tribal climate

Tribal Climate Health Project Advisory Group Meeting January 10, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Tribal Climate Health Project Advisory Group Meeting January 10, 2018 Welcome We appreciate your participation Purpose of the call Brief project update Provide high-level overview of Draft Tribal Climate Health Training

  1. Tribal Climate Health Project Advisory Group Meeting January 10, 2018

  2. Welcome • We appreciate your participation • Purpose of the call • Brief project update • Provide high-level overview of Draft Tribal Climate Health Training Curriculum Outline • Obtain early feedback on the outline from Advisory Group members • Discuss next steps including review and feedback process • House keeping • Introductions 2 1/10/2018 Tribal Climate Health Project

  3. Project Update Josh Simmons – Prosper Sustainably

  4. Tribal Climate Health Project Overview Pala Prosper Advisory Group Sustainably Delivery Channels Capacity Building Resources Resource Curriculum / Assessment/ Outreach Website Clearinghouse Training Videos Plan Templates 4 1/10/2018 Tribal Climate Health Project

  5. Overview of Draft TCH Training Curriculum Outline Angie Hacker – Prosper Sustainably

  6. Training Curriculum Outline • This training will be online, split into 5 self-paced modules (and an introductory module) and designed for health, environmental and other professionals that serve tribes • General Structure and Organization: • Module (description, learning objectives) • Section • Lesson (content, activities) • Citations and Resources • Action Step • Learning Assessment (Quiz) • Lesson content will be delivered through a mix of formats (subject to resource availability) including: • Voice guided/animated slides • Interviews • Video Clips • Other • Note: Content is only preliminary and intended to provide preview of the type of information we plan to include once curriculum is further developed Advisory Group Discussion: • Can the structure and organization be made more effective? If so, how? • Are there other ways we can more effectively deliver content? If so, how? 6 1/10/2018 Tribal Climate Health Project

  7. Training Curriculum Outline Learning objectives: 1. Gain a basic understanding of climate change science and projected impacts 2. Be able to clearly communicate the linkages between human health and climate change to tribal leaders and other community members 3. Have working knowledge of the main climate change health impacts and the strategies being used to address them 4. Possess knowledge and skills needed to develop a climate change vulnerability assessment in tribal communities with a specific focus on health 5. Possess knowledge and skills needed to develop a climate change adaptation plan in tribal communities with a specific focus on health 6. Possess knowledge and skills needed to implement a climate change adaptation plan in tribal communities with a specific focus on health Advisory Group Discussion: • Are these learning objectives appealing? • Can learning objectives be improved? If so, how? 7 1/10/2018 Tribal Climate Health Project

  8. Training Curriculum Outline Planned Curriculum Modules Title Module Module 0 Introduction & Overview Climate Health Impact Areas • Temperature • Module 1 Understanding Climate Change and Human Health Air Quality • Extreme Events • Module 2 Climate Change Health Impacts and Strategies Vector-Borne Diseases • Water • Module 3 Assessing Climate Change & Health Vulnerability Food • Mental Health • Module 4 Preparing a Climate Change & Health Adaptation Plan Populations of Concern Module 5 Implementing a Climate Change & Health Adaptation Plan 8 1/10/2018 Tribal Climate Health Project

  9. Training Curriculum Outline Module 0: Introduction and Overview • Section 1: Introduction • Lesson 1: Welcome • Lesson 2: Course Overview • Action Step: • Module 0 Pre-Assessment (Quiz) Advisory Group Discussion: • Please provide feedback on structure and organization (i.e. sections, lessons, etc.). • If you’ve already reviewed draft detailed outline, please share: • Feedback on module description, lesson type (delivery format), content/topics, activities, actions steps, etc. • Recommendations for other relevant information, reference materials, indicators, case studies, etc. 9 1/10/2018 Tribal Climate Health Project

  10. Training Curriculum Outline Module 1: Understanding Climate Change and Human Health • Section 1: What is Climate Change and What Does it Mean for Tribal Communities? • Lesson 1: Climate Change Science • Lesson 2: Climate Change and Tribal Communities • Lesson 3: Traditional Knowledges and Climate Change • Action Step: • Section 2: Climate Change is a Public Health Issue • Lesson 1: Introduction to Climate Change Impacts on Human Health • Lesson 2: Climate Change Health Impacts and Tribal Communities • Lesson 3: The Role of Public Health Professionals in Climate Change • Action Step: • Module 1 Learning Assessment (Quiz) Advisory Group Discussion: • Please provide feedback on structure and organization (i.e. sections, lessons, etc.). • If you’ve already reviewed draft detailed outline, please share: • Feedback on module description, lesson type (delivery format), content/topics, activities, actions steps, etc. • Recommendations for other relevant information, reference materials, indicators, case studies, etc. 10 1/10/2018 Tribal Climate Health Project

