event driven programming

Event-Driven Programming Ali Taheri Sharif University of Technology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fu Fundamentals of Pr Programming (Py Python) Event-Driven Programming Ali Taheri Sharif University of Technology Spring 2018 Outline 1. Introduction to Turtle Module 2. Handling Keypress Events 3. Handling Mouse Events 4. Handling

  1. Fu Fundamentals of Pr Programming (Py Python) Event-Driven Programming Ali Taheri Sharif University of Technology Spring 2018

  2. Outline 1. Introduction to Turtle Module 2. Handling Keypress Events 3. Handling Mouse Events 4. Handling Automatic Events 2 Spring 2018 ALI TAHERI - FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING [PYTHON]

  3. Introduction to Turtle Module The turtle module provides a basic method to draw shapes and patterns ◦ You need to install the package using pip. import turtle # Allows us to use turtles window = turtle.Screen() # Creates a playground for turtles marker = turtle.Turtle() # Create a turtle, assign to marker marker.forward(50) # Tell marker to move forward by 50 units marker.left(90) # Tell marker to turn by 90 degrees marker.forward(30) # Complete the second side of a rectangle window.mainloop() # Wait for user to close window 3 Spring 2018 ALI TAHERI - FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING [PYTHON]

  4. Introduction to Turtle Module 4 Spring 2018 ALI TAHERI - FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING [PYTHON]

  5. Introduction to Turtle Module Customizing turtle import turtle window = turtle.Screen() marker = turtle.Turtle() marker.speed(0) # Set the speed of marker colors = [ 'red' , 'purple' , 'blue' , 'green' , 'yellow' , 'orange' ] for x in range(360): marker.color(colors[x % 6]) # Set the color of marker marker.pensize(x / 100 + 1) # Set marker's width marker.forward(x) marker.left(59) window.mainloop() 5 Spring 2018 ALI TAHERI - FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING [PYTHON]

  6. Introduction to Turtle Module 6 Spring 2018 ALI TAHERI - FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING [PYTHON]

  7. Handling Keypress Events Using turtle’s onkey() method ◦ It binds a callback function to a specific key import turtle window = turtle.Screen() # Get a reference to the window window.setup(400, 500) # Determine the window size window.title( "Handling keypresses!" ) # Change the window title window.bgcolor( "lightgreen" ) # Set the background color marker = turtle.Turtle() # Create our favorite turtle # The next four functions are our "event handlers". up_handler = lambda : marker.forward(30) left_handler = lambda : marker.left(45) right_handler = lambda : marker.right(45) q_handler = lambda : window.bye() # Close down the turtle window # These lines "wire up" keypresses to the handlers we've defined. window.onkey(up_handler, "Up" ) window.onkey(left_handler, "Left" ) window.onkey(right_handler, "Right" ) window.onkey(q_handler, "q" ) window.listen() # tell the window to start listening for events window.mainloop() 7 Spring 2018 ALI TAHERI - FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING [PYTHON]

  8. Handling Mouse Events Using turtle’s onclick() method ◦ It binds a callback function to mouse click key event import turtle window = turtle.Screen() window.title( "How to handle mouse clicks on the window!" ) window.bgcolor( "lightgreen" ) marker = turtle.Turtle() marker.color( "purple" ) marker.pensize(3) marker.shape( 'circle' ) def right_click_handler(x, y): marker.penup() marker.goto(x, y) marker.pendown() window.onclick(marker.goto) window.onclick(right_click_handler, 3) window.mainloop() 8 Spring 2018 ALI TAHERI - FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING [PYTHON]

  9. Handling Automatic Events Using turtle’s ontimer() method import turtle from random import random, randint window = turtle.Screen() window.setup(800, 600) marker = turtle.Turtle() def timer_handle(): marker.penup() x, y = randint(-400, 400), randint(-300, 300) marker.goto(x, y) marker.pendown() marker.fillcolor((random(), random(), random())) marker.begin_fill() length = randint(10, 100) for i in range(4): marker.forward(length) marker.right(90) marker.end_fill() window.ontimer(timer_handle, 1000) window.ontimer(timer_handle, 1000) window.mainloop() 9 Spring 2018 ALI TAHERI - FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING [PYTHON]


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