examinations establish successful learning environments

Examinations Establish successful learning environments for pupils. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Examinations Establish successful learning environments for pupils. Planning for revision, what and when? Establish revision strategies for multisensory learners. Exam hints and tips St Stud udents nts wh who do best st in

  1. Examinations

  2.  Establish successful learning environments for pupils.  Planning for revision, what and when?  Establish revision strategies for multisensory learners.  Exam hints and tips

  3.  St Stud udents nts wh who do best st in E n Exa xams ms:  Prepare Early!  Revise thoroughly  Have parents who support in their revision  Have a good nights sleep  Have eaten a good breakfast  Have good attendance and…..  Pr Prepare re Ea Earl rly!! !!

  4.  Revising isn’t something that should be cha challe llengin nging or di difficult fficult at all. What revising is, unfortunately is time consuming. It t It tak akes a while es a while . That’s why you might like to sta start rt ear early ly

  5. Week Beginning EVENTS TIME AVAILABLE FOR REVISION Monday 19/1/2015 THIS WEEK! Monday 26/1/2015 Monday 2/2/2015 Monday 9/2/2015 Monday 16/2/2015 HALF TERM Monday 23/2/2015 Monday 2/3/2015 Monday 9/3/2015 Monday 16/3/2015 Monday 23/3/2015 Monday 30/3/2015 EASTER BREAK Monday 6/4/2015 EASTER BREAK Monday 13/4/2015 Monday 20/4/2015 Monday 27/4/2015 Monday 4/5/2015 Monday 11/5/2015 Exams begin How much time do you have available to revise before your exams?

  6. Use a calendar or wall chart.  Add the exam dates first .  Add in key events that ca can n  no not and should not be moved e.g. clubs, sports, Birthdays.. Schedule your revision  around these dates.

  7.  Rotate subjects around. Do the difficult subjects first .  Be flexible - revise a set of  keywords for a topic during the car journey to the cinema.  Parents keep a copy of the revis vision ion time metabl table e so that you can help your child stick to it.

  8.  Uncluttered space.  Peaceful.  Well lit (Natural Light). tractions !  Free from Dis Distractions  “ Inc nclu luding ding dis istrac raction tion fr from m othe thers rs – e.g. siblings”

  9.  A five minute break every half hour is better than a thirty minute break every three hours.  The concentration span of a teenager is roughly their age plus two minutes.  Start with no more than two subjects per night.  Build up to three or four but no longer than 1½ to 2 hours.  Regular breaks are important.

  10.  Revision Cards.  Post-it Notes.  Lists of key words and dates for a topic.  Diagrams and spider charts.  Design a test.  Practice past exam papers.

  11. Research shows that pa paren rental tal inv involvemen olvement t is by far the mo most st inf influe luential ntial determinant of suc succes cess in school . Up to 8 times more influential than other factors including social and economic.

  12.  Remain Calm.  Remind them what they are good at.  Encourage them to think positively.  Ensure they have a social life as well as working hard.

  13.  Offer support as a reader/tester.  Get them to explain something to you: If you understand it, your child can be confident they can produce a good answer in the exam.  Offer praise and rewards: as they revise for their exam not when they pass it!

  14.  Just reading things through wi will ll no not t work.  Spending the whole day before the exam revising wi will ll do do li litt ttle le good.  Repeti petiti tion on wo work rks! (cycle of different subjects)  Spending 20 minutes going over the same topic every week or so will commit to long term memory.

  15. Date Event Description tion Evening of interactive activities that are designed to give our students the skills and strategies Tuesday 20 th th January ry that will enable them to maximise their potential in the upcoming GCSE examinations whilst Revision workshop Evening helping parents to work alongside their child and gain a better understanding of how they can English Maths and Science support them through their revision. Thursday day 5 th th February ry This is a fast-paced, highly interactive workshop designed to improve memory skills, increase Friday 27 th th February ry Positively Mad – Exam Busters self-confidence, understand the importance of reflective practices and regular review, and to (prov ovision onal) Workshop prepare for exams. Students are guided through a GCSE paper by subject experts under exam conditions. Schools within the Academy’s teaching alliance partnership who have already used walking talking March ch 23 mocks report significantly high levels of success in GCSE achievement and feedback from to to Walking Talking Mocks students indicate that it helps to boost their confidence so that they entered the real exam with April ril 17 th th less nerves and a better understanding of how to answer the more difficult questions. The focus of these classes will be to support students to secure their target grade including C grades for students who are on the C/D borderline and securing an A/A* grades for more able March ch 28 th th students. Students who are underachieving in a subject will automatically be invited to attend to to Easter Revision Classes but we expect places to be available for other year 11 students wishing to consolidate their April ril 10 th th target grades. A list of subjects and dates for these classes will be published next term. April ril 27 th th External team of experts will work for 4 days with up to 20 of our D grade Pupil Premium High 5 Maths workshop and To To students to raise their achievement to a C. English IGCSE Revision day May 1 st st Check the school Website and VLE

  16. Continuous ef effo fort rt , not strength or intelligence, is the ke key to unlo unlocking cking our po potent tential ial


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