  11. Training Curriculum Outline Module 2: Climate Change Health Impacts and Strategies Climate Health Impact Areas • Temperature • Section 1: Temperature • Air Quality • Lesson 1: Overview of Temperature-Related Health Impacts • Extreme Events • Lesson 2: Temperature-Related Health Impacts on Tribal Communities • Vector-Borne Diseases • Lesson 3: Temperature-Related Climate Health Indicators • Water • Lesson 4: Strategies to Address Temperature-Related Health Impacts • Food • Lesson 5: Tribal Case Study • Mental Health • Action Step: • Populations of Concern • Section 2: Air Quality … • Module 2 Learning Assessment (Quiz) Advisory Group Discussion: • Please provide feedback on structure and organization (i.e. sections, lessons, etc.). • If you’ve already reviewed draft detailed outline, please share: • Feedback on module description, lesson type (delivery format), content/topics, activities, actions steps, etc. • Recommendations for other relevant information, reference materials, indicators, case studies, etc. 11 1/10/2018 Tribal Climate Health Project

  12. Training Curriculum Outline Module 3: Assessing Climate Change and Health Vulnerability • Section 1: Addressing Tribal Climate Health Starts with a Vulnerability Assessment • Lesson 1: Overview of Vulnerability Assessments • Lesson 3: Preparing to Conduct a Vulnerability Assessment • Lesson 2: Vulnerability Assessment Approaches • Action Step: • Section 2: Conducting a Tribal Climate Health Vulnerability Assessment • Lesson 1: A Vulnerability Assessment Framework that Focuses on Tribal Climate Health • Lesson 2: Steps in Assessing Tribal Health Vulnerability to Climate Change • Lesson 3: Step 1: Determine Objectives and Scope • Lesson 4: Step 2: Gather Relevant Data and Expertise • Lesson 5: Step 3: Assess Components of Vulnerability • Lesson 6: Step 4: Identify and prioritize most significant vulnerabilities and strengths • Lesson 7: Step 5: Synthesize Results in an Assessment Report • Lesson 8: Collaborative Approaches to Assessing Vulnerability • Lesson 9: Tribal Case Study • Action Step: • Module 3 Learning Assessment (Quiz) Advisory Group Discussion: • Please provide feedback on structure and organization (i.e. sections, lessons, etc.). • If you’ve already reviewed draft detailed outline, please share: • Feedback on module description, lesson type (delivery format), content/topics, activities, actions steps, etc. • Recommendations for other relevant information, reference materials, indicators, case studies, etc. 12 1/10/2018 Tribal Climate Health Project

  13. Training Curriculum Outline Module 4: Preparing a Climate Change and Health Adaptation Plan • Section 1: Adaption Planning is a Critical Step in Addressing Tribal Climate Health • Lesson 1: Overview of Adaptation Planning • Lesson 2: Adaption Planning Approaches • Lesson 3: Preparing to Conduct an Adaptation Plan • Action Step: • Section 1: Conducting a Tribal Climate Health Adaptation Plan • Lesson 1: An Adaption Planning Framework that Focuses on Tribal Health • Lesson 2: Steps in Planning for Tribal Health Adaption to Climate Change • Lesson 3: Step 1: Determine Objectives and Scope • Lesson 4: Step 2: Review Vulnerability Assessment Priorities and Establish Adaptation Goals • Lesson 5: Step 3: Identify and Prioritize Potential Adaptation Strategies to Reduce Vulnerability and Risk • Lesson 6: Step 4: Organize Selected Strategies into an Action Plan • Lesson 7: Step 5: Synthesize Results in an Adaptation Plan • Lesson 8: Tribal Case Study • Action Step: • Module 4 Learning Assessment (Quiz) Advisory Group Discussion: • Please provide feedback on structure and organization (i.e. sections, lessons, etc.). • If you’ve already reviewed draft detailed outline, please share: • Feedback on module description, lesson type (delivery format), content/topics, activities, actions steps, etc. • Recommendations for other relevant information, reference materials, indicators, case studies, etc. 13 1/10/2018 Tribal Climate Health Project


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