Every ryday Hea ealth and Safety PESSPA Questio ions By Nicky Scott and Jan Hickman
Curriculum swimming and everyday issues
We have noticed that a number of students are being withdrawn from lessons and school activities by their parents, including compulsory parts of the curriculum such as swimming. Governors are concerned about the implications of failing to provide students with the full curriculum. What are the actual rights of parents in this situation?
Transgender queries and solutions for inclusion
At the end of term, we like to raise money for charity by having a staff v students’ sports event. How is this practice viewed?
We are running a large school PESSPA event and want to adopt a correct and manageable approach to photography. What should we consider?
My reception class seem flexible enough. Do they need to stretch in warm-ups and cool-downs?
Should the school make the wearing of mouth guards for hockey compulsory?
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