ETTdemo More effective timber transports in Sweden
This is ETTdemo Research project with Skogforsk as project owner. By increasing the load of each truck, the same amount of timber can be transported using less number of trucks. – ETT vehicle (90 tonnes) – ST vehicle (74 tonnes) The aim of the project is to change the current legislation regarding maximum weight of trucks in Sweden, making it possible to use this truck without special permits.
Karta över alla projekt
ETT vehicle
Why ETTdemo? Decreased fuel consumption Improved cost for timber transportation Improved road safety
Aims of the project ETT ST >20 % less fuel >8% fuel consumption consumption Decrease transportation 35% less timber trucks cost with >5% Decrease transportation cost with >20%
Additional research areas How will the road safety be affected? How will the forest roads be affected by the heavier loads? Development of an interface for maps in truck computer.
Ruts for the ETT-vehicle
Ruts and area for the ST vehicle
What will happen next? Two applications, one for the ETT vehicle, and one for the ST vehicle has been sent to the Swedish authorities. These applications need to be approved for the vehicles to start transporting timber. Without the approvment it’s not possible to continue with the project.
Time table Sveaskog’s ST-vehicle will start to to transport timber in the beginning of 2013 The ETT-vehicle will start in the end of 2013 Each project is 5 years long.
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