 28 35 3 14 21 2 20 27 2 13 19 1 7 14 1 10 4
Number of Students in Grade 5 Performing at Each Achievement Level Out of 68** FIFTH Graders that Out of 70 FIFTH Graders that took took the Science MCAS in the PARCC in 2016 2016 Levels ELA Tests Math Tests Levels STE Tests 5 3 2 Advanced 7 4 27 14 Proficient 17 3 21 25 Needs 29 2 17 18 Improvement 1 2 11 Warning 15 ** Two students were medically excused
MCAS 2.0...the Next Generation of Testing ❖ The state of Massachusetts will now administer MCAS 2.0 ❖ It will include both MCAS and PARCC type questioning, as well as a new line of questioning. ❖ This end-of-year assessment will include: ➢ multiple choice questions ➢ short response ➢ narrative essays ➢ text-based essays ❖ Grades 3 and 5 will take paper-based tests, as in the past. ❖ Grade 4 will take the online version of the test.
Testing Sessions – ALL sessions are untimed! ❖ 3 ELA sessions for grades 3-5 ➢ Each session is expected to take about 60-90 minutes ❖ 2 MATH sessions for grades 3-5 ➢ Each session is expected to take about 60 minutes ❖ 2 SCIENCE sessions for grade 5 ➢ Each session is expected to take about 60-75 minutes
MCAS Schedule Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 4 Tuesday, April 4 th Tuesday, April 25 th Monday, April 3rd English Wednesday, April 5th Thursday, April 6th Wednesday, April 26 th Language Tuesday, April 11th Friday, April 7th Thursday, April 27th Arts Thursday, May 11 th Monday, May 1st Friday, May 5th Math Tuesday, May 2nd Tuesday, May 9th Friday, May 12th Thursday, May 18 th Not Applicable Not Applicable Science, Friday, May 19th Engineering & Technology
Accom ommoda odation ons Prov ovide ded d to E o Every S Stude dent ★ Read, repeat, and clarify directions ★ Redirect student’s attention to the test ★ Use of a place marker ★ Scrap paper (line, blank, or grid only) – 1 piece at a time. ★ Highlighters for grades 4 & 5, colored pencils for grade 3 ★ Test administrator can read aloud any word or phrase pointed out by the student for the Math and/or STE tests only.
Accom ommoda odation ons a as l listed d on on s stude dent IEPs and 5 d 504 Plans ❖ Frequent breaks ❖ Small group ❖ Separate setting for testing ❖ Accommodations (cited on IEP or 504 Plan) that student accesses on a daily basis will be administered on the MCAS. ➢ Specific questions will be addressed and answered on an individual basis. ➢ IEPs, please speak with child’s teacher or Mrs. Ann Patten (ETL) ➢ 504 Plans, please speak with Rocco Grover-Silvestri (Assistant Principal)
Grade 3 Sample ELA Questions
Grade 3 ELA Samples of Written Prompts
Grade 4 Sample Online ELA Questions
Grade 4 Sample Online ELA Questions
Grade 4 ELA Samples of Online Written Prompts
Grade 5 Sample ELA Questions
Grade 5 ELA Samples of Written Prompts
MCAS 2. 2.0 0 Direction ons f for or Gr Grades 3 3-5 M Mat ath
Grade 3 Sample Math Questions
Grade 3 Sample Math Written Prompts
Grade 4 Sample Online Math Questions
Grade 5 Sample Math Questions
Grade 5 Samples of Math Prompt Questions
Grade 5 Scienc nce Que uestions ns and nd Prompt pts
So what are we doing to prepare??? ● Dr. Chiesa (Director of Humanities) and the school will have are administered 3 ELA MOCK MCAS 2.0 (practice tests) this year for all grades 3-5. The first two practices were in November and J anuary. The last practice will be in March. ● Practice materials for Math were sent to all teachers from Mrs. J oy (Director of Mathematics) in J anuary. ● Use of J ourneys ELA benchmarks and EnVision benchmarks are aligned with MCAS 2.0 standards and are useful practice tools.
So what are we doing to prepare??? ● Typing and technology skills are beginning in all grades with a special focus in grades 3 and 4 this year. This year grade 4 has been utilizing the computer lab whenever possible to practice keyboarding skills. ● Specific instruction is being given to grade four so all students are able to navigate the online tools successfully during testing. ○ Additionally, test administrators are able to assist students with all tech based questions throughout the testing. ● Computers and laptops are being prepared by the district’s Tech department.
Nex ext-Gen ener eration M MCAS U Update: e: Practice e Tes ests Coming for Nex ext-Gen ener eration M MCAS: Starting on or around February 1, 2017 and continuing on a rolling basis, DESE will release practice tests to help educators and students prepare for this spring's next-generation MCAS in English language arts and math in grades 3-8. The practice tests will represent a full MCAS session and will be available on paper and in a computer-based format and will be posted on the MCAS support page. A guide to the computer-based equation editor tool for math tests is already posted. More information is available in the most recent Student Assessment Update.
What can YOU OU do to help prepare your child? Eats a hearty breakfast the Make sure your child: day of assessments; Reads every night; Has a nutritional snack; Is reminded NOT to leave Is encouraged to simply try any blank; their BEST! Gets a good night sleep before ALL scheduled tests;
Resources ❖ Practice questions can be found on the Department of Education’s website at ❖ Click on MCAS to see the Question of the Day ❖ Click on SEARCH MCAS QUESTONS LINK to find specific grade level questions ❖ More information on accommodation features can be found at the following links: ➢ ➢
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